Human Resource Management


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Dr. Priyanka Shukla & Suneet Chauhan 


(BBA – 403)


Unit I

Nature and Concept of HRM: Human Resource Management: History. Concepts- Personnel Management, Human Resource Development and Human Resource Management, Importance of HRM and Present Day Challenges.

Understanding the Present Day Scenario, Evolution of HRM into Strategic HRM, Human Resource Planning: The Process of Human Resource Planning, Limitations.

Unit II

Job Analysis: Process of Job-analysis and Design: Outcomes of Job-Analysis- Job Description, Job Specification and Job Evaluation. Job Design. Recruitment, Selection and Placement: Factors Affecting Recruitment, Process of Recruitment, Sources of Recruitment. Process of Selection- Stages; Socialization and Induction; Promotions, Demotions, Transfers and Separations.

Unit III

Training & Development: Difference between Training and Development, Training Methods, Executive Development. Performance Appraisal: Methods of Performance Appraisal, Possible Errors in Appraisal Process, Planning for Performance Improvement.

Unit IV

Compensation Planning: Objective of Compensation Planning, Theories Underlying Motivation and Remuneration, Developing Pay Structures, Principles of Wage and Salary Administration, Current Trends in Salary Administration. Industrial Relations & Workers Participation in Management: Theories of Industrial Relations, HRM Practices — Change in Perspective, Strategic Management of Industrial Relations, Collective Bargaining— Policies and Practices, Workers Participation in Management, Quality Circles.



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