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AUTHORS : Dr. Sarika kaler , Dr. Shrisandu Singh Trivedi 

ISBN : 978-93-6180-954-5

Syllabus ¼ikB~;Øe½



 Cell Biology and Diversity of Plant Kingdom-I

¼dksf'kdk thofoKku ,oa ikni txr dh fofo/krk-I½






Cell and Cytoskeleton: Cell as a unit of structure and function; Characteristics of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; Plant and animal cells; Chemistry, structure and function of Plant cell wall. Overview of plasma membrane: fluid mosaic model; Chemical composition of membranes; Membrane transport – Passive, active and facilitated transport, endocytosis and exocytosis. Nucleus: Structure-nuclear envelope, nuclear pore complex, nuclear lamina, molecular organisation of chromatin; nucleolus. Cytoskeleton: Role and structure of microtubules, microfilaments and intermediary filaments


dksf'kdk vkSj dksf’kdkiatj&lajpuk vkSj dk;Z dh bdkbZ ds :i esa dksf'kdk] çksdSfj;ksfVd vkSj ;wdSfj;ksfVd dksf'kdkvksa dh fo'ks"krk,¡] ikni vkSj tarq dksf'kdk,¡] ikni dksf'kdk fHkfÙk dk jlk;u foKku] lajpuk vkSj dk;ZA IykTek f>Yyh dk voyksdu& æo ekstsd e‚My] f>fYy;ksa dh jklk;fud lajpuk] f>Yyh ifjogu & fuf"Ø;] lfØ; vkSj lqxe ifjogu] ,aMkslkbVksfll vkSj ,DlkslkbVksfllA dsanzd& lajpuk&dsanzdh; vkoj.k] dsanzdh; fNæ ifjlj] dsanzdh; iVy] ØksesfVu dk vk.kfod laxBu] U;wfDy;ksylA dksf’kdkiatj& lw{eufydk,a] ekbØksfQykesaV~l vkSj e/;orhZ rarqvksa dh Hkwfedk vkSj lajpuk



Cell Organelles: Chloroplast, mitochondria and peroxisomes: Structural organisation; Function; Semi-autonomous nature of mitochondria and chloroplast. Lysosomes and Vacuoles. Endomembrane system: Endoplasmic Reticulum – Types and Structure. Golgi Apparatus – organisation, protein glycosylation, protein sorting and export from Golgi Apparatus.



dksf'kdkax& DyksjksIykLV] ekbVksd‚fUMª;k vkSj ij‚fDllkse& lajpukRed laxBu] dk;Z] ekbVksd‚fUMª;k vkSj DyksjksIykLV dh v/kZ&Lok;Ùk ç—frA ykblkslkse vkSj fjfDrdk,¡A varZf>Yyh ra=& var%iznO;h tkfydk & çdkj vkSj lajpukA x‚Ythdk; & laxBu] çksVhu Xykbdksflyhdj.k] çksVhu NaVkbZ vkSj x‚Ythdk; ls fu;kZrA





Nucleic Acids: DNA as genetic material (Griffith’s transformation experiment and Hershey and Chase blender experiment); Structure and function of DNA (Watson and Crick Model); Structure and function of different types of RNA (rRNA, mRNA, tRNA, snRNA).


U;wfDyd vEy&vkuqoaf'kd lkexzh ds :i esa DNA ¼fxzfQFk dk ifjorZu ç;ksx vkSj g"ksZ vkSj psl CysaMj ç;ksx½] DNA dh lajpuk vkSj dk;Z ¼okVlu vkSj fØd e‚My½] fofHkUu çdkj ds RNA (rRNA, mRNA, tRNA, snRNA) dh lajpuk vkSj dk;ZA




Chromosome number, structure and function, types of chromosomes (metacentric, sub-metacentric, acrocentric, telocentric); Chromosome organisation according to Nucleosome model; Special types of chromosomes: Lamp brush and Polytene chromosomes.



xq.klw= la[;k] lajpuk vkSj dk;Z] xq.klw=ksa ds çdkj ¼esVklsfUVªd] lc&esVklsfUVªd] ,ØkslsfUVªd] VhykslsfUVªd½] U;wfDy;kslkse e‚My ds vuqlkj xq.klw= laxBu] xq.klw=ksa ds fof'k"V çdkj& ySai cz'k vkSj i‚yhVhu xq.klw=A



Cell Division

Phases of eukaryotic cell cycle; Different stages of mitosis; Different stages of Meiosis I and Meiosis II, synaptonemal complex, chiasmata formation and crossing over.


