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Syllabus ¼ikB~;Øe½
Paper-II: Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
¼Á’u i= II& ikni dkf;Zdh ,oa tSo jlk;u½
Water: Structure, physico-chemical properties, importance to plant life, concept of water potential. Absorption and Transport of water; Ascent of sap, Transpiration, Guttation, stomatal movement, factors affecting transpiration. Guttation.
Mineral Nutrition: Essential micro and macro nutrients; their uptake, hydroponics-and nutrient requirement deficiency and toxicity symptoms.
Transport of Organic Substances: Mechanisms of phloem transport, factors regulating the translocations of nutrients.
ty& lajpuk] HkkSfrd&jklk;fud xq.k] ikni thou ds fy, egRo] ty foHko dh vo/kkj.kkA ty dk vo'kks"k.k vkSj ifjogu] jlkjksg.k] ok"iksRltZu] fcanqlzko] ja/kz xfr] ok"iksRltZu dks çHkkfor djus okys dkjdA fcanqlzkoA
[kfut iks"k.k& vko';d lw{e vkSj o`gr iks"kd rRo] mudk vo'kks"k.k] gkbMªksiksfuDl&vkSj iks"kd rRoksa dh vko';drk deh vkSj fo"kkDrrk ds y{k.kA
dkcZfud inkFkksaZ dk ifjogu& ¶yks,e ifjogu dk ra=] iks"kd rRoksa ds LFkkukarj.k dks fu;aaf=r djus okys dkjdA |
Photosynthesis: Pigments, Photosynthetic apparatus, light reaction, photo system I and II, Z scheme, photophosphorylation, C3(Calvin cycle), C4 cycle, and factors affecting the photosynthesis.
Respiration: Aerobic and anaerobic respiration; RQ (Respiratory Quotient), Kreb’s cycle, electron transport system, oxidative phosphorylation, and factors affecting the process.Fermentation.
bdkbZ& II
çdk'k la'ys"k.k& o.kZd] çdk'k la'ys"kd midj.k] çdk'k vfHkfØ;k] izdk’kra= I vkSj II] Z ;kstuk] çdk'kh; Q‚LQksfjyhdj.k] C3 ¼dSfYou pؽ] C4 pØ] vkSj çdk'k la'ys"k.k dks çHkkfor djus okys dkjdA
'olu& ok;oh; vkSj vok;oh; 'olu; RQ ¼'olu xq.kkad½] ØsCl pØ] bysDVª‚u ifjogu ra=] v‚Dlhdj Q‚LQksfjyhdj.k] vkSj çfØ;k dks çHkkfor djus okys dkjdA fd.ouA
Carbohydrates: Introduction, importance, nomenclature, classification, molecular structure and function of mono, di and polysaccharides, their properties, glycosidic linkages and glycoprotein.
Proteins: Amino acids-structure, electrochemical properties, peptide bonds, chemical bonds and nomenclare, structure and classification of proteins, physical and chemical properties.
Enzymes: Structure, nomenclature and classification of enzyme. Characteristics of enzymes, mechanism of action, multi-enzyme system, regulation of enzyme activity.
Lipids: Importance of fatty acids (saturated and unsaturated). Alpha and Beta oxidation. Brief introduction and application of secondary metabolites.
dkcksZgkbMªsV& ifjp;] egRo] ukedj.k] oxhZdj.k] eksuks] Mkb vkSj i‚yhlSdsjkbM dh vk.kfod lajpuk vkSj dk;Z] muds xq.k] XykbdksflfMd fyadst vkSj XykbdksçksVhuA
çksVhu& vehuks vEy&lajpuk] fo|qr jklk;fud xq.k] isIVkbM ca/k] jklk;fud ca/k vkSj ukedj.k] çksVhu dh lajpuk vkSj oxhZdj.k] HkkSfrd vkSj jklk;fud xq.kA
,atkbe& ,atkbe dh lajpuk] ukedj.k vkSj oxhZdj.kA ,atkbe dh fo'ks"krk,a] fØ;kfof/k cgq&,atkbe ç.kkyh] ,atkbe xfrfof/k dk fofu;euA
fyfiM& olh; vEy ¼lar`Ir vkSj vlar`Ir½ dk egRoA vYQk vkSj chVk v‚Dlhdj.kA f}rh;d p;kip; dk laf{kIr ifjp; vkSj vuqç;ksxA
Phases of Growth and Development: Seed dormancy and germination, plant movement, Biological clock-their regulatory factors.
