Chemistry Book B.Sc 3rd Semester

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Chemistry Book B.Sc 3rd Semester

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Buy Latest (Chemistry) Chemistry of s, p-block Elements and Noble Gases, Non-aqueous Solvent Chemistry, Hydrocarbons and Alkyl Halide, Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Solutions and their Colligative Properties.Book in Bilingual Edition ( Both English and Hindi ) for B.Sc 3rd Semester University of Rajasthan, Jaipur NEP-2020 By Thakur Publication.

AUTHORS: Dr.Nidhi Gupta , Dr. Himanshu Khandaka , Dipti Gupta

ISBN  : 978-93-6180-872-2





s-Block Elements: Comparative study of properties of alkaline and alkaline earth metals, diagonal relationships, salient features of hydrides, solvation and complexation tendencies including their function in biosystems, an introduction to alkyls and aryls.


Periodicity of p-block elements: Periodicity in properties of p-block elements with special reference to atomic and ionic radii, ionization energy, electron-affinity, electronegativity, diagonal relationship, catenation.


Some Important Compounds of p-block Elements: Hydrides of boron, diborane and higher boranes, borazine, borohydrides, fullerenes, carbides, fluorocarbons, silicates (structural principle), tetrasulphur tetranitride, basic properties of halogens, interhalogens and polyhalides.


Chemistry of Noble Gases: Chemical properties of the noble gases, chemistry of Xenon, structure and bonding in Xenon compounds.

s&Cy‚d rRo& {kkjh; vkSj {kkjh; e`nk /kkrqvksa ds xq.kksa dk rqyukRed v/;;u] fod.kZ laca/k] gkbMªkbM dh eq[; fo'ks"krk,a] tSo ra=ksa esa muds dk;Z lfgr foy;u vkSj ladqyu ço`fÙk;k¡] ,SfYdy vkSj ,fjy dk ifjp;A


p&Cy‚d rRoksa dk vkorZ& ijek.kq vkSj vk;fud f=T;k] vk;uu ÅtkZ] bysDVª‚u&lEcU/k] fo|qr&_.kkRedrk] fod.kZ laca/k] J`a[kyu ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ ds lkFk p&Cy‚d rRoksa ds xq.kksa esa vkorZA


p&Cy‚d rRoksa ds dqN egRoiw.kZ ;kSfxd& cksj‚u] MkbZcksjsu vkSj mPp cksjsu ds gkbMªkbM] cksjkthu] cksjksgkbMªkbM] Qqyjhu] dkckZbM] ¶yksjksdkcZu] flfydsV ¼lajpukRed fl)kar½] VsVªklYQj VsVªkukbVªkbM] gSykstu] varjkgSykstu vkSj i‚yhgSykbM ds {kkjh; xq.kA


ukscy xSlksa dk jlk;u& ukscy xSlksa ds jklk;fud xq.k] thu‚u dk jlk;u foKku] thu‚u ;kSfxdksa esa lajpuk vkSj ca/kA




Oxidation and Reduction:

Uses of Redox Potential data, analysis of redox cycle, redox stability in water. Frost, Latimer and Pourbaix diagrams. Principles involved in the extraction of the elements.


Non-aqueous Solvents:

Physical properties of a solvent, types of solvents and their general characteristics, reactions in non-aqueous solvents with reference to liquid NH3 and liquid SO2.


Nuclear Chemistry: Fundamental particles of nucleus (nucleons), concept of nuclides and its representation, Isotopes, Isobars and Isotones (with specific examples), forces operating between nucleons (n-n, p-p & n-p), Qualitative idea of stability of nucleus (n/p ratio).


Radioactive Elements Chemistry: Natural and artificial radioactivity, Radioactive disintegration series, Radioactive displacement law, Radioactivity decay rates, Half-life and average life, Nuclear binding energy, mass defect and calculation of defect and binding energy, Nuclear reactions, Spallation, Nuclear fission and fusion. Brief discussion on Atom bomb, Nuclear reactor and Hydrogen bomb.


