Business Economics


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ISBN- 978-93-89516-19-7

AUTHOR- Prof. Shalini Misra & Prof. Subhro Sen Gupta

BCA, Third Semester, According to ‘UP Unified Syllabus’
Unit-I: Scope and Method of Economics, the Economic Problem Scarity and Choice, The Price Mechanism, Demand and Supply Equilibrium: The Concept of Elasticity and its Applications.
Production Process: Output Decisions – Revenues Costs and Profit Maximization.
Laws of Returns and Returns to Scale: Economics and Diseconomies of Scale.
Unit-II: Market Structure
Equilibrium of a Firm and Price, Output Determination under Perfect Competition Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly.
Unit-III: Macro Economic Concerns
Inflalation, Unemployment, Trade-Cycles, Circular Flow upto Four Sector Economy, Government in the Macro Economy: Fiscal Policy, Monetary Policy, Measuring National Income and Output.
The World Economy – WTO, Globalization, MNCs, Outsourcing, Foreign Capital inIndia, Trips, Groups of Twenty (G-20), Issues of Dumping, Export-Import Policy 2004-2009.
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