Microbiology and Plant Pathology ( सूक्ष्म जीवविज्ञान एवं पादप रोगविज्ञान ) Book B.Sc 3rd Sem
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Buy Latest Microbiology and Plant Pathology ( सूक्ष्म जीवविज्ञान एवं पादप रोगविज्ञान ) Book in Bilingual Edition ( Both English and Hindi ) for B.Sc 3rd Semester University of Rajasthan, Jaipur NEP-2020 By Thakur Publication. Written by Experienced Authors | Fast Delivery |
AUTHORS: Prof (Dr.) Dileep Gupta , Dr. Pinky Saini , Dr. Mahesh Chandra Meena , Dr. Dimpal Sharma
ISBN : 978-93-6180-927-9
Syllabus ¼ikB~;Øe½
Microbiology and Plant Pathology
¼lw{e thofOkKku ,oa ikni jksxfoKku½
Course Code: BOT-63T-201
Unit ¼bdkbZ½ |
¼fo"k;½ |
Hrs. ¼?k.Vs½ |
Unit I ¼bdkbZ I½ |
Microbiology: Introduction to microbial word: History and Development in the field of microbiology, Systemic position of Micro-organism (R.H. Whittaker’s five kingdom concept, Carl Woese’s Domain System), Origin of Life, contribution of Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch, Germ theory of disease. |
lw{e thofoKku& lw{etho 'kCn dk ifjp;& lw{e thofoKku ds {ks= esa bfrgkl vkSj fodkl] lw{etho dk oxhZÑr LFkku ¼R.H. fOgVsdj dh ikap txr vo/kkj.kk] dkyZ oksbl dh Mksesu ra=½] thou dh mRifÙk] yqbZ ik'pj vkSj j‚cVZ dksp dk ;ksxnku] jksx dk jksxk.kq fl)karA |
7 Lecture |
Virus: Discovery, General account, structure with special reference to TMV, Pox virus, Bacteriophage; Replication of T4 phage (Lytic and Lysogenic). |
ok;jl& [kkst] lkekU; fooj.k] TMV] i‚Dl ok;jl] cSDVhfj;ksQst ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ ds lkFk lajpuk] T4 Qst ¼ykbfVd vkSj ykblkstsfud½ dh çfr—frA |
6 Lecture |
Mycoplasma: General Characteristics, Morphology and Reproduction. |
ekbdksIykTek& lkekU; fo'ks"krk,a] vkdkfjdh vkSj çtuuA |
2 Lecture |
Unit II ¼bdkbZ II½ |
Bacteria: General Characteristics, Classification, Cell structure, endospore formation, Reproduction- asexual and recombination (Conjugation, Transformation and Transduction).
Applied Microbiology: Economic importance of viruses, Economic importance of Bacteria with reference to their role in agriculture and food industry, Biofilms |
cSDVhfj;k& lkekU; fo'ks"krk,¡] oxhZdj.k] dksf'kdk lajpuk] ,aMksLiksj fuekZ.k] çtuu& vySafxd vkSj iqulaZ;kstu ¼la;qXeu] ifjorZu vkSj ikjxeu½A
vuqç;qDr lw{e tho foKku& ok;jl dk vkfFkZd egRo] —f"k vkSj [kk| m|ksx esa mudh Hkwfedk ds lanHkZ esa cSDVhfj;k dk vkfFkZd egRo] ck;ksfQYEl
10 Lecture
05 Lecture
Unit III ¼bdkbZ III½ |
Phytopathology: Terminology and basic concepts (Primary and Secondary inoculum; infection, Pathogenicity, Pathogenesis, Disease Cycle); Biotic and abiotic diseases, General symptoms caused by Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, Mycoplasma, Nematodes, Insects (smut, rust, mildews, canker, mosaic, vein clearing, spots, lesion, knot, galls).
