(Zoology) Animal Diversity जंतु विविधता Bilingual B.Sc First Sem UOR NEP 2020

(Zoology) Animal Diversity Bilingual B.Sc First Sem UOR NEP 2020

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Buy Latest (Zoology) Animal Diversity ( जंतु विविधता ) Book in Bilingual Edition ( Both English and Hindi ) for B.Sc 1st Semester University of Rajasthan, Jaipur NEP-2020 By Thakur publication

AUTHORS : Dr. Faiza Rifat , Dr. Devbrat  Mishra

ISBN : 9789357555449



Course Code: ZOO-51T-101


Animal Diversity ¼Tkarq fofo/krk½


ZOO-51T-101: 3 Hours duration                                                                        20 + 80 Marks                                                                                                                      8 + 32 Marks




Lower Invertebrates ¼fuEu vd'ks:dh½

Unit 1: Protista/ Protozoa: General characteristics and Classification up to classes; Locomotory Organelles and locomotion in Protozoa.

bdkbZ 1& çksfVLVk/çksVkst+ksvk&lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxksaZ rd oxhZdj.k; çksVkst++ksvk esa pyu vax vkSj xfrA

3 Hours

Unit 2: Porifera: General characteristics and Classification up to classes; Canal system in Porifera.         

bdkbZ 2& iksjhQsjk& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxksaZ rd oxhZdj.k; iksjhQsjk esa uky ra=A

3 Hours


Unit 3: Coelenterata (Cnidaria): General characteristics and Classification up to classes Polymorphism in Hydrozoa.

bdkbZ 3& lhysaVªsVk ¼ukbMsfj;k½& gkbMªkst+ksvk esa cgq:irk oxZ rd lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxhZdj.kA

3 Hours

Unit 4: Helmithes: Platyhelminthes: General characteristics and Classification up to classes; Life cycle of Taenia solium and its parasitic adaptations.

bdkbZ 4& gsfYeUFkht& IySVhgsfYeUFkht& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxksaZ rd oxhZdj.k; Vhfu;k lksfy;e dk thou pØ vkSj blds ijthoh vuqdwyuA


Namathelmintes: General characteristics and Classification up to classes; Life cycle of Ascaris lumbricoides and its parasitic adaptations.

fuesVgsfYeUFkht& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxksaZ rd oxhZdj.k; ,Ldsfjl yqfEczdksbM~l dk thou pØ vkSj blds ijthoh vuqdwyuA

6 Hours




Higher Invertebrates ¼mPPk d’ks#dh½

Unit 1: Annelida: General characteristics and classification up to classes; Formation of Coelom; Metamerism in Annelida.

bdkbZ 1& ,susfyMk& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxksaZ rd oxhZdj.k; lhykse dk xBu; ,susfyMk esa esVkesfjTeA

3 Hours

Unit 2: Arthropoda: General characteristics and classification up to classes; Larval forms in Arthropoda, Metamorphosis in Insects.

bdkbZ 2& vkFkksZiksMk& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxksaZ rd oxhZdj.k( vkFkksZiksMk esa ykokZ dk fuekZ.k] dhVksa esa dk;karj.kA

5 Hours

Unit 3: Mollucsa: General characteristics and classification up to classes; Torsion and detorsion in Gastropoda; Pearl Formation.

bdkbZ 3& eksyLdk& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxksaZ rd oxhZdj.k; xSLVªksiksMk esa ejksM+ vkSj fo—fr; eksrh  dk fuekZ.k-

4 Hours

Unit 4: Echinodermata: General characteristics and classification up to classes; Water vascular system in Asteroidea.

bdkbZ 4& bdkbuksMesZVk& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxksaZ rd oxhZdj.k; ,LVksj‚bfM;k esa ty laoguh ra=A

3 Hours




Lower Vertebrates ¼fuEu d’ks#dh½

Unit 1: Protochordata: General characteristics and classification of Protochordata up to orders; Retrogressive metamorphosis.

bdkbZ 1& çksVksd‚MsZVk& x.k çksVksd‚MsZVk ds lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxhZdj.k; çfrxkeh dk;karj.k-


Unit 2: Agnatha: General characteristics and outline classification of cyclostomes up to classes; Ammocoete larva.

bdkbZ 2& ,XuSFkk& oxksaZ rd lkbDyksLVkse dh lkekU; y{k.k vkSj :ijs[kk oxhZdj.k; ,ekslhV ykokZA

3 Hours

Unit 3: Pisces: General characteristics and classification up to order, Parental care in fishes and Migration in fishes.

bdkbZ 3& filht& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj x.k ds vuqlkj oxhZdj.k] eNfy;ksa esa iSr`d ns[kHkky vkSj eNfy;ksa esa çokluA

5 Hours

Unit 4: Aquatic adaptation in fishes: Origin fins; Scales of fishes; Osmoregulation in Fishes.

bdkbZ 4& eNfy;ksa esa tyh; vuqdwyu& mRifÙk ia[k; eNfy;ksa ds 'kYd; eNfy;ksa esa ijklj.k fu;eu A

