( Chemistry ) Quantum Mechanics and Analytical Techniques Book B.Sc 4th Sem


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AUTHORS : Dr. Shailendra Singh , Dr. Sher Singh Katariya , Dr. Rajan kumar Verma 
ISBN : 9789357550369

Course Code: BO20401T

Quantum Mechanics and Analytical Techniques






Total No. of

Lectures (60)



Atomic Structure: Idea of de-Broglie matter waves, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, atomic orbitals, Schrödinger wave equation, significance of Ψ and Ψ2, quantum numbers, radial and angular wave functions and probability distribution curves, shapes of s, p, d, orbitals. Aufbau and Pauli exclusion principles, Hund's multiplicity rule.




Elementary Quantum Mechanics: Black-body radiation, Planck's radiation law, photoelectric effect, heat capacity of solids, Bohr's model of hydrogen atom (no derivation) and its defects, Compton effect. de- Broglie hypothesis. Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Hamiltonian Operator.


Schrödinger wave equation (time dependent and time independent) and its importance, physical interpretation of the wave function, postulates of quantum mechanics, particle in a one dimensional box. Schrödinger wave equation for H-atom, separation into three equations (without derivation), quantum numbers and their importance, hydrogen like wave functions, radial wave functions, angular wave functions. Molecular orbital theory, basic ideas Criteria for forming MO from AO, construction of MO by LCAO H2+ ion, calculation of energy levels from wave functions, physical picture of bonding and anti-bonding wave functions, concept of σ, σ*, π, π* orbitals and their characteristics.




Molecular Spectroscopy: Introduction: Electromagnetic radiation, regions of the spectrum, basic features of different spectrometers, statement of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, degrees of freedom.


Rotational Spectrum: Diatomic molecules. Energy levels of a rigid rotor (semi-classical principles), selection rules, spectral intensity, distribution using population distribution (Maxwell- Boltzmann distribution) determination of bond length, qualitative description of non-rigid rotor, isotope effect.


Vibrational Spectrum: Infrared spectrum : Energy levels of simple harmonic oscillator, selection rules, pure vibrational spectrum, intensity, determination of force constant and qualitative relation of force constant and bond energies, effect of anharmonic motion and isotope on the spectrum, idea of vibrational frequencies of different functional groups.


Raman Spectrum: Concept of polarizability , pure rotational and pure vibrational, Raman spectra of diatomic molecules, selection rules.

Electronic Spectrum: Concept of potential energy curves for bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals, qualitative description of selection rules.




UV-Visible Spectroscopy: Origin of spectra, interaction of radiation with matter, fundamental laws of spectroscopy and

Selection rules. Types of electronic transitions, lmax, chromophores and auxochromes, Bathochromic and Hypsochromic shifts, Intensity of absorption; application of Woodward Rules for calculation of lmax for the conjugated dienes: alicyclic, homoannular and heteroannular; extended conjugated systems distinction between cis and trans isomers (Cis and trans stilbene).




Infrared Spectroscopy: Fundamental and non-fundamental molecular vibrations; Hooke’s law selection rule, IR absorption positions of various functional groups (C=O, OH, NH, COOH and nitile) , Effect of H-bonding, conjugation, resonance and ring size of cyclic ketones and lactones on IR absorptions; Fingerprint region and its significance; application in functional group analysis and and interpretation of I.R. spectra of simple organic compounds.




1H-NMR Spectroscopy (PMR): NMR Spectroscopy: introduction; nuclear spin; NMR active molecules; basic principles of Proton Magnetic Resonance; choice of solvent and internal standard; equivalent and non-equivalent protons; chemical shift and factors influencing it; ring current effect; significance of the terms: up-/downfield, shielded and deshielded protons; spin coupling and coupling constant (1st order spectra); relative intensities of first-order multiplets: Pascal
’s triangle; chemical and magnetic equivalence in NMR; anisotropic effects in alkene, alkyne, aldehydes and aromatics; NMR peak area, integration; relative peak positions with coupling patterns of common organic compounds; interpretation of NMR spectra of simple compounds. Applications of IR, UV and NMR spectroscopy for identification of simple organic molecules such as Ethanol, Ethyl acetate, Acetone, Acetaldehyde, Dimethylformamide, Cis and trans 1,2-dimethyl cycloprpanone, Propene, Vinyl Chloride, Acetophenone, Benzaldehyde, Phenol, Toluene and Ethyl benzene.





Introduction to Mass Spectrometry: Principle of mass spectrometry, the mass spectrum, mass spectrometry diagram, molecular ion, metastable ion, fragmentation process, McLafferty rearrangement.




Separation Techniques: Solvent extraction: Classification, principle and efficiency of the technique. Mechanism of extraction: extraction by solvation and chelation. Technique of extraction: batch, continuous and counter current extractions. Qualitative and quantitative aspects of solvent extraction: extraction of metal ions from aqueous solution, extraction of organic species from the aqueous and non-aqueous media. Chromatography: Classification, principle and efficiency of the technique. Mechanism of separation: adsorption, partition & ion exchange. Development of chromatograms: frontal, elution and displacement methods.


U.P State NEP2023/B.SC ( English) /4/05
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