( BOTANY ) Pteridophytes Gymnosperms and Angiosperms ( टेरिडोफाइट , अनावर्तबीजी ,एवं आवर्तबीजी )


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AUTHORS : Dr. A.k Paliwal , Dr. Prachi Joshi , Dr. Manju Lata Upadhyaya , Dr. Varsha Joshi

ISBN : 9789357551298

Uttarakhand State Universities Syllabus ¼ikB~;Øe½

Subject: Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms

¼fo"k;&VsfjMksQkbV~l] vuko`rchth ,oa vko`rchth½





Topic ¼fo"k;½

No. of Lectures hrs (60)/ ¼O;k[;kuksa dh la[;k ?kaVksa esa½ (60)/




General characteristics, classification, early land plants (Rhynia); classification (up to family), morphology, anatomy and reproduction of Selaginella, Equisetum and Pteris; heterospory and seed habit, stelar evolution; ecological and economic importance of Pteridophytes.


lkekU; fo'ks"krk,a] oxhZdj.k] çkjafHkd Hkwfe ikS/ks ¼jkbfu;k½] oxhZdj.k ¼dqy rd½] vkdkfjdh] 'kkjhfjd jpuk vkSj lSykftusyk] bfDolhVe vkSj Vsfjl dk çtuu] fo"kechtk.kq vkSj cht oklLFkku] LraHkh; fodkl] VsfjMksQkbV~l dk ikfjfLFkfrd vkSj vkfFkZd egRoA





General characteristics, classification (up to family), morphology, anatomy and reproduction of Cycas, Pinus and Ephedra; ecological and economic importance.


lkekU; fo'ks"krk,a] oxhZdj.k ¼dqy rd½] vkdkfjdh] 'kkjhfjd lajpuk vkSj lkbdl] ikbul vkSj ,QsMªk dk çtuu] ikfjfLFkfrd vkSj vkfFkZd egRoA




Introduction to Plant Taxonomy: Identification, classification, nomenclature, functions of herbarium, important herbaria and botanical gardens of the world and India.

Important flora, botanical nomenclature (principles and rules (ICN); ranks and names; binominal system, typification, author citation, valid publication, rejection of names, principle of priority and its limitations).

Classification: Types of classification-artificial, natural and phylogenetic.

Bentham and Hooker (upto series) and Hutchinson classification.

Ikkni ofxZdh dk ifjp;& igpku] oxhZdj.k] ukedj.k] gcsZfj;e ds dk;Z] nqfu;k vkSj Hkkjr ds egRoiw.kZ gcsZfj;k vkSj ouLifr m|kuA

egRoiw.kZ ouLifr] okuLifrd ukedj.k ¼fl)kar vkSj fu;e ¼ICN½] jSad vkSj uke] f}ukei)fr] çk:ihdj.k] ys[kd m)j.k] oS/k çdk'ku] ukeksa dh vLoh—fr] çkFkfedrk dk fl)kar vkSj bldh lhek,a½A

oxhZdj.k&  oxhZdj.k ds çdkj&

—f=e] çk—frd vkSj tkfro`Ùkh;A

csaFke vkSj gqdj ¼J`a[kyk rd½ vkSj gfpalu oxhZdj.kA




Taxonomy of Plant Families

Ranunculaceae, Malvaceae, Rutaceae, Fabaceae, Apiaceae, Solanaceae, Lamiaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Asteraceae, Poaceae and Orchidaceae (Families can be chosen as per availability of local flora)

ikni dqyksa dk oxhZdj.k

jSuudqyslh] ekyoslh] :Vslh] QSCkslh] ,fi,lh] lksysuslh] ySfe,lh] ;wQksfcZ,lh] ,LVsjslh] iks,lh vkSj vkfdZMslh ¼dqyksa dks LFkkuh; ouLifr;ksa dh miyC/krk ds vuqlkj pquk tk ldrk gS½




Kumaun University Syllabus ¼ikB~;Øe½

Subject: Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms

¼fo"k;&VsfjMksQkbV~l] vuko`rchth ,oa vko`rchth½





Topic ¼fo"k;½

No. of Lectures hrs (60)/ ¼O;k[;kuksa dh la[;k ?kaVksa esa½ (60)/




General characteristics, classification (up to family) including The Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group (PPG) classification, early land plants (Rhynia); morphology, anatomy and reproduction of Selaginella, Equisetum and Pteris; heterospory and seed habit, stelar evolution; ecological and economic importance of Pteridophytes, Telome theory.


