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AUTHORS: Dr. M.P. Aggarwal , Dr.Prem Singh, Dr. Ambika Rani 

ISBN : 978-93-6180-282-9




Thermodynamics & Statistical Physics

Course Code: B23-PHY-301



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Thermodynamic-systems, variables and equation of state, thermal equilibrium, Zeroth law of thermodynamics; Concept of heat, work and its sign (work done- by the system on the system) & its path dependence, First law of thermodynamics- its significance and limitations, internal energy as a state function, different types of process-isochoric process, isobaric process, adiabatic process, isothermal process, cyclic process, Reversible and irreversible process, First law and cyclic process; Second law of thermodynamics and its significance, Carnot theorem; Absolute scale of temperature, Absolute Zero and magnitude of each division on work scale and perfect gas scale, Joule’s free expansion, Joule Thomson effect, Joule-Thomson (Porous plug) experiment, conclusions and explanation, analytical treatment of Joule Thomson effect, Entropy, calculations of entropy of reversible and irreversible process, T-S diagram, entropy of a perfect gas, Nernst heat law (third law of thermodynamics); Liquefaction of gases, (oxygen, air, hydrogen and helium) solidification of helium below 4K, Cooling by adiabatic demagnetization










Derivation of Clausius-Clapeyron and Clausius latent heat equations and their significance, specific heat of saturated vapours, phase diagram and triple point of a substance, development of Maxwell thermodynamical relations, Thermodynamical functions: Internal energy (U), Helmholtz function (F), Enthalpy (H), Gibbs function (G) and the relations between them, derivation of Maxwell thermodynamical relations from thermodynamical functions, Application of Maxwell relations: relations between two specific heats of gas, Derivation of ClausiusClapeyron and Clausius equation, variation of intrinsic energy with volume for (i) perfect gas (ii) Vander wall gas (iii) solids and liquids, derivation of Stefan’s law, adiabatic compression and expansion of gas & deduction of theory of Joule Thomson effect.







Statistical Physics-I

Distribution of N (for N= 2, 3, 4) distinguishable and indistinguishable particles in two boxes of equal size, microstates and macrostates, thermodynamical probability, constraints and accessible states, statistical fluctuations, general distribution of distinguishable particles in compartments of different sizes, β-parameter, entropy and probability; Concept of phase space, division of phase space into cells, postulates of statistical mechanics; Classical and quantum statistics, basic approach to these statistics, Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics applied to an ideal gas in equilibrium-energy distribution law, Maxwell’s distribution of speed & velocity (derivation required), most probable speed, average and r.m.s. speed, mean energy for Maxwellian distribution.








Statistical Physics-II Dulong and Petit Law, derivation of Dulong and Petit law from classical physics; Need of Quantum statistics- classical versus quantum statistics, Bose-Einstein energy distribution Law, Application of B. E. Statistics to Planck’s radiation law, degeneracy and B. E. condensation; Fermi-Dirac energy distribution Law, F. D. gas and degeneracy, Fermi energy and Fermi temperature; F. D. energy distribution Law for electron gas in metals, zero point energy, average speed (at 0 K) of electron gas





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