International Human Resource Management


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Authors - Veera Thakur, Jitendra Shukla

ISBN- 978-93-5480-551-6




International Human Resource Management


Global Business Environment and Human Component

Global Business Environment, Introduction, Human and Cultural Variables, Cross Cultural Differences and Managerial Implication. Cross Cultural Research Methodology and Hofstede Study.


Cross Cultural Management

Cross Cultural Leadership and Decision Making, Cross Cultural Communication and Negotiation. Developing International Staff and Multinational Teams.


International Human Resource Management

Approaches; International Recruitment and Selection, Performance Management, Training and Development and Strategic HRM. Managing Global, Diverse Workforce. Human Resources in a Comparative Perspective.

Unit- IV

International HRM

International HRM Roles in Multinational Organisations, Expatriate Problem, International Compensation, Repatriation.

Unit –V

Key issues in International Labour Relations

Approaches to International Compensation, International Labour Standards, Labour Unions and International Labour Relations, HRM Practices in other Countries. International Labour Standards, HR/IR Issues in MNCs Corporate Social Responsibility.

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