Tax excluded
Syllabus ¼ikB~;Øe½
Diversity & Biology of Non-Chordates
¼ukWu&dkMsZV~l dh fofo/krk ,oa thofoKku½
Hours |
Principles of Taxonomy: International code of nomenclature; Concept of five kingdom system; basis of classification: symmetry, coelom, segmentation, embryogeny and levels of organization, Invertebrate versus vertebrate (comparison) |
ofxZdh ds fl)kar & varjkZ"Vªh; ukedj.k lafgrk] ikap txr i)fr dh vo/kkj.kk] oxhZdj.k dk vk/kkj& lefefr] lhykse] [kaMhHkou] Hkzw.ktuu vkSj laxBu ds Lrj] vd'ks#dh cuke d'ks#dh ¼rqyuk½ |
Protozoa: General characteristics and classification up to classes; Habit, Habitat, Morphology, locomotion, nutrition, reproduction and economic importance of protozoa: Paramecium
çksVkstksvk& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxksaZ rd oxhZdj.k] okl] oklLFkku] vkdkfjdh] xfr] iks"k.k] çtuu vkSj çksVkstksvk dk vkfFkZd egRo& iSjkehf'k;e |
Porifera: General characteristics and Classification up to classes; Canal system in Porifera; Habit, Habitat, Morphology, reproduction, regeneration and economic importance of sponges and life cycle: Sycon
iksfjQsjk& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxksaZ rd oxhZdj.k] iksfjQsjk esa uky ra=] okl] oklLFkku] vkdkfjdh] çtuu] iqutZuu vkSj Liat dk vkfFkZd egRo vkSj thou pØ& lkbdkWu |
II |
Coelenterata (Cnidaria): General characteristics and Classification up to classes; Polymorphism; Coral, Coral reefs and their economic importance, Habit, Habitat, Morphology, reproduction and life cycle: Obelia.
lhysUVªsVk ¼ukbMsfj;k½& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxksaZ rd oxhZdj.k] cgq:irk] çoky] çoky fHkfÙk;k¡ vkSj mudk vkfFkZd egRo] okl] oklLFkku] vkdkfjdh] çtuu vkSj thou pØ& vkscsfy;kA |
Platyhelminthes and Nemathelminthes: General characteristics and Classification up to classes; parasitic adaptations, phylogenetic significance of flatworms; Habit, Habitat, morphology, organ systems: digestive, circulatory, excretory, nervous, reproductive and life cycle: Taenia and Ascaris
IysVhgsfYeUFkht vkSj fueSVgsfYeUFkht& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxksaZ rd oxhZdj.k] ijthoh vuqdwyu] ¶ySVoeZ dk QkbykstsusfVd egRo] okl] oklLFkku] vkdkfjdh] vax ra=& ikpu] ifjlapj.k] mRltZu] raf=dk] çtuu vkSj thou pØ& Vhfu;k vkSj ,sLdsfjl |
Annelida: General characteristics and Classification up to classes; Habit, Habitat, Morphology, organ systems: locomotion, digestive, circulatory, excretory, nervous, reproduction and life cycle: Neanthes (Nereis). |
,susfyMk& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxksaZ rd oxhZdj.k; LoHkko] vkokl] vkdkfjdh] vax ç.kkfy;ka: xfr] ikpu] ifjlapj.k] mRltZu] raf=dk] çtuu vkSj thou pØ: fu,UFksl ¼usjhl½A |
