Delivery Term and Conditions
We ship to almost all locations in India where there is reach of the Indian Postal Services Network. At present, we do NOT make any international shipments/deliveries.
When you place an order, we will estimate shipping for you based on the shipping options you choose. Shipping period may differ depending on the shipping option you choose.
Our orders are shipped within 2-3 working days of the order, and delivered within 15 days from shipping.
Tracking Packages
We ship through India Post (Agency of the Government of India) or Delhivery and after shipping we will email you the tracking number of your consignment on your registered email address. In case you do not receive a mail from us within 24hrs of placing an order please check your spam folder. Tracking may not appear online for up to another 24 hours in some cases, so please wait until your package is scanned by the shipping company.
Non-availability of Product
In the unlikely event we are unable to deliver any items in your order, be assured that you will not be charged for that item, or you shall be refunded the full amount charged for the item.
Return of Products by You
We will accept the return of the products, provided such return is for products that are wrongly delivered, wrong product, and incomplete package; subject to condition, that we are informed about such discrepancies within 24 hours from the date of receipt of the product, and provided that the products are returned in their original condition.
For any assistance please feel free to call us at 9235318508.
Cancel of an Order
You can cancel an order by two methods: Cancel through email OR Cancel by phone (Contact us: 9235318508).
You wish to email your cancellation order to us, take care not to miss out on any of the following - your name, your email id, order confirmation number, if available, details of the item ordered (including title, author, etc.). You can also mention your requirement to increase or reduce the quantity.
Cancellation Policy
If you choose to cancel the order before the product is shipped, you will be entitled to a 100% refund. In case, the product is shipped we’ll deduct the original shipping charges and refund the money.
Kindly send us an email giving details of cancellation and clearly mentioning your Transaction Id.
In case we are unable to meet the requirement of the order placed, we reserve the right to cancel any order. However, we will ensure that communication of cancellation of an order is intimated within appropriate time to the customer, and full refund is made in reasonable time.
Please contact us on or speak with us on Phone: 9235318508 (9.30AM to 7.00PM IST, Mon-Sat) for any doubts and concerns.
Change Policy
You can only change order quantity or remove specific item(s) from your order by sending us a detailed email. Please mention your Transaction Id clearly in the subject line.
To increase the order quantity you will be required to place a new order.
Shipping charges
*Offer: Free shipping for more than 1500 Rs. cost of books using Thakur Publication carrier method.
Kg. 0-0.40 |
Kg. 0.40-0.70 |
Kg. 0.70-1.20 |
Kg. 1.20-2.00 |
Kg. 2.00-3.00 |
Kg. 3.00-4.00 |
Rs.40.00 |
Rs.80.00 |
Rs.110.00 |
Rs.170.00 |
Rs.220.00 |
Rs.260.00 |
Kg. 4.00-5.00 |
Kg. 5.00-6.00 |
Kg. 6.00-7.00 |
Kg. 7.00-8.00 |
Kg. 8.00-9.00 |
Kg. 9.00- more |
Rs.310.00 |
Rs.360.00 |
Rs.400.00 |
Rs.430.00 |
Rs.460.00 |
Rs.500.00 |