dksf'kdk foHkktu

;wdSfj;ksfVd dksf'kdk pØ ds pj.k] lelw=h ds fofHkUu pj.k] v/kZlw=h I vkSj v/kZlw=h II ds fofHkUu pj.k] fluSIVksusey d‚EIysDl] fd;kTekVk xBu vkSj thu fofue;A




Plant Kingdom

Introduction to Plant kingdom- Basic idea of hierarchy in all groups of plants.


ikni txr

ikni txr dk ifjp;& ikS/kksa ds lHkh lewgksa esa inkuqØe dk ewy fopkj




General characteristics; Diverse Habitats; Range of thallus organisation; methods of reproduction (Vegetative, Asexual, Sexual); Economic importance. Criteria and classification system of Fritsch (1935) (distinguishing features upto classes). Morphology and life history of: Cyanophyceae: Nostoc; Chlorophyceae: Volvox; Xanthophyceae: Vaucheria; Phaeophyceae: Ectocarpus; Rhodophyceae: Polysiphonia.



lkekU; y{k.k& fofo/k oklLFkku] FkSyl laxBu dh lhek] çtuu ds rjhds ¼dkf;d] vySafxd] ySafxd½] vkfFkZd egRoA fÝV~~p ¼1935½ ds ekunaM vkSj oxhZdj.k ç.kkyh ¼oxksaZ rd fof'k"V y{k.k½A vkdkfjdh vkSj thou o`rkar& lk;uksQkblh& ukWLV‚d] DyksjksQkblh& okWYo‚Dl] tSaFkksQkblh& okmpsfj;k] fQvksQkblh& ,DVksdkiZl] jksMksQkblh& i‚yhflQksfu;kA




General characteristics; Habitat; Structure; Reproduction; Ecological and Economic importance.



lkekU; y{k.k] oklLFkku] lajpuk] çtuu] ikfjfLFkfrd vkSj vkfFkZd egRoA





General characteristics; Thallus organisation; Different hyphal forms; Heterokaryosis and Para sexuality; Nutrition and Reproduction in fungi; Economic importance. Classification (Alexopoulos & Mims, 1996); Morphology and life history of: Zygomycota: Rhizopus, Ascomycota: Peziza, Basidiomycota: Agaricus.


lkekU; y{k.k] FkSyl laxBu] fofHkUu gkbQy :i] gsVsjksdsfj;ksfll vkSj ijkySafxdrk dod esa iks"k.k vkSj çtuu] vkfFkZd egRoA oxhZdj.k ¼,ysDlksiksyksl vkSj feEl] 1996½] vkdkfjdh vkSj thou o`rkar & tkbxksekbdksVk& jkbtksil] ,LdksekbdksVk& isfttk] csflfM;ksekbdksVk& ,xSfjdlA




General characteristics; affinities with algae and pteridophytes; Distribution; Range of thallus structure; Reproduction (Vegetative and Sexual); Alternation of generations and evolution of sporophytes.Classification (Proskauer, 1957); Structures of gametophyte & sporophyte and life history (Development details not included) of: Hepaticopsida: Marchantia, Anthocerotopsida: Anthoceros and Bryopsida: Funaria.



lkekU; y{k.k] 'kSoky vkSj VsfjMksQkbV~l ds lkFk lekurk,¡] forj.k] FkSyl lajpuk dh lhek] çtuu ¼dkf;d vkSj ySafxd½] ih<+h ,dkarj.k vkSj chtk.kqmn~fHkn dk fodklA oxhZdj.k ¼çksLdkmj] 1957½] ;qXedksn~fHkn vkSj chtk.kqmn~fHkn dh lajpuk,¡ vkSj thou o`rkar ¼fodkl fooj.k 'kkfey ugha½& gsisfVdksfIlMk& ekdsaZf’k;k] ,aFkkslsjksVksfIlMk& ,aFkksfljksl vkSj czk;ksfIlMk& ¶;wusfj;kA




Practical ¼ç;ksxkRed½


Cell and Cell Organelles

· Study of electron microphotographs of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell.

· Study of electron microphotographs of virus, bacteria and eukaryotic cells for comparative study of cellular organisation.

· Study of cell structure in Onion, Hydrilla and Spirogyra.

· Study of plastid for pigment distribution in Lycopersicon, Cassia and Capsicum.