Arthropoda: General characteristics and Classification up to classes; Larval forms in crustacea, Metamorphosis and Social organization in insects; Habit, Habitat, Morphology, organ systems: digestive, circulatory, excretory, nervous, reproductive and life cycle: Prawn
vkFkksZiksMk& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxksaZ rd oxhZdj.k] ØLVsf'k;k esa ykokZ :i] dhVksa esa dk;karj.k vkSj lkekftd laxBu] okl] oklLFkku] vkdkfjdh] vax ra=& ikpu] ifjlapj.k] mRltZu] raf=dk] çtuu vkSj thou pØ& >haxk |
Onycophora: Annelidian, Molluscan and Arthropodian characters of Peripatus |
vksfudksQksjk& isfjisVl ds ,susfyMk] eksyLdk vkSj vkFkksZiksfM;u y{k.k |
Mollusca: General characteristics and Classification up to classes; Torsion and detorsion in Gastropoda; Pearl formation. Habit, Habitat, Morphology, organ systems: locomotion, digestive, circulatory, excretory, reproductive and life cycle: Pila
eksyLdk& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxksaZ rd oxhZdj.k] xSLVªksiksMk esa ejksM+ vkSj fo—fr] eksrh fuekZ.kA okl] oklLFkku] vkdkfjdh] vax ra=& xfr] ikpu] ifjlapj.k] mRltZu] çtuu vkSj thou pØ& ikbyk |
Echinodermata: General characteristics and Classification up to classes; Water vascular system in Asteroidea; Habit, Habitat, Morphology, organ system: digestive, circulatory, excretory, reproductive and life cycle: Asterias
bdkbuksMesZVk& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxksaZ rd oxhZdj.k] ,LVsjksbfM;k esa ty laoguh ra=] okl] oklLFkku] vkdkfjdh] vax ra=& ikpu] ifjlapj.k] mRltZu] çtuu vkSj thou pØ& ,LVsfj;l |
Hemichordata: Affinities with Chordata and Echinodermata, Systemic position and Phylogeny of Balanoglossus
gsehdkWMsZVk& d‚MsZVk vkSj bdkbuksMesZVk ds lkFk lekurk,a] cSysuksXyksll dh nSfgd fLFkfr vkSj Qkbykstsuh |
Practicals based on Diversity and Biology of Non-Chordates
¼u‚u&d‚MZsV dh fofoèkrk ,oa tho foKku ij vkèkkfjr ç;ksx½
1) Organization and working of Optical Microscope: Dissecting and compound microscopes. 2) General methods of microscopic slide preparations: Narcotization; fixing and preservation; washing; staining; destaining; dehydration; clearing and mounting. 3) General idea of composition, preparation and use of: i) Fixatives: Formalin, Bouin’s fluid. ii) Stains: Aceto-carmine, Aceto-orcein, Haematoxylin, Eosin. iii) Common reagents: Normal saline, Acid water, Acid alcohol and Mayer’s albumin. 