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Dr. Manisha Khanna & Shashwat Kumar Dwivedi



The course aims to familiarize the students with the basic concepts of Operations and Production Management.

Unit I:

Introduction: Meaning, Nature and Scope of Production and Operation Management. Objectives of Operations Management. Duties and Responsibilities of Operations Management. Production Function. Systems Approach to Operations Management. Manufacturing System: Mass, Batch, Job-Shop and Project.

Unit II:

Plant Location: Nature, Factors Considered in Location, Methods and Type of Areas. Plant Layout: Objective of Good Layout, Factors Influencing Layout and Types of Layout. Material Handling Equipment: Importance, Objective, Principles, Factors affecting Selection Equipment and types of handling equipment.

Unit III:

Work Study: Method Study and Work Measurement- Importance, Objectives, Application Areas, Steps in Method Study and Techniques of Work Measurement. Production Planning and Control: Role and Scope of PPC in Operations Management, Factors influencing Production Planning and Benefits of Production Control.

Unit IV:

Inventory Management: Factors Influencing and Objectives of Inventory Management. Techniques of Inventory Management. Quality Control and Materials Management.


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