(Botany ,Paper-3) Pteridophytes,Gymnosperms & Palaeobotanty UOR B.SC , B.ED Second Year Bilingual book

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AUTHORS : Dr. Savita Singhal , Dr. Rachana Saxena 

ISBN : 978-93-6180-847-0

Syllabus ¼ikB~;Øe½

Paper-III: Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany

¼Á’u i= III& VsfjMksQkbV~l] vuko`rchth ,oa iqjk ouLifrfoKku½




General characters of Pteridophytes, Classification (G.M. Smith). Distribution and alternation of generation. Stelar system in Pteridophytes. Eusporangiate and leptosporangiate development of Sporangia, Apogamy, and Apospory. Economic importance of Pteridophytes.


bdkbZ& I

VsfjMksQkbV~l ds lkekU; y{k.k] oxhZdj.k ¼G.M. fLeFk½A forj.k vkSj ih<+h ,dkarj.kA VsfjMksQkbV~l esa jEHkh; ra=A LiksjSaft;k] v;qXeu vkSj vichtk.kqrk dk ;wLiksjSaft,V vkSj ysIVksLiksjSaft,V fodklA VsfjMksQkbV~l dk vkfFkZd egRoA



Morphology, anatomy and reproduction of Psilotum, Selaginella, Equisetum and Marsilea.


Characteristics of Gymnosperms, distribution and classification (K.R.Sporne).


bdkbZ& II

lkbyksVe] lsykftusyk] bfDolhVe vkSj ekflZfy;k dh vkdkfjdh] 'kkjhfjd lajpuk vkSj çtuuA


vuko`rchth ds y{k.k] forj.k vkSj oxhZdj.k ¼K.R.LiksuZ½A



Morphology, anatomy, reproduction and life cycle of Cycas, Pinus and Ephedra. Economic importance of Gymnosperms.


bdkbZ& III

lkbdl] ikbul vkSj ,QsMªk dh vkdkfjdh] 'kkjhfjd lajpuk] çtuu vkSj thou pØA vuko`rchth dk vkfFkZd egRoA



Process of fossilisation, types of fossils, techniques of study of fossils. Geological time scale. Primitive land plant: Rhynia, Fossil Pteridophytes: reconstructed plants-Lepidodendron and Calamites. Fossil Gymnosperm- Williamsonia.


bdkbZ& IV

thok'ehdj.k dh çfØ;k] thok'eksa ds çdkj] thok'eksa ds v/;;u dh rduhdsaA HkwoSKkfud le; iSekukA vk| Hkwfe ikS/ks& jkbfu;k] thok'e VsfjMksQkbV~l& iqufuZfeZr ikS/ks&ysfiMksMsaMªkWu vkSj dSykekbV~l A thok'e vuko`rchth& fofy;elksfu;k A





1) Study of external morphology, anatomy of vegetative and reproductive parts of Psilotum, Selaginella, Equisetum and Marsilea. 

2) Study of external morphology, anatomy of vegetative and reproductive and reproductive parts of Cycas, Pinus and Ephedra.

3) Study of fossils and slides of fossils.

4) Preparation of charts of Geological time scale

1) lkbyksVe] lsykftusyk] bfDolhVe vkSj ekflZfy;k ds dkf;d vkSj çtuu Hkkxksa dh cká vkdkfjdh] 'kkjhfjd lajpuk dk v/;;uA

2) lkbdl] ikbul vkSj ,QsMªk ds dkf;d vkSj çtuu Hkkxksa dh ckg~; vkdkfjdh] 'kkjhfjd lajpuk dk v/;;uA  

3) thok'eksa vkSj thok'eksa dh LykbMksa dk v/;;uA

4) HkwoSKkfud le; ekiØe ds pkVZ rS;kj djukA


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