VsfjMksQkbV tkfro`Ÿk lewg (PPG) oxhZdj.k] çkjafHkd Hkwfe ikS/kksa ¼jkbfu;k½ lfgr lkekU; fo'ks"krk,a] oxhZdj.k ¼dqy rd½; lSykftusyk] bfDolhVe vkSj Vsfjl dh vkdkfjdh] 'kjhj jpuk vkSj çtuu; fo"kechtk.kq vkSj cht LFkku]  LraHkh; fodkl; VsfjMksQkbV~l dk ikfjfLFkfrd vkSj vkfFkZd egRo] Vhykse fl)karA





General characteristics, classification (up to family), morphology, anatomy and reproduction of Cycas, Pinus and Gnetum; ecological and economic importance.


lkekU; fo'ks"krk,a] oxhZdj.k ¼dqy rd½] vkdkfjdh] 'kkjhfjd jpuk vkSj lkbdl] ikbul vkSj uhVe dk çtuu; ikfjfLFkfrd vkSj vkfFkZd egRoA




Introduction to Plant Taxonomy

Identification, classification, nomenclature, functions of herbarium, important herbaria and botanical gardens of the world and India.

Important flora, botanical nomenclature (principles and rules (ICN); ranks and names; binominal system, typification, author citation, valid publication, rejection of names, principle of priority and its limitations).

Classification: Types of classification-artificial, natural and phylogenetic Bentham and Hooker (upto series), Hutchinson classification and Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG IV) classification.

Ikkni ofxZdh dk ifjp;

igpku] oxhZdj.k] ukedj.k] gcsZfj;e ds dk;Z] fo'o vkSj Hkkjr ds egRoiw.kZ gcsZfj;k vkSj ouLifr m|kuA

egRoiw.kZ ouLifr] okuLifrd ukedj.k ¼fl)kar vkSj fu;e ¼ICN½; jSad vkSj uke; f}ukei)fr ] ç:ihdj.k] ys[kd m)j.k] oS/k çdk'ku] ukeksa dh vLoh—fr] çkFkfedrk dk fl)kar vkSj bldh lhek,a½A

oxhZdj.k& oxhZdj.k ds çdkj&—f=e] çk—frd vkSj tkfro`Ùkh; csaFke vkSj gwdj ¼J`a[kyk rd½] gfpalu oxhZdj.k vkSj  vko`Ùkchth tkfro`Ùk lewg ¼APG IV½ dk oxhZdj.kA





Taxonomy of Plant Families: Ranunculaceae, Malvaceae, Rutaceae, Fabaceae, Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Solanaceae, Lamiaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Orchidaceae and Poaceae.

ikni dqyksa dk oxhZdj.k&  jSuudqyslh] ekyoslh] :Vslh] QSCks,lh] ,fi,lh] ,LVsZjslh] lksysuslh] ySfe,lh] ;wQksjfCk,lh] vkWfdZMslh vkSj iks,lhA   



Practical Syllabus ¼ç;ksxkRed ikB~;Øe½




Topic ¼fo"k;½

No. of Lectures hrs (60) ¼O;k[;kuksa dh la[;k ?kaVksa esa½ (60)/



Selaginella: Morphology, whole mount leaf with ligule, strobilus, microsporophyll and megasporophyll (temporary slides), T.S. stem, L.S. strobilus (permanent slide).

Equisetum: Morphology, T.S. internode, L.S. strobilus, T.S and L.S. strobilus, whole mount sporangiophore, spores (wet and dry) (temporary slides); T.S. rhizome (permanent slide).

