Forex Management


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BBA, Karnatak University, Sixth Semester
Total Hrs: 50                                                        Workload: 4 Hrs/Week
Module-I                                                                      (10 Hrs)
Nature and Scope of Forex Management: Objectives, Significance and Scope of Forex Management, Relationship between Forex Management and Financial Management, Forex Management and Global Environment.
Module-II                                                                    (13 Hrs)
International Financial Markets and Instruments: An Overview of International Capital and Money Markets, Arbitrage Opportunities, Integration of Markets, International Capital and Money Market Instruments – GDRs, DRs, Euro Bonds, Dual Currency Bonds, Euro Equity, Euro Deposits.
Module-III                                                                  (12 Hrs)
Foreign Exchange Market: Foreign Exchange Market, Functions, Characteristics, Organization, and Participants, Arbitrage in Foreign Exchange Market, Mechanics of Making Foreign Payments, Cost Associated with International Payments.
Module-IV                                                                   (15 Hrs)
Foreign Exchange Rates and Its Determinations: Exchange Rate, Definition, Spot, Forward and Cross Exchange Rates, Forex Trading and Financing of International Trade, Swaps, Options, Offshore Banking, Payment Terms, i.e., Commerical Invoice, Letter of Credit, Bill of Exchange, Documents and Financing Techniques.
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