Fundamentals of DBMS and Oracle


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Er. Pravesh Kumar Singh

BBA, Kurukshetra University, Third Semester
Max. Marks: 100                                                                  External Assessment: 80
Internal Assessment: 20
Note: There will be eight questions in all. A candidate is required to attempt five questions including the question no. 1 which is compulsory. Question no. 1 will comprise of five short answer questions. All questions shall carry equal marks.
Basic Concepts: Traditional file oriented approach, Disadvantages of simple file system, Database approach, Advantages of Database approach, Database Management Systems (DBMS), Components of DBMS Environment, Advantages and Disadvantages of DBMS, DBMS Architecture, Data Independence, Data Models, Keys.
Computers: An introduction, use of computer in business, advantages and disadvantages, computerized system for inventory control, payroll order, banking and accounting.
SQL using ORACLE: Introduction to SQL, Components of SQL: DDL, DML & DCL, Data types in SQL, DDL Commands: Create, Alter, Drop, Truncate. Creating queries with DDL commands and implementing constraints. DML Commands: Insert, Delete, Update, Select, Select with Group by and Order by. Creating queries with DML commands. Operators: Set and Logical, SQL functions: Numeric functions, Scalar functions and Group functions.
Report-Writing: Commands, Advantages of Report Writing.
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