v‚Dlhdj.k vkSj vip;u

jsM‚Dl foHko MsVk dk mi;ksx] jsM‚Dl pØ dk fo'ys"k.k] ikuh esa jsM‚Dl fLFkjrkA Ý‚LV] ySfVej vkSj iksjcSDl vkjs[kA rRoksa ds fu"d"kZ.k esa 'kkfey fl)karA


vtyh; foyk;d&

foyk;d ds HkkSfrd xq.k] foyk;d ds çdkj vkSj mudh lkekU; fo'ks"krk,¡] rjy NH3 vkSj rjy SO2 ds lanHkZ esa xSj&tyh; foyk;d esa vfHkfØ;k,¡A


ukfHkdh; jlk;u& ukfHkd ¼U;wfDyv‚u½ ds ewy d.k] U;wDykbM dh vo/kkj.kk vkSj mldk fu:i.k] vkblksVksi] vkblksckj vkSj vkblksVksu ¼fof'k"V mnkgj.kksa ds lkFk½] U;wfDyv‚u (n-n, p-p vkSj n-p) ds chp lapkfyr cy] ukfHkd dh fLFkjrk dk xq.kkRed fopkj ¼n/p vuqikr½A


jsfM;ks/kehZ rRo jlk;u& çk—frd vkSj —f=e jsfM;ks/kfeZrk] jsfM;ks/kehZ fo?kVu J`a[kyk] jsfM;ks/kehZ foLFkkiu fu;e] jsfM;ks/kfeZrk {k; nj] v/kZ&vk;q vkSj vkSlr thou] ijek.kq ca/k ÅtkZ] æO;eku nks"k vkSj nks"k vkSj ca/k ÅtkZ dh x.kuk] ijek.kq vfHkfØ;k,¡] Lisys'ku] ijek.kq fo[kaMu vkSj lay;uA ijek.kq ce] ijek.kq fj,DVj vkSj gkbMªkstu ce ij laf{kIr ppkZA



Alkanes and Cycloalkanes: Free radical halogenations of Alkanes: mechanism, orientation, reactivity and selectivity. Cycloalkanes - nomenclature, methods of formation, chemical reactions. Baeyer's strain theory and its limitations. Theory of strainless rings.


Alkenes, Cycloalkenes, Dienes and Alkynes: Relative stabilities of alkenes. Chemical reactions of alkenes - hydroboration-oxidation, oxymercuration-reduction. Epoxidation, ozonolysis and oxidation with KMnO4. Polymerization of alkenes. Substitution at the allylic and vinylic positions of alkenes. Classification and Nomenclature of isolated, conjugated and cumulated dienes. Structure of allenes and butadiene. Methods of formation, properties and chemical reactions - 1,2- and 1,4-additions, Diels-Alder reaction and polymerization reactions.


Structure and bonding in alkynes. Methods of formation. Chemical reactions - acidity of alkynes:

mechanism of electrophilic and nucleophilic addition reactions; hydroboration-oxidation; metal-ammonia reduction, oxidation and polymerization.


Alkyl Halides: Methods of formation of alkyl halides, chemical reactions. Mechanisms of nucleophilic substitution reactions of alkyl halides SN2 and SN1 reactions with energy profile diagrams.

,YdsUl vkSj lkbDyks,YdsUl& ,sYdsUl ds eqDr ewyd gSykstuhdj.k ra=] vfHkfoU;kl] vfHkfØ;k'khyrk vkSj p;ukRedrkA lkbDyks,sYdsUl & ukedj.k] cukus dh fof/k;k¡] jklk;fud vfHkfØ;k,¡A cs;j dk ruko fl)kar vkSj bldh lhek,¡A fo—frghu oy;ksa dk fl)karA

,sYdhUl] lkbDyks,sYdsUl] MkbbZUl vkSj ,sYdhUl& ,sYdhUl dh lkis{k fLFkjrkA ,sYdhUl dh jklk;fud vfHkfØ;k,¡ & gkbMªkscksjs'ku&v‚Dlhdj.k] v‚DlheD;wjs'ku&fjMD'kuA ,i‚DlhMs'ku] vkstksuksfyfll vkSj KMnO4 ds lkFk v‚Dlhdj.kA ,sYdsUl dk i‚yhejkbts'kuA ,sYdsUl ds ,fyfyd vkSj foukbfyd inksa ij çfrLFkkiuA i`Fkd] la;qfXer vkSj lap;h MkbbZUl dk oxhZdj.k vkSj ukedj.kA ,yhUl vkSj C;wVkMhu dh lajpukA cuus ds rjhds] xq.k vkSj jklk;fud vfHkfØ;k,¡ & 1]2& vkSj 1]4&ladyu] Mk;Yl&,YMj vfHkfØ;k vkSj i‚yhejkbts'ku vfHkfØ;k,¡A


