Discrete Mathematics & Optimization Techniques Bilingual UOR B.Sc First Sem

Discrete Mathematics & Optimization Techniques Bilingual UOR B.Sc First Sem

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Buy Latest ( Mathematics ) Discrete Mathematics & Optimization Techniques विविक्त गणित एवं इष्टतमीकरण प्रविधियाँ Book in Bilingual Edition ( Both English and Hindi ) for B.Sc 1st Semester University of Rajasthan, Jaipur NEP-2020 By Thakur publication

AUTHORS : Dr. Prashant Chauhan, Dr. Viresh Sharma 

ISBN : 9789357558396



Course Code: MAT-51T-101


 Discrete Mathematics and Optimization Techniques





Relations on a set, Equivalence class, partial order relations, Chains and Anti-chains. Lattices, Distributive and Complemented Lattices. Boolean algebra, conjunctive normal form, disjunctive normal form. Pigeon hole principle. Principle of inclusion and exclusion. Propositional calculus, Basic logical operations, Truth tables, Tautologies and contradictions.




Discrete numeric functions, Generating functions, Recurrence relations, linear recurrence relation with constant coefficients and their solutions, Total solutions, Solution by the method of generating functions. Basic concepts of graph theory, Types of graphs, Planar graphs, Walks, Paths and Circuits, Shortest path problem.




Planar graphs, Operations on graphs (union, join, products). Matrix representation of graphs, Adjacency matrices, Incidence matrices. Hamiltonian and Eulerian graphs. Tree, Spanning tree, Minimum spanning tree, Distance between vertices, Center of tree, Binary tree, Rooted tree.




Linear programming problems. Basic solution. Some basic properties and theorems on convex sets. Simplex algorithm, Two-phase method. Duality. Solution of dual problems. Transportation problems. Assignment problems.





Course Code: MAT-51T-101


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