Computer Fundamental (Minor) BBA First Sem Makaut

Computer Fundamental (Minor) BBA First Sem Makaut

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Buy Latest Computer Fundamental (Minor) Book in English Language for BBA 1st Semester Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal By Thakur publication.

AUTHORS : Dr. Saroj Kumar , Dileep Singh

ISBN : 9789357559225



Course Code: MIC101

Computer Fundamental



Name of the Topic



Basic Computer Concepts – Different Generations of Computer Hardware, Modern Taxonomy of Computers; Hardware and Software; Programming Languages, Overview of Computer Systems and Their Components, Evolution of Computers and Their Impact on Society, Classification of Computers (Mainframes, Personal Computers, Mobile Devices), General Idea of Information and Communication Technologies, Information System Development Process.



Computer Hardware – Input and Output Devices; Memory (or Storage) Devices; Central Processing Unit. Input / Output Devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Light Pen, Barcode Readers, Scanners, MICR, OCR, Voice Recognition and Handwriting Recognition Systems; Visual Display Terminals, Printers, Plotters etc. Storage Devices: Primary Storage – RAM, ROM, EEROM, PROM, EPROM; Secondary Storage – Direct Access Devices, Serial Access Devices: Hard Disks, Floppy Disks, Magnetic Tape, CD-ROM, DVD; Cache Memory and Virtual Memory. Central Processing Unit – Control Unit; Arithmetic and Logic Unit; Decoders; Registers; Machine Instructions; Stored Program Concept; Program Execution: Fetch-Decode-Execute Cycle; Arithmetic, Logical and Shift Operations.



Meaning of Software; Broad Classification of Software; System Software and Application Software; Utilities. Systems Software – Operating Systems: Basic Idea of an OS; OS as a Resource Manager – Memory Management, Input/Output Management, Secondary Storage Management, Processor Management, Program Management, Network Management; Brief Introduction to Different Types of Operating Systems Like DOS, Windows, Unix, Linux etc. Application Software – System Development Tools, Utilities, Application Packages, User- Written Programs.



Programming Languages and Algorithms – The Concept of Programming; Pseudocode and Flowcharts; Structure of Programs; Program Development Guidelines; Programming Languages – Machine Language, Assembly Languages, High-Level Languages (Procedural and Object-Oriented Languages), Fourth Generation Languages; Object Code and Executable Codes; Compilers, Translators, Assemblers; Algorithms – Basic Concept; Some Typical Algorithms – Finding the Sum of a Series, Checking Whether a Number is Prime Or Not, Creating an Array of Numbers and Displaying the Largest Element in the List, Sorting a Given Set of Numbers. (The Algorithms May be Implemented Using Either Pseudocode or a High-Level Programming Language).



Computer Applications: Essential Features of Computer Systems and Structures Required for Office Automation, Communications, Control Systems, Data Acquisition, Interactive Multimedia, LAN, WAN, MAN Networking.



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