,sYdhUl esa lajpuk vkSj ca/kA cukus dh fof/k;k¡ jklk;fud vfHkfØ;k,¡ & ,sYdkbu dh vEyrk& bysDVkWuLusgh vkSj ukfHkdLusgh ;ksxkRed vfHkfØ;kvksa dh fØ;kfof/k gkbMªkscksjs'ku&v‚Dlhdj.k] /kkrq&veksfu;k vip;u] v‚Dlhdj.k vkSj iksyhejkbts'kuA


,sfYdy gSykbM~l& ,sfYdy gSykbM~l ds fuekZ.k dh fof/k;k¡] jklk;fud vfHkfØ;k,¡A ,sfYdy gSykbM~l  SN2 vkSj SN1 vfHkfØ;kvksa dh ukfHkdLusgh çfrLFkkiu vfHkfØ;kvksa dh fØ;kfof/k] ÅtkZ çksQkby vkjs[kksa ds lkFkA




Thermodynamics - I

Definition of Thermodynamic Terms: System, surroundings, etc. Types of systems, intensive and

extensive properties. State and path functions and their differentials. Thermodynamic process, concept of heat and work.


First Law of Thermodynamics: Statement, definition of internal energy and enthalpy, heat capacity, heat capacities at constant volume and pressure and their relationship. Joule’s law, Joule-Thomson coefficient and inversion temperature. Calculation of w, q, dU & dH for the expansion of Ideal gases under isothermal and adiabatic conditions for reversible process.



Standard state, standard enthalpy of formation, Hess’s law of heat summation and its applications. Heat of reaction at constant pressure and at constant volume. Enthalpy of neutralization. Bond dissociation energy and its calculation from thermo-chemical data, temperature dependence of enthalpy. Kirchhoff’s equation.


Solutions, Dilute Solutions and Colligative Properties:

Ideal and non-ideal solutions, methods of expressing concentrations of solutions, activity and activity coefficient.


Dilute solution, colligative properties, Raoult's law, relative lowering of vapor pressure, molecular weight determination. Osmosis, law of osmotic pressure and its measurement, determination of molecular weight from osmotic pressure. Elevation of boiling point and depression in freezing point.


Thermodynamic derivation of relation between molecular weight and elevation of boiling point and depression in freezingpoint. Experimental methods  for determining various colligative properties. Abnormal molar mass, degree of dissociation and association of solutes.


Å"ekxfrdh I &

Å"ekxfrdh 'kCnksa dh ifjHkk"kk& fudk;] ifjos'k] vkfnA fudk; ds çdkj] xgurk vkSj O;kid xq.kA voLFkk vkSj iFk Qyu vkSj muds chp varjA Å"ekxfrdh çØe] Å"ek vkSj dk;Z dh vo/kkj.kkA


Å"ekxfrdh dk ÁFke fu;e& dFku] vkarfjd ÅtkZ vkSj ,UFkSYih dh ifjHkk"kk] Å"ek /kkfjrk] fLFkj vk;ru vkSj Å"ek /kkfjrk vkSj mudk laca/kA twy ds fu;e] twy&Fk‚elu xq.k vkSj O;qRØe rkiekuA vkn'kZ xSlksa ds foLrkj ds fy, w, q, dU vkSj dH dh x.kuk ds fy, lerkih vkSj #)ks"e jlk;u ds varxZr mRØ; çfØ;kA



ekud Lrj] Å"eh; ;ksx dk ekud ,UFkSYih] Å"eh; ;ksx dk gsl dk fu;e vkSj fl)karA fLFkj nkc vkSj fLFkj vk;ru ij vfHkfØ;k dh 'kq:vkrA mnklhuhdj.k dh ,UFkSYihA fo;kstu ÅtkZ vkSj rki&jklk;fud MsVk ls bldh x.kuk] ,UFkSYih dh rkieku lhek ijA fdjp‚Q dk xq.kkadA


foy;u] ruq foy;u vkSj v.kqla[; xq.k/keZ& vkn'kZ vkSj vukn’kZ fo[kaMu] foyhuhdj.k dh lkUnzrk dks O;Dr djus dh fof/k;k¡]] lfØ; vkSj lfØ; xq.kA


ruq foy;u] v.kqla[; xq.k/keZ] jkmYV dk fu;e] ok"i nkc dk lkisf{kd âkl] fLFkj Hkkj dk fu/kkZj.kA ijklj.k] ijklj.k nkc dk fu;e vkSj mldk ekiu] ijklj.k nkc ls ijklj.k Hkkj dk vk/kkjA DoFkukad dh 'kq#vkr vkSj fgekad esa voueuA


vuar Hkkj vkSj DokFkukad ds c<us vkSj fgekad esa voueu ds chp laca/k dh ÅtkZxfrd O;qRifÙkA fofHkUu ladqyu xq.kksa ds fu/kkZj.k ds fy, çk;ksfxd fof/k;k¡A foys; dk vlkekU; eksyj æO;eku] i`FkDdj.k vkSj la;kstu dh fMxzhA




Practical ¼ç;ksxkRed½





Inorganic Chemistry

Gravimetric estimations: (Any three)

(a) Estimate zinc as zinc ammonium phosphate.

