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AUTHORS : Dr. Faiza Rifat , Dr. Devbrat Mishra 

ISBN : 978-93-6180-585-1

Syllabus ¼ikB~;Øe½


 Diversity & Biology of Non-Chordates

¼ukWu&dkMsZV~l dh fofo/krk ,oa thofoKku½








Principles of Taxonomy: International code of nomenclature; Concept of five kingdom system; basis of classification: symmetry, coelom, segmentation, embryogeny and levels of organization, Invertebrate versus vertebrate (comparison)


ofxZdh ds fl)kar & varjkZ"Vªh; ukedj.k lafgrk] ikap txr i)fr dh vo/kkj.kk] oxhZdj.k dk vk/kkj& lefefr] lhykse] [kaMhHkou] Hkzw.ktuu vkSj laxBu ds Lrj] vd'ks#dh cuke d'ks#dh ¼rqyuk½



Protozoa: General characteristics and classification up to classes; Habit, Habitat, Morphology, locomotion, nutrition, reproduction and economic importance of protozoa: Paramecium


çksVkstksvk& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxksaZ rd oxhZdj.k] okl] oklLFkku] vkdkfjdh] xfr] iks"k.k] çtuu vkSj çksVkstksvk dk vkfFkZd egRo& iSjkehf'k;e



Porifera: General characteristics and Classification up to classes; Canal system in Porifera; Habit, Habitat, Morphology, reproduction, regeneration and economic importance of sponges and life cycle: Sycon


iksfjQsjk& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxksaZ rd oxhZdj.k] iksfjQsjk esa uky ra=] okl] oklLFkku] vkdkfjdh] çtuu] iqutZuu vkSj Liat dk vkfFkZd egRo vkSj thou pØ& lkbdkWu




Coelenterata (Cnidaria): General characteristics and Classification up to classes; Polymorphism; Coral, Coral reefs and their economic importance, Habit, Habitat, Morphology, reproduction and life cycle: Obelia.


lhysUVªsVk ¼ukbMsfj;k½& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxksaZ rd oxhZdj.k] cgq:irk] çoky] çoky fHkfÙk;k¡ vkSj mudk vkfFkZd egRo] okl] oklLFkku] vkdkfjdh] çtuu vkSj thou pØ& vkscsfy;kA



Platyhelminthes and Nemathelminthes: General characteristics and Classification up to classes; parasitic adaptations, phylogenetic significance of flatworms; Habit, Habitat, morphology, organ systems: digestive, circulatory, excretory, nervous, reproductive and life cycle: Taenia and Ascaris


IysVhgsfYeUFkht vkSj fueSVgsfYeUFkht& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxksaZ rd oxhZdj.k] ijthoh vuqdwyu] ¶ySVoeZ dk QkbykstsusfVd egRo] okl] oklLFkku] vkdkfjdh] vax ra=& ikpu] ifjlapj.k] mRltZu] raf=dk] çtuu vkSj thou pØ& Vhfu;k vkSj ,sLdsfjl




Annelida: General characteristics and Classification up to classes; Habit, Habitat, Morphology, organ systems: locomotion, digestive, circulatory, excretory, nervous, reproduction and life cycle: Neanthes (Nereis).


,susfyMk& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxksaZ rd oxhZdj.k; LoHkko] vkokl] vkdkfjdh] vax ç.kkfy;ka: xfr] ikpu] ifjlapj.k] mRltZu] raf=dk] çtuu vkSj thou pØ: fu,UFksl ¼usjhl½A



Arthropoda: General characteristics and Classification up to classes; Larval forms in crustacea, Metamorphosis and Social organization in insects; Habit, Habitat, Morphology, organ systems: digestive, circulatory, excretory, nervous, reproductive and life cycle: Prawn


vkFkksZiksMk& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxksaZ rd oxhZdj.k] ØLVsf'k;k esa ykokZ :i] dhVksa esa dk;karj.k vkSj lkekftd laxBu] okl] oklLFkku] vkdkfjdh] vax ra=& ikpu] ifjlapj.k] mRltZu] raf=dk] çtuu vkSj thou pØ& >haxk