Photoperiodism and vernalisation; physiology and mechanism of action, concept of florigen and phytochrome.
Plant Hormones: Auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, ethylene and ABA; discovery and physiological effects.
o`f) ,oa fodkl ds pj.k& cht dh çlqfIr ,oa vadqj.k] ikS/kksa dh xfr] tSfod ?kM+h&muds fu;ked dkjdA
nhfIrdkfyrk vkSj clarhdj.k] dkf;Zdh vkSj fØ;kfof/k] ¶yksfjtsu vkSj QkbVksØkse dh vo/kkj.kkA
ikni gkeksZu& v‚fDlu] ftcjsfyu] lkbVksdkbfuu] ,fFkyhu vkSj ABA; [kkst vkSj 'kkjhfjd çHkkoA |
Practical Exercises:
1) To determine the osmotic potential of vacuolar sap by plasmolytic method.
2) To study the permeability of plasma membrane using different concentrations of organic solvents.
3) To study the effect of temperature of permeability of plasma membrane.
4) To separate chloroplast pigments by solvent method.
5) To separate chloroplast pigments using paper chromatography.
6) To separate amino acids in a mixture by paper chromatography.
7) To prepare the standard curve of protein.
8) To demonstrate the tests for proteins in the unknown samples.
9) To demonstrate the enzyme activity – Catalase, peroxidase and amylase.
10) To demonstrate the tests for different types of carbohydrates and lipids.
11) Bioassay of growth hormone (auxin, cytokinin, gibberellin).
12) Demonstration of phenomenon of osmosis by use of potato osmometer.
13) To demonstrate root pressure.
14) To demonstrate rate of transpiration by use of potometers.
15) Photosynthesis by inverted funnel method, Moll’s experiment. 16) To demonstrate anaerobic and aerobic respiration. 17) R.Q. by Ganong’s respirometer. 18) Measurement of growth using auxanometer. |
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1) IykTeksfyfVd fof/k }kjk fjfDrdk jl dh ijklj.kh {kerk dk fu/kkZj.k djukA 2) dkcZfud foyk;dksa dh fofHkUu lkaærkvksa dk mi;ksx djds IykTek f>Yyh dh ikjxE;rk dk v/;;u djukA 3) IykTek f>Yyh dh ikjxE;rk ij rkieku ds çHkko dk v/;;u djukA 4) foyk;d fof/k }kjk DyksjksIykLV o.kZdksa dks vyx djukA 5) dkxt o.kZysf[kdh dk mi;ksx djds DyksjksIykLV o.kZdksa dks vyx djukA 6) dkxt o.kZysf[kdh }kjk feJ.k esa vehuks vEy dks vyx djukA 7) çksVhu dk ekud oØ rS;kj djukA 8) vKkr uewuksa esa çksVhu ds fy, ijh{k.k çnf'kZr djukA 9) ,atkbe xfrfof/k dk çn'kZu djuk & dSVkyst] ijkWDlhMst vkSj ,ekbystA 10) fofHkUu çdkj ds dkcksZgkbMªsV vkSj fyfiM ds fy, ijh{k.k çnf'kZr djukA 11) o`f) gkeksZu ¼v‚fDlu] lkbVksdkbfuu] ftcjsfyu½ dk tSoijh{k.kA 12) vkyw v‚LeksehVj ds mi;ksx ls ijklj.k dh ?kVuk dk fu:i.kA 13) ewy nkc dk fu:i.k djukA 14) iksVksehVj ds mi;ksx ls ok"iksRltZu dh nj dk fu:i.k djukA 15) mYVs Quy fof/k }kjk çdk'k la'ys"k.k] eksy dk ç;ksxA 16) vok;oh; vkSj ok;oh; 'olu dk fu:i.k djukA 17) xSu‚ax ds 'oluekih }kjk R.Q. 18) v‚DlsuksehVj dk mi;ksx djds o`f) dk ekiuA |