Syllabus ¼ikB~;Øe½
First Aid and Health ¼çkFkfed mipkj ,oa LokLF;½
Unit No.
( bdkbZ la )
No. of Lectures Total = 15 Theory + 30 Practical ( dqy ysDpj dh la[;k ¾ 15 F;ksjh $ 30 çSfDVdy )
A. Basic First Aid
B. First AID Technique
Dressings and Bandages.
Fast evacuation techniques (single rescuer).
Transport techniques.
C. First aid related with respiratory system
Basics of Respiration.
No breathing or difficult breathing, Drowning, Choking, Strangulation and hanging,
Swelling within the throat, Suffocation by smoke or gases and Asthma.
D. First aid related with Heart, Blood and Circulation
Basics of The heart and the blood circulation.
Chest discomfort, bleeding.
E. First aid related with Wounds and Injuries
Type of wounds, Small cuts and abrasions
Head, Chest, Abdominal injuries
Amputation, Crush injuries, Shock
F. First aid related with Bones, Joints Muscle related injuries
Basics of The skeleton, Joints and Muscles.
Fractures (injuries to bones).
A. vk/kkjHkwr çkFkfed mipkj
çkFkfed mipkj ds mís'; vkSj çkFkfed fpfdRlk ds dkuwu
fdlh vkikr fLFkfr ls lkeuk djuk] iqutÊou ¼ewyHkwr CPR) A
iqu ç kZfIr fLFkfr] ç kjafHkd 'kh"kZ ls iSj rd ewY;kaduA
gkFk èkksuk vkSj LoPNrk
çkFkfed fpfdRlk fdV ds çdkj rFkk lkexzh
B. çkFkfed fpfdRlk rduhd
Mªsflax vkSj ifê;k¡A
rsth ls fudklh rduhd ¼,dy cpkodrkZ½A
ifjogu rduhdA
C. 'olu ra= ls lacafèkr çkFkfed mipkj
'olu dh ewy ckrsaA
lkal ugha ysuk ;k lkal ysus esa dfBukbZ] Mwcuk] ?kqVu] xyk ?kksaVuk vkSj yVdkuk]
xys ds vUnj lwtu] èkq,a ;k xSlksa ls ?kqVu vkSj vLFkekA
D. ân;] jDr vkSj ifjlapj.k ls lacafèkr çkFkfed mipkj
ân; rFkk jDr ifjlapj.k dh ewy ckrsaA
lhus esa rdyhQ] [kwu cg jgk gSA
E. ?kkoksa vkSj pksVksa ls lacafèkr çkFkfed mipkj
?kko ds çdkj] NksVs dV vkSj [kjksap
flj] Nkrh] isV esa pksVsa
foPNsnu] LQksVtU; {kfr] lnek
F. gfì;ksa] tksM+ksa ls lacafèkr çkFkfed mipkj ekalisf'k;ksa ls lacafèkr pksVsa
dadky] tksM+ksa rFkk ekalisf'k;ksa dh ewy ckrsaA
ÝSDpj ¼gfì;ksa esa pksV½A
Practical ¼çSfDVdy½
G. First aid related with Nervous system and Unconsciousness
Basics of the nervous system.
Unconsciousness, Stroke, Fits – convulsions – seizures, Epilepsy.
H. First aid related with Gastrointestinal Tract
Basics of The gastrointestinal system.
Diarrhea, Food poisoning.
I. First aid related with Skin, Burns
Basics of The skin.
Burn wounds, Dry burns and scalds (burns from fire, heat and steam).
Electrical and Chemical burns, Sun burns, heat exhaustion and heatstroke.
Frost bites (cold burns), Prevention of burns, Fever and Hypothermia.
J. First aid related with Poisoning
Poisoning by swallowing, Gases, Injection, Skin
K. First aid related with Bites and Stings
Animal bites, Snake bites, Insect stings and bites
L. First aid related with Sense organs
Basic of Sense organ.
Foreign objects in the eye, ear, nose or skin.
Swallowed foreign objects.
M. Specific emergency satiation and disaster management
Emergencies at educational institutes and work
Road and traffic accidents.
Emergencies in rural areas.
Disasters and multiple casualty accidents.
