Economic Zoology and Ethology Book B.Sc 3rd Sem
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Buy Latest Zoology (Economic Zoology and Ethology) Book in Bilingual Edition ( Both English and Hindi ) for B.Sc 3rd Semester University of Rajasthan, Jaipur NEP-2020 By Thakur Publication. Written by Experienced Authors | Fast Delivery |
AUTHORS: Dr. Nimba Ram Bhaker , Dr. Faiza Rifat ,Dr. Preeti Sharma
ISBN : 978-93-6180-243-0
Syllabus ¼ikB~;Øe½
ZOO-63T-201: Economic Zoology & Ethology
¼vkfFkZd çkf.k foKku ,oa ,FkksykWth½
Unit |
Topic |
Hrs. |
I |
Sericulture: Silkworm species, host plants, types of silk, economic importance of silk, Moriculture: life cycle of mulberry silkworm, silk production, processing of silk, associated enemies, diseases and their management. |
js'ke dhV ikyu& js'ke dhV dh çtkfr;k¡] iks"kh ikS/ks] js'ke ds çdkj] js'ke dk vkfFkZd egRo] js'ke ikyu& 'kgrwr js'ke dhV dk thou pØ] js'ke mRiknu] js'ke dk çlaLdj.k] lacaf/kr 'k=q] jksx vkSj mudk çca/kuA |
4 |
Lac Culture: Life cycle of lac insect, general practices and management of lac cultivation, processing of lac, composition, properties and products of lac, associated enemies, diseases and their management. |
yk[k lao/kZu& yk[k dhV dk thou pØ] yk[k dh [ksrh ds lkekU; rjhds vkSj çca/ku] yk[k dk çlaLdj.k] yk[k dh lajpuk] xq.k vkSj mRikn] lacaf/kr 'k=q] jksx vkSj mudk çca/kuA |
4 |
Apiculture: Species of domesticated honey bee, life cycle of honeybees, indigenous and artificial bee hives, management of beekeeping, by-products, associated enemies, diseases and their management, apiculture and apiary in India. |
e/kqeD[kh ikyu& ikyrw e/kqefD[k;ksa dh çtkfr;k¡] e/kqefD[k;ksa dk thou pØ] ns'kh vkSj |
4 |
Prawn Culture: Culturable species, prawn hatcheries, culture practices, products and maintenance of culture, associated diseases and their management. |
>haxk ikyu& ikyus ;ksX; çtkfr;k¡] >haxk ikyu] lao/kZu i)fr;k¡] mRikn vkSj ikyu dk j[kj[kko] lacaf/kr chekfj;k¡ vkSj mudk çca/kuA |
3 |
II |
Vermiculture and Vermicomposting: Suitable and non-suitable species, conventional and commercial vermiculture (small- and large-scale vermicomposting), harvesting, processing, problems related to vermicomposting. |
dsapqvk ikyu ,oa dsapqvk [kkn& mi;qDr vkSj vuqi;qDr çtkfr;k¡] ikjaifjd vkSj O;kolkf;d dsapqvk ikyu ¼NksVs vkSj cM+s iSekus ij dsapqvk [kkn½] dVkbZ] çlaLdj.k] dsapqvk [kkn ls lacaf/kr leL;k,¡ |
4 |
Pearl Culture and Industry: Pearl producing molluscs, pearl formation, harvesting, properties and composition of pearls. |
eksrh ikyu vkSj m|ksx& eksrh mRiknd eksyLd] eksrh fuekZ.k] dVkbZ] eksrh ds xq.k vkSj lajpukA |
3 |
Pisciculture: Culturable species, edible fishes, seed production, hatcheries, feeding of fishes, by-products of fish culture, associated diseases and their management. |
eNyh ikyu& ikyus ;ksX; çtkfr;k¡] [kk| eNfy;k¡] cht mRiknu] gSpjh] eNfy;ksa dks f[kykuk] eNyh ikyu ds miksRikn] lacaf/kr chekfj;k¡ vkSj mudk çca/kuA |
4 |
Poultry Keeping: Indigenous and exotic breeds of poultry, housing system of poultry, common poultry management practices, associated diseases and their management. |
eqxhZ ikyu& eqxhZ ikyu dh ns'kh vkSj fons'kh uLysa] eqxhZ ikyu dh vkokl O;oLFkk] eqxhZ ikyu ds lkekU; çca/ku vH;kl] lacaf/kr jksx vkSj mudk çca/kuA |
4 |
Protozoan Diseases: Malaria, African sleeping sickness, amoebic dysentery, Leishmaniasis |
çksVkstksvk tfur jksx& eysfj;k] vÝhdh funzk chekjh] vehfcd isfp'k] yh'keSfu;kfll |
3 |
Helminth Diseases: Outline of diseases caused by Platyhelminthes and Aschelminthes. |
gsfYeaFk jksx& IySfVgsfYeUFkht vkSj ,LdsfYeUFkht }kjk gksus okys jksxksa dh :ijs[kk |
3 |
Arthropod-borne Diseases: Tick-borne diseases, Mite infestation, Insect-borne diseases. |
vkFkksZiksM tfur jksx& fVd tfur jksx] ekbV laØe.k] dhV tfur jksxA |
4 |