Onycophora: Annelidian, Molluscan and Arthropodian characters of Peripatus


vksfudksQksjk& isfjisVl ds ,susfyMk] eksyLdk vkSj vkFkksZiksfM;u y{k.k




Mollusca: General characteristics and Classification up to classes; Torsion and detorsion in Gastropoda; Pearl formation. Habit, Habitat, Morphology, organ systems: locomotion, digestive, circulatory, excretory, reproductive and life cycle: Pila


eksyLdk& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxksaZ rd oxhZdj.k] xSLVªksiksMk esa ejksM+ vkSj fo—fr] eksrh fuekZ.kA okl] oklLFkku] vkdkfjdh] vax ra=& xfr] ikpu] ifjlapj.k] mRltZu] çtuu vkSj thou pØ& ikbyk



Echinodermata: General characteristics and Classification up to classes; Water vascular system in Asteroidea; Habit, Habitat, Morphology, organ system: digestive, circulatory, excretory, reproductive and life cycle: Asterias


bdkbuksMesZVk& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxksaZ rd oxhZdj.k] ,LVsjksbfM;k esa ty laoguh ra=] okl] oklLFkku] vkdkfjdh] vax ra=& ikpu] ifjlapj.k] mRltZu] çtuu vkSj thou pØ& ,LVsfj;l



Hemichordata: Affinities with Chordata and Echinodermata, Systemic position and Phylogeny of Balanoglossus


gsehdkWMsZVk& d‚MsZVk vkSj bdkbuksMesZVk ds lkFk lekurk,a] cSysuksXyksll dh nSfgd fLFkfr vkSj Qkbykstsuh



Practicals based on Diversity and Biology of Non-Chordates 

¼u‚u&d‚MZsV dh fofoèkrk ,oa tho foKku ij vkèkkfjr ç;ksx½


1) Organization and working of Optical Microscope: Dissecting and compound microscopes.

2) General methods of microscopic slide preparations: Narcotization; fixing and preservation; washing; staining; destaining; dehydration; clearing and mounting.

3) General idea of composition, preparation and use of:

i) Fixatives: Formalin, Bouin’s fluid.

ii) Stains: Aceto-carmine, Aceto-orcein, Haematoxylin, Eosin.

iii) Common reagents: Normal saline, Acid water, Acid alcohol and Mayer’s albumin.

4) Study of Microscopic Slides and Museum Specimens:

i) Protozoa: Euglena, Amoeba, Plasmodium, Paramecium (W.M.), binary fission, conjugation

ii) Porifera: Leucosolenia, Euplectella, Spongilla, sycon

iii) Coelenterata: Millipora, Physalia, Aurelia, Velella, Sea anemone, Gorgonia, Stone corals.

iv) Platyhelminthes: Taenia (WM), Cysticercus larva, Fasciola (WM), Miracidium, Sporocyst, Redia, Cercaria and Metacercaria Larvae of Fasciola.

v) Aschelminthes: Ascaris

vi) Annelida: Neanthes (Nereis), Aphrodite, Pontobdella, Arenicola, Glossiphonia, Hirudinaria.

vii) Onychophora: Peripatus

viii) Arthropoda: Limulus, Scorpion, Centipede, Millipede, Lepas, Crab, Mantis, Pediculus, Termite, Cyclops, Daphnia, Crustacean larvae (Nauplius, Zoea, Mysis, Megalopa),

ix) Mollusca: Chiton, Aplysia, Dentalium, Cypraea, Mytilus, Loligo, Octopus, Nautilus, Glochidium larva

x) Echinodermata: Asterias, Antedon.

