Data Structures MCA First Sem


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Authors: Dr. Saroj Kumar ,  Mr. Dileep Singh 

ISBN : 978-93-5755-870-9



Course Code: MCA1101


Data Structures




Introduction to C: Constants and Variables, Operators and Expressions, Managing Input and Output Operators, Decision Making-Branching and Looping, Arrays



Functions, Structures and Unions, Pointers, File Handling in C.



Data Structure: Definition, Types of Data Structures Recursion Definition, Design Methodology and Implementation of Recursive Algorithms, Linear and Binary Recursion. Preliminaries of Algorithms, Analysis and Complexity. Linear List-Singly Linked List, Double Linked List and Circular Linked List -Implementation, Insertion, Deletion and Searching Operations on Linear List.



Stacks-Operations, Array and Linked Representations of Stacks, Stack Applications, Queues-Operations, Array and Linked Representations. Hash Table Representation: Hash Functions, Collision Resolution-Separate Chaining, Open Addressing-Linear Probing, Quadratic Probing, Double Hashing and Rehashing, Extendible Hashing.



Sorting Techniques: Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Exchange-Bubble Sort, Quick Sort and Merge Sort Algorithms. Trees: Binary Trees, Terminology, Representation and Traversals- Pre, Posts in Order Traversals. Search Trees: Binary Search Trees, Definition, Implementation, Operations-Searching, Insertion and Deletion, AVL Trees, Red-Black Trees

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