4 Hours




Higher Vertebrates ¼mPPk d’ks#dh½

Unit 1: Amphibia: General characteristics and classification up to order; Neotany; Parental care in Amphibians.

bdkbZ 1& mHk;pj& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj Øekuqlkj oxhZdj.k; fuvksVuh; mHk;pjksa esa iSr`d ns[kHkkyA

3 Hours

Unit 2: Reptilia: General characteristics and classification up to order; Identification of Poisonous and non-poisonous snakes; Biting mechanism in Snakes.

bdkbZ 2& ljhl`i& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj Øekuqlkj oxhZdj.k; fo"kSys vkSj vfo"kSys lkaiksa dh igpku; lk¡iksa esa dkVus dh fØ;kfof/k-

4 Hours

Unit 3: Aves: General characteristics and classification up to order; Types of feathers; Flight adaptations and Migration in birds.

bdkbZ 3& ,Okht& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj Øekuqlkj oxhZdj.k; ia[kksa ds çdkj; if{k;ksa esa mM+ku vuqdwyu vkSj çokluA

4 Hours

Unit 4: Mammals: General characteristics and classification up to orders; Dentition in Mammals; Adaptive radiation in mammals.

bdkbZ 4& Lru/kkjh& lkekU; y{k.k vkSj x.k rd oxhZdj.k; Lru/kkfj;ksa esa nar & foU;kl Lru/kkfj;ksa esa vuqdwyh fofdj.k-

4 Hours




Course Code: ZOO-51P-102


Zoo-51P-102: 4 Hours duration                      10 + 40 Marks                                                                   4 + 16 Marks


        I.            Microscopic Techniques:

1)       Organisation and working of Optical Microscope: Dissecting and compound microscopes.

2)       General methods of microscopic slide preparations: Narcotisation; fixing and preservation; washing; staining destaining; dehydration; clearing and mounting.

3)       General idea of composition, preparation and use of:

i)         Fixatives: Formalin, Bouin’s fluid.

ii)       Stains: Aceto-carmine, Aceto-orcein, Haematoxylin, Eosin.

iii)      Common reagents: Normal saline, Acid water, Acid alcohol and Mayer’s albium.


I. lw{en'khZ rduhd&

1)       çdk'kh; lw{en'khZ dk laxBu vkSj dk;Z& foPNsnu vkSj la;qDr lw{en'khZA

2)               lw{e LykbM rS;kj djus dh lkekU; fof/k;k¡& ukjdksVkbts'ku; fQfDlax vkSj laj{k.k; /kkou; laj{k.k u"V djuk; futZyhdj.k; lkQ djuk vkSj LFkkfir djukA

3)       bldh lajpuk] rS;kjh vkSj mi;ksx dk lkekU; fopkj&

i)         fLFkjhdkjd&Q‚esZfyu] ckSbu dk rjy inkFkZA

ii)       vfHkjatu&,slhVksdkehZu] ,slhVks v‚lhZu] ghesV‚fDlfyu] bZvksfluA

iii)      lkekU; vfHkdeZd& lkekU; yo.kh;] vEy ty] vEy ,Ydksgy vkSj es;j ,fYc;eA


  1. Study of Microscopic Slides and Museum Specimens:


Protozoa: Euglena, Trypanosoma, Amoeba, Plasmodium, Paramecium, Vorticella.


Porifera: Leucosolenia, Euplectella, Spongilla,


Coelenterata: Physalia, Aurelia, Alcyonium, Sea anemone.


Platyhelminthes: Taenia, Planaria, Fasciola (WM), Miracidium, Sporocyst, Redia and Cercaria Larvae of Fasciola, Cysticercus larva.


Aschelminthes: Ascaris, Wuchereria.


Annelida: Neanthes (Nereis), Arenicola, Pheretima, Glossiphonia, Hirudo, Polygordius.


Onychophora: Peripatus


Arthropoda: Limulus, Spider, Scorpion, Centipede, Millipede, Lepas, Balanus, Eupagurus, Crab, Mantis, Pediculus, Bedbug, Termite, Cyclops, Daphnia, Crustacean larvae (Nauplius, Metanauplius, Zoea, Mysis, Megalopa, Phyllosoma).


Mollusca: Chiton, Aplysia, Cypraea, Mytilus, Loligo, Nautilus, Glochidium larva.


Echinodermata: Asterias, Echinus, Ophiothrix, Cucumara, Antendon.


Protochordates: Balanoglossus, Herdmania, Amphioxus, Doliolum, Oikopleura.


Agnatha: Petromyzon, Ammocoete larva.


Pisces: Zygaena (Sphyrna), Torpedo, Chimaera, Acipenser, Clarias, Anguilla, Hippocampus, Exocoetus, Echeneis, any flat-fish, Protopterus.


Amphibia: Icthyophis, Proteus, Ambystoma, Axolotl, Alytes, Hyla.