Pest and their Management: Agricultural pests, stored grain pests, household pests, Integrated pest management. |
ihM+d ,oa mudk çca/ku& —f"k dhV] laxzghr vukt dhV] ?kjsyw dhV] ,dh—r dhV çca/ku |
5 |
IV |
Ethology: Introduction and history of Ethology Brain and behaviour, Limbic system and Hypothalamus. |
,Fkksy‚th& ,Fkksy‚th O;kogkfjdh dk ifjp; vkSj bfrgkl efLr"d vkSj O;ogkj] fyfEcd flLVe vkSj gkbiksFkSyselA |
3 |
Concepts of Ethology: Fixed action pattern, sign stimulus, innate releasing mechanism, action specific energy, motivation, imprinting and learning. |
,Fkksy‚th dh vo/kkj.kk,¡& fuf'pr fØ;k iSVuZ] ladsr mÙkstuk] lgt fjyht ra=] fØ;k fof'k"V ÅtkZ] çsj.kk] v/;adu ,oa vf/kxe |
4 |
Communication: Auditory, tactile, visual and chemical; Societies: Characteristics and advantage with special reference to honey bee and monkeys. |
lapkj& Jo.k] Li'kZ] –'; vkSj jklk;fud( lekt& 'kgn dh eD[kh vkSj canjksa ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ esa fo'ks"krk,¡ vkSj ykHkA |
Biological Clocks and Animal Behaviour: Biological rhythms and biological clocks. Methods of studying animal behaviour. |
tSfod ?kfM+;k¡ vkSj tarq O;ogkj& tSfod y; vkSj tSfod ?kfM+;k¡A tarq O;ogkj dk v/;;u djus dh fof/kA |
4 |
Practical ¼ç;ksxkRed½ UG0802 -ZOO-63P-202- Practicals based on Economic Zoology & Ethology ¼vkfFkZd çkf.k foKku ,oa ,FkksykWth ij vk/kkfjr ç;ksx½
Topic |
1. Study of Microscopic Slides/models/ photographs of the following: Plasmodium, Giardia, Toxoplasma, Trypanosoma, Bedbugs, mosquito (any), Pediculus humanus capitis, Xenopsyll acheopis, Aphid, Tribolium, Teania solium, Fasciola hepatica, Ascaris, Waucheria, 2. Study of Museum Specimens/ photographs/ Models of following: silk moth species, earthworm species, Prawn, Pearl oyster, poisonous spiders, scorpion, ants, Centipede, ear wig, types of honey bees, cockroach, crickets, grasshopper, edible fishes, fur, feathers, corals, cowrie. 3. To study life cycle of silk worm and different types of silk yarns available in the market. 4. To study the qualitative analysis of honey. 5. To study the construction of vermicomposting bins and devices used for vermicomposting. 6. Study to differentiate between original and artificial pearls. 7. To study the food preference and response to light in any of the stored insect pest 8. To study the antennal grooming in cockroach. 9. Study of chemical communication behaviour in Ants/earthworm. 10. Educational tour: Visit to any sericulture research and training Institute/ Apiary/Poultry farm/ Aquaculture and report submission (Candidates are expected to submit a detailed report of such visit) |
1. fuEufyf[kr ds lw{e LykbM/e‚My/QksVksxzkQ dk v/;;u& IykTeksfM;e] ftvkfMZ;k] VksDlksIykTek] fVªiSukslksek] [kVey] ePNj ¼dksbZ Hkh½] isMhdqyl áwesul dSfifVl] tsuksIlhyk psvksfil] ,fQM] fVªcksfy;e] Vhfu;k lksfy;e] QSflvksyk gsisfVdk] ,Ldsfjl] okmpsfj;k] 2. fuEufyf[kr ds laxzgky; ds uewuksa@QksVksxzkQ@e‚My dk v/;;u& js'ke dhV çtkfr;k¡] dsapqvk çtkfr;k¡] >haxk] eksrh lhi] tgjhyh edfM+;k¡] fcPNw] phafV;k¡] lsaVhihM] bZ;j fox] e/kqefD[k;ksa ds çdkj] frypêk] fØdsV] fVM~Mk] [kkus ;ksX; eNfy;k¡] Qj] ia[k] ewaxk] dkSM+hA 3. js'ke ds dhVksa ds thou pØ vkSj cktkj esa miyC/k fofHkUu çdkj ds js'ke ds /kkxksa dk v/;;u djukA 4. 'kgn ds xq.kkRed fo'ys"k.k dk v/;;u djukA 5. oehZdaiksfLVax ds fy, bLrseky fd, tkus okys midj.kksa vkSj dsapqvk [kkn cukus ds fy, fMCcksa ds fuekZ.k dk v/;;u djukA 6. vlyh vkSj —f=e eksfr;ksa ds chp varj djus dk v/;;u djukA 7. fdlh Hkh laxzghr dhV esa Hkkstu dh ilan vkSj çdk'k ds çfr çfrfØ;k dk v/;;u djukA 8. d‚djksp esa ,aVhuk xzwfeax dk v/;;u djukA 9. phafV;k@dsapqvksa esa jklk;fud lapkj O;ogkj dk v/;;u djukA 10. 'kSf{kd nkSjk& fdlh Hkh js'ke mRiknu vuqla/kku vkSj çf'k{k.k laLFkku@e/kqeD[kh ikyu@eqxhZ ikyu@,DokdYpj dk nkSjk vkSj fjiksVZ çLrqr djuk ¼mEehnokjksa ls ,slh ;k=k dh foLr`r fjiksVZ çLrqr djus dh vis{kk dh tkrh gS½ |