5) Anatomy:

i) Pila: External features and nervous system.

ii) Prawn: External features, appendages, alimentary canal, and nervous system.

iii) Study of the following through Permanent Slide Preparation: Euglena, Paramecium, Sponge spicules, Gemmule, Obelia colony, Statocyst and hastate plate of prawn, osphradium and gill lamella of Pila

iv) Education tour and report preparation on the study of local invertebrate fauna

1) çdk'k lw{en'khZ dk O;oLFkkiu ,oa mldh fØ;kfof/k& foPNsnu vkSj la;qDr lw{en'khZA

2) lw{e LykbM rS;kj djus dh lkekU; fof/k;k¡& ukdksZVkbts'ku( fQfDlax vkSj laj{k.k] /kqykbZ] vfHkjatu djuk] nkx gVkuk] futZyhdj.k] Dyh;fjax vkSj ekmafVaxA

3) la?kVd] rS;kjh vkSj mi;ksx dk lkekU; fopkj&

i) fLFkjhdkjd& Q‚esZfyu] cksbu dk æoA

ii) vfHkjatd& ,lhVks&dkehZu] ,lhVks&v‚lhZu] ghesVksfDlfyu vkSj bZvksfluA

iii) lkekU; vfHkdeZd& lkekU; yo.k] vEyh; ty] vEyh; ,Ydksgy vkSj es;lZ ,YcqfeuA

4) lw{e LykbMksa vkSj laxzgky; uewuksa dk v/;;u&

i) çksVkstksvk& ;wXyhuk] vehck] IykTeksfM;e] iSjkehf'k;e ¼iw.kZ vkjksi.k½ f}vk/kkjh fo[kaMu] la;qXeu

ii) iksfjQsjk& Y;wdkslksysfu;k] ;wIysDVsyk] Li‚fUtyk] lkbd‚u

iii) lhysUVsªVk& fefyiksjk] Qkblsfy;k] v‚jsfy;k] osysyk] lh ,uheksu] xksxksZfu;k] LVksu dksjyA

iv) IysVhgsfYeUFkht& Vhfu;k ¼iw.kZ vkjksi.k½] flLVhldZl ykokZ] QSflvksyk ¼iw.kZ vkjksi.k½] fejkflfM;e] LiksjksflLV] jsfM;k] ldZsfj;k vkSj QSflvksyk ds esVkldZsfj;k ykokZA

v) ,sLdsyfeUFkht& ,sLdsfjl

vi) ,susfyMk& fu,UFkht ¼usjhl½] ,ÝksMkbV] iksaVkscMsyk] ,jsfudksyk] XyksflQksfu;k] fg#fMusfj;kA

vii) vksfudksQksjk& isfjisVl

viii) vkFkksZiksMk& fyeqyl] fcPNw] lsaVhihM] feyhihM] ysil] dsdM+k] esafVl] isMhdqyl] nhed] lkbDyksIl] MSQfu;k] ØLVsf'k;u ykokZ ¼ukSfIy;l] tksb;k] ekbfll] esxkyksik½]

ix) eksyLdk&dkbVksu] ,Iyhfl;k] MsaVsfy;e] lkbfç;k] ekbfVyl] yksfyxks] v‚DVksil] u‚fVylA XyksfdfM;e ykokZ

x) bdkbuksMesZVk&,LVsfj;l] ,aVsMkWuA

5) 'kjhj jpuk&

i) ikbyk& cká y{k.k vkSj raf=dk ra=A

ii) >haxk& cká y{k.k] mikax] vkgkj uky vkSj raf=dk ra=A

iii) LFkk;h LykbM rS;kjh ds ek/;e ls fuEufyf[kr dk v/;;u& ;wXyhuk] iSjkehf'k;e] Liat fLiD;wYl] tsE;wy] vkscsfy;k d‚yksuh] >haxk dh LVsVksflLV vkSj gsLVsV IysV] ikbyk dk v‚LÝsfM;e vkSj fxy ySesyk

iv) LFkkuh; vd'ks#dh thoksa ds v/;;u ij 'kSf{kd nkSjk vkSj fjiksVZ rS;kj djuk


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