Reptilia: Chelone, and Fresh Water Tortoise, Sphenodon, Hemidactylus, Phrynosoma, Draco, Chamaeleon, Hydrophis, Naja, Viper, Crocodilus, Alligator.


Aves: Pavo cristatus, Choriotis.


Mammals: Ornithorhynchus, Kangaroo, Bat, Manis.


II. f}rh;- lw{en'khZ LykbMksa vkSj laxzgky; uewuksa dk v/;;u&


çksVkst+ksvk&;wXyhuk] fVªiSukslksek] vehck] IykTeksfM;e] iSjkehf'k;e] oksfVZlsykA


iksjhQsjk& Y;wdkslksysfu;k] ;wIysDVsyk] Li‚fUtyk]


lhysUVsjsVk&Qkblsfy;k] v‚jsfy;k] ,sfYl;ksfu;e] lh ,uheksuA


IySfVgsfYeUFkht& Vhfu;k] Iysusfj;k] Qkflvksyk (WM)] fejklhfM;e] LiksjksflLV] jsfM;k vkSj QSflvksyk ds ldsZfj;k ykokZ] flLVhldZl ykokZA


,sLdsyfeUFkht & ,Ldsfjl] oqpsjsfj;kA


,susfyMk& fu,UFkht ¼usjhl½] ,sjsfudksyk] QsjsfVek] XyksflQksfu;k] fg#Mks] iyhxfMZ;lA


vksfudksQksjk& isfjisVl


vkFkzksZiksMk& fyeqyl] edM+h] fcPNw] lsaVhihM] fefyihM] yhil] cSykul] ;wiSxqjl] dsdM+k] esafVl] twa] [kVey] nhed] lkbDyksIl] MSf¶uvk] ØLVsf'k;u ykokZ ¼u‚fIy;l] esVkukWfIy;l] tksb;k] ekbfll] esxkyksik] Qkbykslksek½A


eksyLdk& dkbVksu] ,sIyhfl;k] lkbfç;k] fefVyl] yksfyxks] u‚fVyl] XyksdhfM;e ykokZA


bdkbuksMesZVk& ,LVsfj;l] bdkbul] v‚fQvksfFkzDl] dqdqesfj;k] ,sUVhMksuA


çksVksd‚MsZV~l& cSysuksXyksll] gMZesfu;k] ,fEQv‚Dll] Mksfyvksye] v‚bdksIY;wjkA


,XuSFkk& isVªksek;tksu] ,ekslhV ykokZA


filht& tkbxhuk ¼fLQukZ½] VjihMks] dkbesjk] ,flisalj] DySfjvl] bZy] fgIiksdSEil] ,DlkslhVl] ,sdhuhl] dksbZ Hkh ySV&eNyh] çksVksIVsjlA


mHk;pj& bfDFk;ksfQl] çksfV;l] ,fEcLVksek] ,DlksyksV~y] ,fyV~l] gkbykA


jsIVhfy;k@ljhl`i& dhyksu] vkSj rkts ikuh dk dNqvk] LQhuksMksu] gsfeMSDVkbyl] Ýkbukslksek] MªSxu] dSehfyv‚u] gkbMªksfQl] uktk] okbij] ØksdksMkbyl] ,syhxsVjA


,oht& iSoks fØLVsVl] dksfj;ksfVlA


Lru/kkjh& v‚fuZFkksfjUdl] daxk#&] pexknM+] eSfulA


  1. Anatomy:


Earthworm: External features, general viscera, alimentary canal, reproductive system and nervous system.


Prawn/Squilla: External features, appendages, alimentary canal and nervous system; Hastate Plate


Pila: External features, pallial organs and nervous system; Osphradium, radula.


  1. Study of the Following through Permanent Slide Preparation: Foraminiferous shells, Sponge spicules, Spongin fibres, Gemmule, Hydra, Obelia colony and; Parapodium of Nereis.

  2. Study of Local Fauna such as Insects, Mollusks, Fishes, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals etc. and Prepare a Report on it.


III. 'kjhj jpuk&


dsapqvk& ckgjh y{k.k] lkekU; vkar] vkgkj uky] çtuu ra= vkSj raf=dk ra=A


>haxk/fLDoyk& ckgjh y{k.k] mikax] vkgkj uky vkSj raf=dk ra=; gkLVsV IysV


Ikkbyk& ckgjh y{k.k] iSfy;y vax vkSj raf=dk ra=; v‚LÝsfM;e] jsMqykA


IV. LFkk;h LykbM rS;kjh ds ek/;e ls fuEufyf[kr dk v/;;u& QksjkfefuQsjl dks’k] Liat fLiD;wYk] Liaftu Qkbcj] tsE;wy] gkbMªk] vkscsfy;k d‚yksuh vkSj; usjhl dk iSjkiksfM;eA


IV. LFkkuh; thoksa tSls dhV] eksyLd] eNfy;k¡] mHk;pj] ljhl`i] i{kh vkSj Lru/kkjh vkfn dk v/;;u djuk vkSj bl ij ,d fjiksVZ rS;kj djukA


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