Gandhian Philosophy Nai Talim & Community Engagement Methodology


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ISBN- 978-93-5480-108-2

AUTHORS-Dr. Mukul Kuwala Chauchan, Prof. Leena B. Taywade



Gandhi Philosophy, Nai Talim and Community Engagement Methodology



Gandhian Philosophy, Nai Talim as engaged learning and its relevance, Community Engagement Methodology.

Ø  Gandhiji‘s ideas on Education Basic tenets of Nai Talim, Contemporary relevance of Nai Talim, Work Education, Experiential Learning and community engagement vis-a-vis National Curriculum Framework(NCF 2005),NCFTE 2010 and RTE 2009.

Ø  Theory of Community Engagement: School, Family and Community Partnership, Government Programs for Education Development Literacy, Gender and Generations in Learning.



Model Village: Best practices in Community Engagement, Methods and Strategies.

Ø  Rational of Community Engagement

Ø  Community Engagement-Methods Home-School Relations.

Ø  School Management Committees (SMCs) ways and strategies for effective community involvement in school management, school improvement and school effectiveness.

Ø  Roles and responsibilities of Teachers and Head Masters for community and parent engagement in school matters.

Ø  Engaged Transaction of Rural Teachers in State, National and International levels, Teachers as Community Resource Persons.



Nai Talim Education for Character Building and for life and through life and its reflection in curriculum and pedagogical practices.

Ø  Humanistic Approach to Education, Education for citizenship, Character Building Values and Ethics.

Ø  Connecting knowledge to life outside the school.

Ø  Relevance of curriculum content to the lives of children sensitization of students on global issues i.e., resource and technology availability, inequity, poverty, climate change, global warming, value crisis, food and energy crisis.

Ø  Education in nonviolent school/classroom environment, implication of above issues on curriculum and pedagogy.



Nai Talim Traditional, Intellectual and Constructivist approaches to Models to Education and learning.

Ø  Models of Gandhi, Tagore and Shyama Prasad Mukherji, Rousseau, John Dewey.

Ø  Models of Education, Approaches to learning-Constructivism, Paulo Freire Critical Pedagogy and Dialogic Method, Vygotsky Social Construction and Gramsci Organic Intellectual Approaches.

Ø  Praxis, Characteristics, Advantages and Disadvantages, Intellectual Approach for Practicing Community Engagement and Social Change.

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