(Physics) Mechanics & Oscillations Bilingual Book UOR B.Sc First Sem

(Physics) Mechanics & Oscillations Bilingual Book UOR B.Sc First Sem

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Buy Latest (Physics) Mechanics & Oscillations यांत्रिकी एवं दोलन Book in Bilingual Edition ( Both English and Hindi ) for B.Sc 1st Semester University of Rajasthan, Jaipur NEP-2020 By Thakur publication.

AUTHORS : Dr. Narendra Kumar Agrawal , Dr. Vikram Singh 

ISBN : 9789357556385


Course Code:  PHY-51T-101

Mechanics and Oscillations




Physical Law and frame of Reference: (a) Inertial and non-inertial frames, Transformation of displacement, velocity, acceleration between different frames of reference involving translation, Galilean transformation and invariance of Newton’s laws. (b) Coriolis Force- Transformation of displacement, velocity and acceleration between rotating frame, Pseudo forces, Coriolis force, Motion relative to earth, Focult’s pendulum. (c) Conservative Forces-Introduction about conservative and non-conservative forces, Rectilinear motion under conservative forces, Discussion of potential energy curve and motion of a particle.




Centre of Mass: Introduction about Centre of Mass, Centre of Mass Frame- Collision of two particles in one and two dimensions (elastic and inelastic), Slowing down of neutrons in a moderator, Motion of a system with varying mass, Angular momentum concept, conservation and charge particle scattering by a nucleus.


Rigid Body: Equation of a motion of a rotating body, Inertial coefficient, Case of J not parallel to w. The kinetic energy of rotation and the idea of principal axes, The processional motion of the spinning Top.




Motion under Central Forces: Introduction about Central Forces, Motion under central forces, gravitational interaction, inertia and gravitational mass, General solution under gravitational interaction, Keplers laws, Discussion of trajectories, Cases of elliptical and circular orbits, Rutherford scattering.


Damped Harmonic Oscillations: Introduction about oscillations in a potential well, Damped force and motion under damping, Damped Simple Harmonic Oscillator, Power dissipation, Anharmonic oscillator and simple pendulum as an example




Driven Harmonic Oscillations: Driven harmonic oscillator with damping, Frequency response, Phase factor, Resonance, Series and parallel of LCR circuit, Electromechanical Galvanometer.


Coupled Oscillations: Equation of motion of two coupled Simple Harmonic Oscillators. Normal modest motion in mixed modes. Transient behavior, Dynamics of a number of oscillators with neighbor interactions.




Course Code:  PHY-51T-101

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UOR NEP2020/B.SC (Bilingual)/1/01
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