4) Study of Microscopic Slides and Museum Specimens: i) Protozoa: Euglena, Amoeba, Plasmodium, Paramecium (W.M.), binary fission, conjugation ii) Porifera: Leucosolenia, Euplectella, Spongilla, sycon iii) Coelenterata: Millipora, Physalia, Aurelia, Velella, Sea anemone, Gorgonia, Stone corals. iv) Platyhelminthes: Taenia (WM), Cysticercus larva, Fasciola (WM), Miracidium, Sporocyst, Redia, Cercaria and Metacercaria Larvae of Fasciola. v) Aschelminthes: Ascaris vi) Annelida: Neanthes (Nereis), Aphrodite, Pontobdella, Arenicola, Glossiphonia, Hirudinaria. vii) Onychophora: Peripatus viii) Arthropoda: Limulus, Scorpion, Centipede, Millipede, Lepas, Crab, Mantis, Pediculus, Termite, Cyclops, Daphnia, Crustacean larvae (Nauplius, Zoea, Mysis, Megalopa), ix) Mollusca: Chiton, Aplysia, Dentalium, Cypraea, Mytilus, Loligo, Octopus, Nautilus, Glochidium larva x) Echinodermata: Asterias, Antedon. 5) Anatomy: i) Pila: External features and nervous system. ii) Prawn: External features, appendages, alimentary canal, and nervous system. iii) Study of the following through Permanent Slide Preparation: Euglena, Paramecium, Sponge spicules, Gemmule, Obelia colony, Statocyst and hastate plate of prawn, osphradium and gill lamella of Pila iv) Education tour and report preparation on the study of local invertebrate fauna |
1) çdk'k lw{en'khZ dk O;oLFkkiu ,oa mldh fØ;kfof/k& foPNsnu vkSj la;qDr lw{en'khZA 2) lw{e LykbM rS;kj djus dh lkekU; fof/k;k¡& ukdksZVkbts'ku( fQfDlax vkSj laj{k.k] /kqykbZ] vfHkjatu djuk] nkx gVkuk] futZyhdj.k] Dyh;fjax vkSj ekmafVaxA 3) la?kVd] rS;kjh vkSj mi;ksx dk lkekU; fopkj& i) fLFkjhdkjd& Q‚esZfyu] cksbu dk æoA ii) vfHkjatd& ,lhVks&dkehZu] ,lhVks&v‚lhZu] ghesVksfDlfyu vkSj bZvksfluA iii) lkekU; vfHkdeZd& lkekU; yo.k] vEyh; ty] vEyh; ,Ydksgy vkSj es;lZ ,YcqfeuA 4) lw{e LykbMksa vkSj laxzgky; uewuksa dk v/;;u& i) çksVkstksvk& ;wXyhuk] vehck] IykTeksfM;e] iSjkehf'k;e ¼iw.kZ vkjksi.k½ f}vk/kkjh fo[kaMu] la;qXeu ii) iksfjQsjk& Y;wdkslksysfu;k] ;wIysDVsyk] Li‚fUtyk] lkbd‚u iii) lhysUVsªVk& fefyiksjk] Qkblsfy;k] v‚jsfy;k] osysyk] lh ,uheksu] xksxksZfu;k] LVksu dksjyA iv) IysVhgsfYeUFkht& Vhfu;k ¼iw.kZ vkjksi.k½] flLVhldZl ykokZ] QSflvksyk ¼iw.kZ vkjksi.k½] fejkflfM;e] LiksjksflLV] jsfM;k] ldZsfj;k vkSj QSflvksyk ds esVkldZsfj;k ykokZA v) ,sLdsyfeUFkht& ,sLdsfjl vi) ,susfyMk& fu,UFkht ¼usjhl½] ,ÝksMkbV] iksaVkscMsyk] ,jsfudksyk] XyksflQksfu;k] fg#fMusfj;kA vii) vksfudksQksjk& isfjisVl viii) vkFkksZiksMk& fyeqyl] fcPNw] lsaVhihM] feyhihM] ysil] dsdM+k] esafVl] isMhdqyl] nhed] lkbDyksIl] MSQfu;k] ØLVsf'k;u ykokZ ¼ukSfIy;l] tksb;k] ekbfll] esxkyksik½] ix) eksyLdk&dkbVksu] ,Iyhfl;k] MsaVsfy;e] lkbfç;k] ekbfVyl] yksfyxks] v‚DVksil] u‚fVylA XyksfdfM;e ykokZ x) bdkbuksMesZVk&,LVsfj;l] ,aVsMkWuA 5) 'kjhj jpuk& i) ikbyk& cká y{k.k vkSj raf=dk ra=A ii) >haxk& cká y{k.k] mikax] vkgkj uky vkSj raf=dk ra=A iii) LFkk;h LykbM rS;kjh ds ek/;e ls fuEufyf[kr dk v/;;u& ;wXyhuk] iSjkehf'k;e] Liat fLiD;wYl] tsE;wy] vkscsfy;k d‚yksuh] >haxk dh LVsVksflLV vkSj gsLVsV IysV] ikbyk dk v‚LÝsfM;e vkSj fxy ySesyk iv) LFkkuh; vd'ks#dh thoksa ds v/;;u ij 'kSf{kd nkSjk vkSj fjiksVZ rS;kj djuk |