Diseases: Viral, Mycoplasmal and Bacterial diseases: Brief account, Symptomology and control of the following plant diseases:- Tobacco Mosaic, Little leaf of Brinjal, Citrus canker and Angular leaf spot of Cotton. |
ikni jksxfoKku& 'kCnkoyh vkSj ewy vo/kkj.kk,¡ ¼çkFkfed vkSj f}rh;d buksdqye] laØe.k] jksxtudrk] jksxtuu] jksx pؽ] tSfod vkSj vtSfod jksx] ok;jl] cSDVhfj;k] dod] ekbdksIykTek] fuesVksM] dhVksa ¼LeV] jLV] QQwanh] dSadj] ekstsd] f'kjk vfHkO;fDr] /kCcs] ?kko] xk¡B] fiÙk½ ds dkj.k gksus okys lkekU; y{k.kA
jksx& ok;jy] ekbdksIykTey vkSj thok.kq jksx& laf{kIr fooj.k] fuEu ikS/kksa ds jksxksa dk y{k.k foKku vkSj fu;a=.k& rackdw ekstsd] cSaxu dh NksVh iÙkh] lkbVªl dSadj vkSj dikl dh dks.kh; iÙkh dk /kCckA |
08 Lecture
07 Lecture
Unit IV ¼bdkbZ IV½ |
Fungal Diseases: Symptomology, disease cycle and control of the following plant diseases with special reference to Rajasthan: White rust of crucifers, Downy mildew/green ear disease of Bajra, Black/stem rust of Wheat, Loose and covered smut of Barley, Early blight of Potato.
Diseases: Disease caused by insects and nematodes: General account of diseases caused by insects and nematodes, Brief account and histopathology of root knot of vegetables, leaf gall of Pongamia. |
dod tfur jksx& jktLFkku ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ esa fuEu ikni jksxksa ds y{k.k] jksx pØ vkSj fu;a=.k& ØwlhQsjl dk lQsn jLV] cktjk dk Mkmuh QQwan@xzhu bZ;j jksx] xsgwa dk dkyk@ruk jLV] tkS dk ywt vkSj <dk gqvk LeV] vkyw dk çkjafHkd >qylk jksxA jksx& dhVksa vkSj fuesVksM }kjk gksus okys jksx& dhVksa vkSj fuesVksM }kjk gksus okys jksxksa dk lkekU; fooj.k] lfCt;ksa dh tM+ xkaB dk laf{kIr fooj.k vkSj Ård fo—fr foKku] iksaxkfe;k dk iÙkh fiÙkA
10 Lecture
05 Lecture |
Practical ¼ç;ksxkRed½
Unit ¼bdkbZ½ |
¼fo"k;½ |
Microscopic techniques- handling of light microscope, general idea of SEM and TEM.
Write major contribution of leading scientists of Microbiology
Study of TMV, Bacteriophage and Pox virus, Mycorrhiza (Photographs/3D Models) |
lw{en'khZ rduhdsa& çdk'k lw{en'khZ dk lapkyu] SEM vkSj TEM dk lkekU; fopkjA
lw{etho foKku ds vxz.kh oSKkfudksa ds çeq[k ;ksxnku fy[ksa TMV] cSDVhfj;ksQst vkSj i‚Dl ok;jl] ekbdksjkbtk dk v/;;u ¼QksVksxzkQ/3D e‚My½ |
Study of Bacteria by Gram Staining and Negative staining. Preparation of Liquid and solid media for culturing microbes. Pure culture techniques- pour plate, spread plate, streaking. |
xzke vfHkjad vkSj usxsfVo vfHkjatd }kjk cSDVhfj;k dk v/;;uA lw{ethoksa ds lao/kZu ds fy, rjy vkSj Bksl ek/;e rS;kj djukA 'kq) lao/kZu rduhdsa& iksj IysV] LçsM IysV] LVªhfdaxA |
Study of symptoms of plant diseases (specimen/permanent slide)- Downy mildew/green ear disease of Bajra, Tobacco Mosaic, Citrus canker, Little leaf of Brinjal, Study of spores of Alternaria from Early blight of Potato |
ikS/kksa ds jksxksa ds y{k.kksa dk v/;;u ¼uewuk@LFkk;h LykbM½& cktjk dk Mkmuh QQwan@gjk dku jksx] rEckdw ekstsd] lkbVªl dSadj] cSaxu dh NksVh iÙkh] vkyw ds çkjafHkd >qylk ls vYVjusfj;k ds chtk.kqvksa dk v/;;u |
Study and identification of spores from temporary slide preparation from infected plant material: white rust of crucifers (conidia stage), Black/ stem rust of Wheat (all stages). Study of histopathology using temporary slide prepration of infected part of root knot of tomato, Leaf gall of Pongamia |
laØfer ikS/ks lkexzh ls vLFkk;h LykbM rS;kj djus ls chtk.kqvksa dk v/;;u vkSj igpku& ØwflQlZ dk lQsn jLV ¼dksfufM;k voLFkk½] xsgwa dk dkyk@ruk jLV ¼lHkh voLFkk,¡½A VekVj dh tM+ xk¡B ds laØfer Hkkx dh vLFkk;h LykbM rS;kjh dk mi;ksx djds fgLVksiSFkksy‚th dk v/;;u] iksaxkfe;k dh iÙkh xkWy |