Computer Architecture & Assembly Language


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ISBN- 978-93-89516-29-6

Mr. Manish Singhal & Mr. Robins Rastogi

BCA, Third Semester, According to ‘UP Unified Syllabus’
Basic Computer Organization and Design, Instructions and Instruction Codes, Timing and Control/Instruction Cycle, Register/Types of Register/General Purpose and Special Purpose Registers/Index Registers, Register Transfer and Micro Operations/Register Transfer Instructions, Memory and Memory Function, Bus/Data Transfer Instructions, Arithmetic Logic Micro-Operations/Shift Micro-Operations, Input/Output and Interrupts, Memory Reference Instructions, Memory Interfacing memory/Cache Memory.
Unit-II: Central Processing Unit
General Register Organization/Stacks Organizations Instruction Formats, Addressing Modes, Data Transfer and Manipulation. Program Control Reduced Computer, Pipeline/RISC/CISC Pipeline Vector Processing/Array Processing.
Arithmetic Algorithms: Integer Multiplication Using Shift and Add, Booth’s Algorithm, Integer Division, Floating-point Representations.
Unit-III: Computer Arithmetic
Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication Algorithms, Divisor Algorithms. Floating Point, Arithmetic Operations, Decimal Arithmetic Operations, Decimal Arithmetic Operations.
Unit-IV: Input-Output Organization
Peripheral Devices, Input/Output Interface, ALU Asynchronous Data Transfer, Mode of Transfer, Priority Interrupts, Direct Memory Address (DMA), Input/Output Processor (IOP), Serial Communication.
Unit-V: Evaluation of Microprocessor
Overview of Intel 8085 to Intel Pentium Processors Basic Microprocessors, Architecture and Interface, Internal Architecture, External Architecture Memory and Input/Output Interface.
Assembly Language, Assembler, Assembly Level Instructions, Macro, Use of Macros in I/C Instructions, Program Loops, Programming Arithmetic and Logic Subroutines, Input-Output Programming. 
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