(Botany) Diversity of Plant Kingdom Bilingual B.Sc First Sem UOR NEP 2020

(Botany) Diversity of Plant Kingdom Bilingual B.Sc First Sem UOR NEP 2020

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Buy Latest (Botany) Diversity of Plant Kingdom पादप जगत की विविधता Book in Bilingual Edition ( Both English and Hindi ) for B.Sc 1st Semester University of Rajasthan, Jaipur NEP-2020 By Thakur publication.

AUTHORS : Dr. Sarika Kaler , Dr. Shrishendu Sheel Trivedi 

ISBN: 9789357554305



Course Code: BOT-UG-CC01


Diversity of Plant Kingdom ¼ikni txr dh fofo/krk½





No. of Lectures


Algae: General characters, Classifications (Fritsch) up to classes, Diverse habitat, Range of thallus structure, Reproduction (Vegetative, Asexual, Sexual). Types of the life cycle. Type studies of Cyanophyceae - Nostoc, Oscillotoria, Chlorophyceae - Chara; Rhodophyceae - Polysiphonia.

'kSoky& lkekU; y{k.k] oxksaZ rd oxhZdj.k ¼fÝV~'k½] fofo/k oklLFkku] FkSyl lajpuk dh lhek] çtuu ¼dkf;d] vySafxd] ySafxd½A thou pØ ds çdkjA lkbuksQkblh ds çdkjkas dk v/;;u & uksLV‚d] vksflyksVksfj;k] DyksjksQkblh & dkjk] jksMksQkblh & i‚yhlkbQksfu;kA



Fungi: General characteristics; Thallus organization; Types of fruiting bodies, Cell wall composition; Heterokaryosis and Parasexuality; Nutrition; Classification (Alexopoulos); Reproduction, Economic importance, Type studies: Oomycetes: Albugo, Zygomycota: Rhizopus, Basidiomycota: Agaricus.

Lichens: General characters, Habitat, Morphology and Reproduction.

dod& lkekU; y{k.k FkSyl laxBu] Qyu dk; ds çdkj] dksf'kdk fHkfÙk lajpuk] fo"kedsaædrk vkSj ijySafxdrk] iks"k.k] oxhZdj.k ¼,ysDlksiksyksl½] çtuu] vkfFkZd egRo] v/;;u ds çdkj& vksekblhfV~t& ,Ycqxks] tkbxksekbdksVk& jkbtksil] csflfMvksekbdksVk& ,xSfjdlA

ykbdsu& lkekU; y{k.k] oklLFkku] vkdkfjdh vkSj çtuuA


Bryophytes: General characters, Origin, and evolution of Bryophtya, Classification (Rothmaler) Habitat, Range of thallus structure, Reproduction (Vegetative and Sexual), Alternation of generations and Economic importance. Study of Morphology, Anatomy, Reproduction, Gametophytes and sporophytes of Marchantia, Anthoceros and Funaria.

czk;ksQkbV~l& lkekU; y{k.k] czk;ksQkbVk dh mRifÙk vkSj fodkl] oxhZdj.k ¼jksFkesyj½ oklLFkku] FkSyl lajpuk dh lhek] çtuu ¼dkf;d vkSj ySafxd½] ih<+hsa ,dkarj.k vkSj vkfFkZd egRoA vkdkfjdh] 'kjhj jpuk] çtuu] ;qXedksnf~Hkn~ vkSj ekdsaZf’k;k] ,aFkkslsjksl vkSj ¶;wusfj;k chtk.kq&mn~fHkn~ dk v/;;uA



Pteridophytes: General characters of Pteridophytes, Affinities with Bryophytes & Gymnosperms, Classification, Economic importance, Study of life histories of fossil Pteridophytes - Rhynia. Type studies life histories of Selaginella (Heterospory and Seed habit), Marsilea. Stelar System in Pteridophytes