Pteris: Morphology, T.S rachis, V.S. sporophyll, whole mount sporangium and spores (temporary slides), T.S. rhizome, whole mount prothallus with sex organs and young sporophyte (permanent slide).

lSykftusyk& vkdkfjdh] fyX;wy] LVªksfcyl]  y?kqchtk.kqi.kZ  vkSj  xq:chtk.kqi.kZ  ¼vLFkk;h LykbM½ ds lkFk iwjs ekmaV iÙkh] rus dh vuqizLFk dkV]  LVªksfcyl dh vuqnS/;Z dkV ¼LFkk;h LykbM½A

bfDolhVe&  LVªksfcyl dh vkdkfjdh] vuqizLFk dkV] vuqnS/;Z dkV  varjkioZ dh vuqnS/;Z dkV]  vuqizLFk dkV vkSj  vuqnS/;Z dkV LVªksfcyl] iwjs ekmaV dh LiksjSaft;ksQksj] chtk.kq ¼xhys vkSj lw[ks½ ¼vLFkk;h LykbM½] vuqizLFk dkV çdan ¼LFkk;h LykbM½A

Vsfjl& vkdkfjdh]  jSfdl dh vuqizLFk dkV]  LiksjksfQy dh vuqnS/;Z dkV] iwjs ekmaV esa LiksjSfUt;e vkSj chtk.kq ¼vLFkk;h LykbM½]  vuqizLFk dkV - çdan] ySfxad Hkkx vkSj u, chtk.kqmn~fHkn~  ¼LFkk;h LykbM½ ds lkFk laiw.kZ ekmaV çksFkSylA




Cycas: Morphology (coralloid roots, bulbil, leaf), T.S. coralloid root and rachis, V.S. leaflet and microsporophyll, whole mount spores (temporary slides), L.S. ovule, T.S. root (permanent slide).

Pinus: Morphology (long and dwarf shoots, male and female cones), T.S. needle and stem, L.S./T.S. male cone, whole mount microsporophyll and microspores (temporary slides), L.S. female cone, TLS and RLS stem (permanent slide).

lkbdl& vkdkfjdh ¼dksjky‚bM tM+sa] cqYkfcy] iÙkh½] vuqizLFk dkV- dksjky‚bM tM+ vkSj jSfdl] vuqnS/;Z dkV] i=d vkSj  y?kqchtk.kqi.kZ ] iwjs ekmaV chtk.kq ¼vLFkk;h LykbM½] vuqnS/;Z dkV- vaMkdkj] vuqizLFk tM+ ¼LFkk;h LykbM½A

ikbul& vkdkfjdh ¼yach vkSj ckSuh Vgfu;k¡] uj vkSj eknk 'kadq½] vuqizLFk dkV- l¡qbZ vkSj ruk] vuqizLFk dkV@vuqnS/;Z dkV] uj 'kadq] laiw.kZ ekmaV  y?kqchtk.kqi.kZ  vkSj  ekbØkschtk.kq ¼vLFkk;h LykbM½] eknk 'kadq dh vuqizLFk dkV] rus dh vuqizLFk m/okZ/kj dkV vkSj vjh; vuqnS/;Z dkV ¼LFkk;h LykbM½A




Taxonomic Identification: Description of an angiospermic plant, study of vegetative and floral characters (description, V.S. flower, section of ovary, floral diagram/s, floral formula/e) and systematic position of the following families according to Bentham and Hooker’s system of classification: Brassicaceae, Asteraceae, Solanaceae, Lamiaceae, and Liliaceae.

(Plants can be chosen as per availability of local flora)

ofxZdh dh igpku& ,d vko`rchth ikS/ks dk fooj.k] okuLifrd vkSj iq"i ds y{k.kksa dk v/;;u ¼fooj.k] vuqnS/;Z dkV Qwy] vaMk'k; dk [kaM] iq"i vkjs[k@s] iq"ilw=@e½ vkSj csaFke vkSj gqdj dh oxhZdj.k i)fr ds vuqlkj fuEufyf[kr dqyksa dh O;ofLFkr fLFkfr & czSfldslh] ,sLVsjslh] lksysuslh] ySfe,lh vkSj fyfy,lhA

¼ikS/kksa dks LFkkuh; ouLifr;ksa dh miyC/krk ds vuqlkj pquk tk ldrk gS½




Herbarium Techniques: Plant collection, preservation and mounting of two properly dried and pressed specimen of any wild plant with herbarium label (to be submitted in the record book), digital/virtual herbarium.

gcsZfj;e rduhdsa& gcsZfj;e yscy ¼fjd‚MZ cqd esa tek djus ds fy,½] fMftVy@opqZvy gcsZfj;e ds lkFk fdlh Hkh taxyh ikS/ks ds nks Bhd ls lw[ks vkSj nck, x, uewuksa dk laxzg] laj{k.k vkSj ekmafVaxA



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