Cell Division and Chromosomes

· Study of permanent slides/photographs of different stages of mitosis and meiosis, sex chromosomes, polytene chromosome and salivary gland chromosomes.

· Study of different stages of mitosis and meiosis in root-tip cells and flower buds respectively of onion.

· Calculate the mitotic index of onion root tip cells.

· Study of induced aberrations in onion root tips employing chemicals and plant extracts.


Algae and Lichen

· Algae: Study of morphology and anatomy of Nostoc, Volvox, Chara, Vaucheria, Ectocarpus and Polysiphonia (vegetative and reproductive structures) by preparing temporary slides and studying permanent slides.

· Lichens: Study of growth forms of lichens (crustose, foliose and fruticose).


Fungi and Bryophyta

· Fungi: Microscopic observation of vegetative and reproductive structures of Rhizopus, Peziza and Agaricus through preparation of temporary slides and permanent slides.

· Bryophytes: Study of morphology, anatomy, vegetative and reproductive organs of Marchantia, Anthoceros and Funaria by preparing temporary slides and studying permanent slides.

· Study of renowned Indian scientists in the fields of phycology (M.O.P Iyengar), mycology (K.C. Mehta), bryology (S.R.Kashyap) and lichens (D.D.Awasthi).

dksf'kdk ,oa dksf'kdkax

· çksdSfj;ksfVd vkSj ;wdSfj;ksfVd dksf'kdk ds bysDVª‚u ekbØksQksVksxzkQ dk v/;;uA

· dksf'kdh; laxBu ds rqyukRed v/;;u ds fy, ok;jl] cSDVhfj;k vkSj ;wdSfj;ksfVd dksf'kdkvksa ds bysDVª‚u ekbØksQksVksxzkQ dk v/;;uA

· I;kt] gkbfMªyk vkSj Likbjksxkbjk esa dksf'kdk lajpuk dk v/;;uA

· ykbdksiflZd‚u] dSfl;k vkSj dSfIlde esa o.kZd forj.k ds fy, IykfLVM dk v/;;uA


dksf'kdk foHkktu vkSj xq.klw=

· lelw=h vkSj v/kZlw=h] fyax xq.klw=] i‚yhVhu xq.klw= vkSj ykj xzafFk xq.klw=ksa ds fofHkUu pj.kksa dh LFkk;h LykbM@QksVksxzkQ dk v/;;uA

· I;kt dh ewykxz dksf'kdkvksa vkSj iq"i dfy;ksa esa Øe'k% lelw=h vkSj v/kZlw=h foHkktu ds fofHkUu pj.kksa dk v/;;uA

· I;kt dh ewykxz dksf'kdkvksa ds lelw=h lwpdkad dh x.kuk djsaA

· jlk;uksa vkSj ikS/kksa ds vdZ dk mi;ksx djds I;kt dh ewykxz esa çsfjr foiFku dk v/;;uA


'kSoky ,oa ykbdsu

· 'kSoky& vLFkk;h LykbM rS;kj djds vkSj LFkk;h LykbM dk v/;;u djds ukWLV‚d] okWYo‚Dl] dkjk] okmpsfj;k] ,DVksdkiZl vkSj i‚yhlkbQksfu;k ¼dkf;d vkSj çtuu lajpuk½ dh vkdkfjdh vkSj 'kjhj jpuk dk v/;;uA

· ykbdsu& ykbdsu ¼ØLVkst] Qksfy;kst vkSj ÝfVdkst½ ds fodkl :iksa dk v/;;uA


dod ,oa czk;ksQkbVk

· dod& vLFkk;h LykbM vkSj LFkk;h LykbM rS;kj djds jkbtksil] isfttk vkSj ,xSfjdl dh dkf;d vkSj çtuu lajpukvksa dk lw{e voyksduA


· czk;ksQkbV~l& vLFkk;h LykbM rS;kj djds rFkk LFkk;h LykbM dk v/;;u djds ekdsaZf’k;k] ,UFkksfljksl vkSj ¶;wusfj;k ds vkdkfjdh] 'kjhj jpuk] dkf;d rFkk çtuu vaxksa dk v/;;uA

· Qkbdksy‚th ¼,e-vks-ih- v;axj½] ekbdksy‚th ¼ds-lh- esgrk½] czk;ksy‚th ¼,l-vkj- d';i½ rFkk ykbdsu ¼Mh-Mh- voLFkh½ ds {ks= esa çfl) Hkkjrh; oSKkfudksa dk v/;;uA


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