Quantitative Techniques & Operations Research | MBA 2nd Sem | Bangalore University

Quantitative Techniques & Operations Research Book for MBA 2nd Semester Bangalore University front Cover Page

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Buy Latest Quantitative Techniques & Operations Research Book for Mba 2nd Semester in English language specially designed for BU ( Bangalore University, Karnataka) By Thakur publication.

Authors : Dr. Gokul G , K.S Saritha Mahesh 

ISBN : 978-93-5480-506-6



Course Code: 2.6


Module 1: Introduction to Operations Research                                                                       10 Hours

Introduction, Historical Background, Scope of Operations Research, Features of Operations Research, Phases of Operations Research, Types of Operations Research Models, Operations Research Methodology, Operations Research Techniques and Tools, Structure of the Mathematical Model, Limitations of Operations Research


Linear Programming Problem, Mathematical Formulation of LPP, Graphical Method, Simplex Method (Standard Maximization) Problems, Formulation of Duality.


Module 2: Minimization Techniques                                                                                          12 Hours

Transportation: Importance, Terminologies Used, Methods for Finding Initial Basic Feasible Solution; NWCM, LCM and VAM, Unbalanced, Degeneracy in Transportation, Test for Optimality (MODI Method Only), Maximization Problems.


Assignment: Introduction, Mathematical Formulation of the Problem, Hungarian Method Algorithm, Routing Problem, Travelling Salesman Problem.


Module 3: Sequence and Replacement                                                                                      10 Hours

Sequencing: Terminologies and Notations, Types of Sequencing Problems; Processing ‘n’ Jobs Through 2 Machines, Processing ‘n’ Jobs Through ‘m’ Machines.


Replacement Models: Failure Mechanism of Items, Assumptions of Replacement Theory, Types of Replacement Problems, Replacement of Items Which Deteriorates with Time, Group Replacement.


Module 4: Network Analysis                                                                                                      10 Hours

Networking Concepts; Rules for Drawing Network Diagram; CPM Computations: CPM Terminology, Finding Critical Path - Different Floats; PERT Computations: Computation of Earliest and Latest Allowable Times, Probability of Meeting the Scheduled Dates; Difference Between PERT and CPM, Concept of Project Crashing.


Module 5: Game Theory                                                                                                             10 Hours

Introduction, Types, Pure and Mixed Strategies with Two People Zero Sum Game, Maximin – Minimax Principle, Saddle Point, Principle of Dominance. Graphical Method of Solving a Game.


Queuing Theory (Waiting Line): Single Server/Single Queue, Essential Features of Queuing System, Single Queue, Operating Characteristics of Queuing System, Probability Distribution in Queuing System, Multi-Server, Description of other Queuing Models (Only Description).


Module 6: Simulation                                                                                                                    8 Hours

Basic Concepts, Procedures and Application, Monte Carlo Simulation using Random Numbers, Application of Simulation in Inventory Management, Marketing Management, Financial Management.

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