N. Emergency Child birth
G. raf=dk ra= vkSj csgks'kh ls lacafèkr çkFkfed mipkj
raf=dk ra= dh ewy ckrsaA
csgks'kh] vk?kkr] nkSjs & vk{ksi & nkSjs] fejxhA
H. tBjka= ekxZ ls lacafèkr çkFkfed fpfdRlk
tBjka= ra= dh ewy ckrsaA
nLr] [kk| fo"kkDrrkA
I. Ropk] tyu ls lacafèkr çkFkfed mipkj
Ropk dh ewy ckrsaA
tys gq, ?kko] MªkbZ cuZ rFkk iiM+h ¼vkx] xeÊ vkSj Hkki ls tyuk½A
bysfDVªdy rFkk dsfedy cuZ] lu cuZ] Å"ek Jkafr vkSj yw yxukA
'khrna'k ¼dksYM cuZ½] tyus ls cpko] cq[kkj rFkk vYirki A
J. tgj ls lacafèkr çkFkfed mipkj
tgj fuxyus ls] xSlsa] batsD'ku] Ropk
K. dkVus vkSj Mad ls lacafèkr çkFkfed fpfdRlk
tkuojksa ds dkVus] lkai ds dkVus] dhM+s ds Mluk vkSj dkVus
L. laosnh vaxksa ls lacafèkr çkFkfed mipkj
laosnh vax ds ewy rRoA
vka[k] dku] ukd ;k Ropk esa cká oLrq,aA
cká oLrqvksa dks fuxy fy;kA
M. fof'k"V vkikrdkyhu r`fIr rFkk vkink çcaèku
'kS{kf.kd laLFkkuksa rFkk dke ij vkikr fLFkfr
lM+d vkSj ;krk;kr nq?kZVuk,aA
xzkeh.k {ks=ksa esa vkikr fLFkfrA
vkink,a vkSj dbZ ihfMr nq?kZVuk,aA
N. ( vkikrdkyhu çlo )
Basic Sex Education
Overview, ground rules, and a pre-test
Basics of Urinary system and Reproductive system.
Male puberty — physical and emotional changes
Female puberty — physical and emotional changes
Male-female similarities and differences
Sexual intercourse, pregnancy, and childbirth
Facts, attitudes, and myths about LGBTQ+ issues and identities
Birth control and abortion
Sex without love — harassment, sexual abuse, and rape
Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.
cqfu;knh ;kSu f'k{kk
laf{kIr fooj.k] ewy fl)kUr]] vkSj ,d iwoZ ijh{k.k
mRltZu ra= vkSj çtuu ra= dh ewy ckrsaA
iq#"k ;kSou — 'kkjhfjd vkSj HkkoukRed ifjorZu
efgyk ;kSou — 'kkjhfjd vkSj HkkoukRed ifjorZu
iq#"k&efgyk lekurk,a rFkk varj
laHkksx] xHkkZoLFkk] vkSj çlo
LGBTQ + eqn~nksa vkSj igpkuksa ds ckjs esa rF;] –f"Vdks.k vkSj feFkd
tUe fu;a=.k rFkk xHkZikr
I;kj ds fcuk lsDl — mRihM+u] ;kSu 'kks"k.k vkSj cykRdkj
;kSu lapkfjr jksxksa dh jksdFkkeA
Mental Health and Psychological First Aid
What is Mental Health First Aid?
Mental Health Problems in the India
The Mental Health First Aid Action Plan
Understanding Depression and Anxiety Disorders
Crisis First Aid for Suicidal Behavior & Depressive symptoms
What is Non-Suicidal Self-Injury?
Non-crisis First Aid for Depression and Anxiety
Crisis First Aid for Panic Attacks, Traumatic events
Understanding Disorders in Which Psychosis may Occur
Crisis First Aid for Acute Psychosis
Understanding Substance Use Disorder
Crisis First Aid for Overdose, Withdrawal
Using Mental Health First Aid
ekufld LokLF; vkSj euksoSKkfud çkFkfed mipkj
ekufld LokLF; çkFkfed mipkj D;k gS\
Hkkjr esa ekufld LokLF; leL;k,a
ekufld LokLF; çkFkfed fpfdRlk dk;Z ;kstuk
volkn rFkk fpark fodkjksa dks le>uk
vkRe?kkrh O;ogkj rFkk volknxzLr y{k.kksa ds fy, ladV çkFkfed mipkj
xSj&vkRe?kkrh vkRe&pksV D;k gS\
xSj&ladV volkn rFkk fpark ds fy, çkFkfed mipkj
vkrad geyksa] nnZukd ?kVukvksa ds fy, ladV çkFkfed mipkj
mu fodkjksa dks le>uk ftuesa euksfo—fr gks ldrh gS
rhoz euksfo—fr ds fy, ladV çkFkfed mipkj
eknd inkFkZ ds mi;ksx fodkj dks le>uk
vfèkd ek=k] çR;kgkj ds fy, ladV çkFkfed mipkj
ekufld LokLF; çkFkfed fpfdRlk dk mi;ksx djuk
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