Learning & Development


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Authors : Prof Deepak Singh MC , Ms. Jijabai R Dateer

ISBN : 978-93-5480-721-3



Course Code: 3.5.1




Module 1: Introduction                                                                                      8 Hours

Introduction - Need and Importance of Training and Development in Organisations - A Systematic Approach to Training & Development - Assessment, Training and Development and Evaluation Phases, Training Administration, Difference between Training and Learning.


Module 2: Organisational Development                                                      10 Hours

Need Assessment and Analysis - Organisational Support for Need Assessment - Operational / Organisational Analysis - Requirement Analysis - Individual Analysis - Motivational Aspects of HRD - Development Cycle - Reinforcement for Behaviour Modification - Challenges to Become Learning Organisation - Trainee Readiness - Trainee Motivation to Learn.


Module 3: Training Methods                                                                         10 Hours

An Overview of Instructional Approaches - Traditional and Modern Instructional Approaches - Internal Vs External Training - Training Methods - On the Job - Apprenticeship Working – Mentoring; Off the Job - Case Studies - Lectures - Vestibule – Sensitivity - In-Basket - Role Plays - Audio-Visual & other Contemporary Methods - Adult Learning Principles or Methods


Module 4: Training Evaluation and Measurement                                     10 Hours

Training Evaluation and Measurement - Introduction to Evaluation Process - Criteria Development - Choosing Criteria Measures - Evaluation of Criteria - Experimental Designs - Quasi Experimental Designs - Other Methods of Evaluation - External Training Validity - Models of Evaluation - ROI on Training


Module 5: Human Resource Development                                                   10 Hours

Human Resource Development - HRD at Micro and Macro Levels - Sub-Systems of HRD - Role of HRD Function - Concept of Career – Career Stages - Steps in Career Planning - Methods of Career Planning and Development - Career Development Actions and Programs - Career Problems and Solutions - Guidelines for Career Management – Concept, Need and Importance of Management Development - Management Development Process - Leader Centred Techniques of Management Development.


Module 6: Valuation of Mergers & Acquisition                                           8 Hours

Practical - Design and Conduct Training Program and Visit Vocational Training Institutes.

·          Create and Implement a Training Needs Analysis

·          Develop and Implement a Training Plan

·          Assess and/or Evaluate a Training Plan

·          Propose Alternatives to Training


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