(b) Estimate lead as lead chromate.

(c) Estimate copper as cuprous thiocyanate.

(d) Estimate nickel as nickel dimethyl glyoximate.

vdkcZfud jlk;u

HkkjkRed vk¡dyu& ¼dksbZ Hkh rhu½

(a) ftad dks ftad veksfu;e Q‚LQsV ds :i esa vuqekfur djsaA

(b) ysM dks ysM ØksesV ds :i esa vuqekfur djsaA

(c) d‚ij dks D;wçl Fkk;kslkbusV ds :i esa vuqekfur djsaA

(d) fufdy dks fufdy MkbesfFky Xykbv‚fDlesV ds :i esa vuqekfur djsaA



Organic Chemistry

Qualitative Analysis

(a) Identification of organic compounds (solids or liquids) through element detection (N, S and halogens) melting /boiling points, functional group analyses with the preparation of suitable derivative. (Any two)

(b) One step organic synthesis containing: -

i. Acetylation

(a) Acetanilide from Aniline

(b) Aspirin from salicylic acid

ii. Reduction

(a) m-nitro aniline from m-dinitrobenzene.

(b) Anthrone by anthraquinone

iii. Electrophilic substitution Reactions

Nitration of nitrobenzene


dkcZfud jlk;u

xq.kkRed fo'ys"k.k

(a) rRo igpku ¼N, S vkSj gSykstu½ xyukad@ DoFkukad] mi;qDr O;qRiUu dh rS;kjh ds lkFk fØ;kRed lewg fo'ys"k.k ds ek/;e ls dkcZfud ;kSfxdksa ¼Bksl ;k rjy inkFkZ½ dh igpkuA ¼dksbZ Hkh nks½

(b) ,d pj.k dkcZfud la'ys"k.k ftlesa 'kkfey gSa&

i. ,flfVyhdj.k

(c) ,fufyu ls ,flVkfuykbM

(d) lSfyflfyd ,flM ls ,fLifju

ii. vip;u

(a) m&ukbVªks ,fufyu ls m&MkbukbVªkscsathuA

(b) ,aFkzkfDouksu }kjk ,aFkzksu

iii. bysDVªksfQfyd çfrLFkkiu vfHkfØ;k,¡

ukbVªkscsathu dk ukbVªs'ku



Physical Chemistry

Distribution law

(a) To determine partition coefficient of iodine between water and CCl4/CHCl3/CS2 at room temperature.

(b) To study the distribution of benzoic acid between benzene and water.


Chemical kinetics

(a) Determine the velocity constant and order of reaction for the hydrolysis of ethyl acetate by sodium hydroxide at room temperature (saponification of an ester).



(a) To determine heat of neutralization of given acid and base.

(b) To determine the dissociation energy of given weak acid.



(a) To determine the molecular mass of given non-volatile substance cryscopically.


HkkSfrd jlk;u

forj.k fu;e

(a) lkekU; rki ij ikuh vkSj CCl4/CHCl3/CS2 ds chp vk;ksMhu dk foHkktu xq.kkad fu/kkZfjr djukA

(b) csathu vkSj ikuh ds chp csatksbd vEy ds forj.k dk v/;;u djukA


jklk;fud cyxfrdh

(a) lkekU; rki ij lksfM;egkb Mª‚DlkbM }kjk ,fFky ,lhVsV ds tyvi?kVu ¼,LVj dk lkcquhdj.k½ ds fy, osx fLFkjkad vkSj vfHkfØ;k dh dksfV Kkr djukA



(a) fn, x, vEy vkSj {kkj ds mnklhuhdj.k dh Å"ek fu/kkZfjr djukA

(b) fn, x, nqcZy vEy dh fo;kstu ÅtkZ fu/kkZfjr djukA



(a) fn, x, vok"i'khy inkFkZ ds vk.kfod æO;eku dks fØLVyh; :i ls fu/kkZfjr djukA


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