VsfjMksQkbV~l& VsfjMksQkbV~l ds lkekU; y{k.k] czk;ksQkbV~l vkSj vuko`rchth ds lkFk lekurk,a] oxhZdj.k] vkfFkZd egRo] thok'e VsfjMksQkbV~l & jkbfu;k ds thou o`ÙkkUr dk v/;;uA lsykftusyk ¼fo"kechtk.kqrk vkSj cht oklLFkku½] ekflZfy;k dk thou o`ÙkkUr ds çdkj dk v/;;u  VsfjMksQkbV~l esa jaHk ra=A


Gymosperms: General characters, Classification, Type studies Life histories of Cycas and Epedra, Economic importance of gymnosperms.

vuko`rchth& lkekU; y{k.k] oxhZdj.k] lkbdl vkSj ,QsMªk ds thou o`ÙkkUr ds çdkjks dk v/;;u] vuko`rchth dk vkfFkZd egRoA



Angiosperms: General characters, Differences between Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons, Typical life cycle of Angiosperm.

vko`rchth& lkekU; y{k.k] ,dchti=h vkSj f}chti=h ds chp varj] vko`rchth dk fof'k"V thou pØA





Suggested Laboratory Exercises:

1)       Visit Local Garden/field study of plants

2)       Study of anatomy by making suitable temporary slides and study of permanent slides of Chara, Vaucheria, Ectocarpus, Polysiphnia (Vegetative and reproductive).

3)       Lichens: Study of growth forms of lichens (crustose, foliose and fruticose)

4)       Rhizopus: study of asexual stage from temporary mounts and sexual structures through permanent slides; Agaricus: Peziza, Specimens of button stage and full grown mushroom; sectioning of gills of Agaricus.

5)       Bryophytes: morphology of vegetative and reproductive stages of Marchantia, Anthoceros and Funaria.

6)       Pteridophytes: study of vegetative and reproductive stages of Selaginella-(Heterospory and seed habit), Equisetem, Marsilea.

7)       Study of Vegetative and reproductive stages of Cycas, Pinus and Ephedra using temporary and permanent slides.

8)       Study of monocot and dicot flowers and seeds.


lq>k, x, ç;ksx'kkyk vH;kl&

1)       LFkkuh; m|ku@{ks= esa tkdj ikS/kksa dk v/;;u djsa

2)       mi;qDr vLFkk;h LykbM cukdj 'kjhj jpuk foKku dk v/;;u vkSj dkjk] okmpsfj;k] ,DVksdkiZl] i‚yhlkbQsfu;k ¼dkf;d vkSj çtuu½ dh LFkk;h LykbMksa dk v/;;uA

3)       ykbdsu& ykbdsu ds fodkl :iksa dk v/;;u ¼ØLVkst Qksfy;kst vkSj ÝqfVdkst½

4)       jkbtksil& LFkk;h LykbMksa ds ek/;e ls vLFkk;h ekmaV vkSj tuaukx lajpukvksa ls vySafxd pj.k dk v/;;u] ,xSfjdl& isfttk] cVu pj.k vkSj iw.kZ fodflr e'k:e ds uewus] ,xSfjdl ds Dykseksa dk foHkktuA

5)       czk;ksQkbV~l& ekdsaZf’k;k] ,UFkkslsjksl vkSj ¶;wusfj;k ds dkf;d vkSj çtuu pj.kksa dh vkdkfjdhA

6)       VsfjMksQkbV~l& lsykftusyk& ¼fo"kechtk.kqrk vkSj cht oklLFkku½] bfDolhVe] ekf’kZfy;k ds dkf;d vkSj çtuu pj.kksa dk v/;;uA

7)       vLFkk;h vkSj LFkk;h LykbMksa dk mi;ksx djds lkbdl] ikbul vkSj ,QsMªk dh dkf;d vkSj çtuu pj.kksa dk v/;;uA

8)       ,dchti=h vkSj f}chti=h Qwyksa vkSj chtksa dk v/;;uA


UOR NEP2020/B.SC(Bilingual)/1/05
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