(CHEMISTRY, Paper-1) INORGANIC CHEMISTRY अकार्बनिक रसायनविज्ञान UOR B.Sc,B.ED Second year

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AUTHORS: Dr. Kalpana Pareek , Dr. Saniv Kumar Singhal , Pawan kumar Prajapt 

ISBN : 978-93-6180-987-3

Syllabus ¼ikB~;Øe½


Paper-I: Inorganic Chemistry

¼ÁFke Á’u i= I& vdkcZfud jlk;u foKku½






Chemistry of Elements of First Transition Series

Characteristic properties of d-block elements. Properties of the elements of the first transition series, their binary compounds and complexes illustrating relative stability of their oxidation-states, coordination number and geometry.

Chemistry of Elements of Second and Third Transition Series

General characteristics, comparative treatment with their 3d-analogues in respect of ionic radii, oxidation states, magnetic behaviour, spectral properties and stereochemistry.

çFke laØe.k Js.kh ds rRoksa dk jlk;u

d-Cy‚d rRoksa ds fof'k"V xq.k/keZA çFke laØe.k Js.kh ds rRoksa ds xq.k] muds f}vk/kkjh ;kSfxd vkSj ladqy tks mudh v‚Dlhdj.k&voLFkkvksa] vilgla;kstd la[;k vkSj T;kfefr dh lkis{k fLFkjrk dks n'kkZrs gSaA

f}rh; vkSj r`rh; laØe.k Js.kh ds rRoksa dk jlk;u

lkekU; vfHky{k.k] vk;fud f=T;k] v‚Dlhdj.k voLFkk] pqacdh; O;ogkj] LisDVªy xq.k vkSj f=foejlk;u ds laca/k esa muds 3d-,uky‚Xl ds lkFk rqyukRed mipkjA



Coordination Compounds

Werner’s coordination theory and its experimental verification, effective atomic number concept. chelates, nomenclature of coordination compounds, isomerism in coordination compounds, Valence bond theory of transition metal complexes.

milgla;kstd ;kSfxd

ouZj dk milgla;kstdrk dk fl)kar vkSj bldk çk;ksfxd lR;kiu] çHkkoh ijek.kq Øekad vo/kkj.kkA dhysV] milgla;kstd ;kSfxdksa dk ukedj.k] milgla;kstd ;kSfxdksa esa leko;ork] laØe.k /kkrq ladqyksa dk la;ksth ca/k fl)karA



Chemistry of Lanthanide and Actinide Elements

Electronic structure, oxidation states and ionic radii and lanthanide contraction, complex formation, occurrence and isolation, lanthanide compounds.


General features and chemistry of separation of Np, Pu and Am from U, electronic configuration, oxidation states, magnetic properties, complexation behaviour, comparison of lanthanides and actinides, super heavy elements.

ySaFksukbM vkSj ,fDVukbM rRoksa dk jlk;u

bysDVª‚fud lajpuk] v‚Dlhdj.k voLFkk,¡ vkSj vk;fud f=T;k,¡ vkSj ySaFksukbM ladqpu] ladqy fuekZ.k] ?kVuk vkSj i`FkDdj.k] ySaFksukbM ;kSfxdA


Np, Pu vkSj Am dks U ls vyx djus dh lkekU; vfHky{k.k vkSj jlk;u] bysDVª‚fud foU;kl] v‚Dlhdj.k voLFkk,¡] pqacdh; xq.k] ladqyrk O;ogkj] ySaFksukbM vkSj ,fDVukbM dh rqyuk] lqij Hkkjh rRoA



Oxidation and Reduction

Use of redox potential data-analysis of redox cycle, redox stability in water-Frost, latimer and pourbaix diagrams, Applications of redox reaction extraction of elements.

v‚Dlhdj.k vkSj vip;u

jsM‚Dl foHko MsVk dk mi;ksx&jsM‚Dl pØ dk fo'ys"k.k] ty esa jsM‚Dl fLFkjrk&Ý‚LV] ySfVej vkSj ikSjcSDl vkjs[k] rRoksa ds jsM‚Dl vfHkfØ;k fu"d"kZ.k ds vuqç;ksxA



Acids and Bases

Theories: Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowery, the Lux-Flood. Solvent system concept and Lewis concepts of acids and bases.

Non-Aqueous Solvents

Physical properties of a solvent, types of solvents and their general characteristics, reaction in non-aqueous solvents with reference to liquid NH3 and liquid SO2.

vEy ,oa {kkj

fl)kar& vkgsZfu;l] czksaLVsM&yksosjh] yDl&¶yMA foyk;d ç.kkyh vo/kkj.kk vkSj vEy vkSj {kkj dh yqbZl vo/kkj.kk,¡A

vtyh; foyk;d

foyk;d ds HkkSfrd xq.k] foyk;d ds çdkj vkSj muds lkekU; vfHky{k.k] fyfDoM NH3 vkSj fyfDoM SO2 ds lanHkZ esa vtyh; foyk;d esa vfHkfØ;kA







Inorganic Chemistry

i) Preparation of Standard Solutions

Dilution-0.1M to 0.001M Solutions

ii) Volumetric Analysis

a) Determination of acetic acid in Commercial vinegar using NaOH.

b) Determination of alkali content in Antacid tablet using HCl.

c) Estimation of calcium content in chalk as calcium oxalate by permanganometry.

d) Estimation of hardness of water by EDTA.

e) Estimation of ferrous and ferric by dichromate method.

f) Estimation of copper using thiosulphate.

iii) Gravimetric Analysis

a) Cu as CuSCN

b) Ni as Ni (dimethylglyoxime).

vdkcZfud jlk;u foKku

i) ekud foy;uksa dh rS;kjh

-0.1M ls 0.001M foy;uksa dk ruqdj.k

ii) vk;ru fo'ys"k.k

iii) NaOH dk mi;ksx djds okf.kfT;d fljds esa ,flfVd vEy dk fu/kkZj.kA

a) HCl dk mi;ksx djds ,aVkflM VScysV esa {kkj lkexzh dk fu/kkZj.kA

b) ijeSaxuksesVªh }kjk dSfY'k;e vkWDtsysV ds :i esa pkd esa dSfY'k;e lkexzh dk vk¡dyuA

c) EDTA }kjk ikuh dh dBksjrk dk vk¡dyuA

d) MkbØksesV fof/k }kjk Qsjl vkSj Qsfjd dk vk¡dyuA

e) Fkk;kslYQsV dk mi;ksx djds dkWij dk vk¡dyuA

iv) xq#Roekih fo'ys"k.k

a) Cu dks CuSCN ds :i esa

b) Ni dks Ni ¼MkbesfFkyXy‚fDle½ ds :i esaA


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