Mechanics and General Properties of Matter (यांत्रिकी और पदार्थ के सामान्य गुण )
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Authors - English : Dr. Prabhat kumar Dubey , Dr. Ashish Gupta ,
Hindi : Prof. Harish Sharma
ISBN : 978-93-5480-374-1
Mechanics and General Properties of Matter
Part B-Content of the Course
Total Number of Lectures (in hours): 60
Number of Lectures
Historical Background and Mathematical Physics
1) Historical Background |
1.1) A brief historical background of mathematics and mechanics in the context of India and Indian culture. |
1.2) A brief biography of Varahamihira and Vikram Sarabhai with their major contribution to science and society. |
2) Mathematical Physics |
2.1) Scalar and vector fields, Gradient of a scalar field and its physical significance. |
2.2) Vector integral – line integral, surface integral and volume integral, Divergence of a vector field and its physical significance, Gauss divergence theorem. |
2.3) Curl of a vector field and its physical significance, Stokes and Green’s theorem, Numerical problems based on the above topics. |
Keywords/Tags: Scalar field, Vector field, Vector integral, Gradient, Divergence, Curl. |
II |
Mechanics of Rigid and Deformable Bodies
1) Rigid Body Mechanics: |
1.1) System of particles and concept of Rigid body, Torque, centre of mass: position of the centre of mass, Motion of the centre of a mass, Conservation of linear and angular momentum with examples, Single stage and multistage rocket. |
1.2) Rotatory motion and concept of moment of inertia, Theorems on moment of inertia: theorem of addition, theorem of perpendicular axis, theorem of parallel axis, Calculation of moment of inertia of rectangular lamina, disc, solid cylinder, solid sphere. |
2) Mechanics of Deformable Bodies: |
2.1) Hook’s law, Young’s modulus, Bulk modulus, Modulus of rigidity and Poisson’s ratio, Relationship between various elastic moduli. |
2.2) Possible values of Poisson’s ratio, Finding Poisson’s ratio of rubber in the laboratory, Torsion of a cylinder, Strain energy of twisted cylinder. |
2.3) Finding the modulus of rigidity of the material of a wire by Barton’s method, Torsional pendulum and Maxwell’s needle, Searl’s method to find g, h and s of the material of a wire, Bending of beam, Cantilever, Beam supported at its ends and loaded in the middle. |
Keywords/Tags: Rigid body, Centre of mass, Moment of inertia, Poisson’s ratio. |
Fluid Mechanics
12 |
1) Surface Tension |
1.1) Inter-molecular forces and potential energy curve, force of cohesion and adhesion. |
1.2) Surface tension, Explanation of surface tension on the basis of intermolecular forces, Surface energy, Effect of temperature and impurities on surface tension, Daily life application of surface tension. |
1.3) Angle of contact, The pressure difference between the two sides of a curved liquid surface, Excess pressure inside a soap bubble, Capillarity, determination of surface tension of a liquid – capillary rise method, Jaeger’s method. |
2) Viscosity |
2.1) Ideal and viscous fluid, Streamline and turbulent flow, Equation of continuity, Rotational and irrotational flow, Energy of a flowing fluid, Euler’s equation of motion of a non-viscous fluid and its physical significance. |
2.2) Bernoulli’s theorem and its applications (Velocity of efflux, shapes of wings of airplane, Magnus effect, Filter pump, Bunsen’s burner). |
2.3) Viscous flow of a fluid, Flow of liquid through a capillary tube, Derivation of Poiseuille’s formula and limitations, Stocks formula, Motion of a spherical body falling in a viscous fluid. |
IV |
Gravitational Potential and Central Forces
1) Gravitational Potential
1.1) Conservative and non-conservative force field, Conservation of energy in motion under the conservative and non-conservative forces, Potential energy. |
1.2) Conservative force, Conservation of energy, Gravitational potential and gravitational potential energy, Gravitational potential and intensity of gravitational field due to a uniform spherical shell and a uniform solid sphere. |
1.3) Gravitational self-energy, Gravitational self-energy of a uniform spherical shell and a uniform solid sphere. |
2) Central Forces |
2.1) Motion under Central forces, Conservative characteristic of central forces. |
2.2) The motion of a two particles system in Central force, Concept of reduced mass, Reduced mass of positronium and hydrogen. |
2.3) Motion of particles in an inverse-square central force, Motion of celestial bodies derivation of Kepler’s laws. |
2.4) Elastic and inelastic scattering (elementary idea). |
Keywords/Tags: Conservative force field, Gravitational potential, Gravitational self-energy, Central force, reduced mass, Scattering. |
V |
Relativistic Mechanics and Astrophysics
1) Relativistic Mechanics
1.1) Frame of references, Galilean transformation, Michelson-Morley experiment. |
1.2) Postulates of special theory of relativity, Lorentz Transformation, Simultaneity and order of events, Length contraction, Time dilation, Relativistic transformation of velocities, Variation of mass with velocity. |
1.3) Mass-energy equivalence and its experimental verification. |
2) Astrophysics |
2.1) Introduction to the Universe, Properties of the Sun, Concept of Astronomical Distance. |
2.2) Life cycle of stars, Chandrasekhar Limit, H-R diagram, Red giant star, White dwarf star, Neutron star, Black hole. |
2.3) Big Bang Theory (elementary idea). |
Keywords/Tags: Transformation, Mass-energy equivalence, Astronomical distance, Chandrasekhar limit, Black hole.
;kaf=dh vkSj inkFkZ ds lkekU; xq.k
Hkkx c & ikBØe dh fo"k;oLrq
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O;k[;kuksa dh la[;k
,sfrgkfld i`"BHkwfe ,oa xf.krh; HkkSfrdh
1) ,sfrgkfld i`"BHkwfe
1.1) Hkkjr vkSj Hkkjrh; laLd`fr ds lanHkZ esa vkSj ;kaf=dh dk ,d laf{kIr ,sfrgkfld i`"BHkwfe fofoj.kA |
1.2) foKku vkSj lekt esa ojkgfefgj vkSj foØe lkjkHkkbZ ds çeq[k ;ksxnku ds lkFk mudh ,d laf{kIr thouhA |
2) xf.krh; HkkSfrdh
2.1) vfn'k vkSj lfn'k {ks=] vfn'k {ks= dk xzsfM,aV vkSj HkkSfrd egRoA |
2.2) lfn'k lekdyu& js[kh;] {ks=h; ,oa vk;ru lekdyu] ,d lfn'k {ks= dk MkbotsZal vkSj bldk HkkSfrd egRo] xkWl MkbotsZal çes;A |
2.3) lfn'k {ks= dk dyZ vkSj HkkSfrd egRo] LVksDl ,oa xzhu dk çes;] mijksDr fo"k;ksa ij vk/kkfjr la[;kRed ç'uA |
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n`<+ ,oa fo#I; fudk;ksa dh ;kaf=dh
1) n`<+ fi.M ;kaf=dh
1.1) d.kksa dk fudk; vkSj n`<+ fi.M dh vo/kkj.kk] cy vk?kw.kZ] nzO;eku dsanz& nzO;eku dsanz dh fLFkfr] nzO;eku dsanz dh xfr] jSf[kd vkSj; laosx dk laj{k.k mnkgj.k lfgr] flaxy LVst vkSj eYVhLVst jkWdsVA |
1.2) ?kw.kZu xfr vkSj t+MRo vk?kw.kZ dh vo/kkj.kk] t+MRo vk?kw.kZ çes;&% ;ksx çes;] yEcor v{k çes;] lekarj v{k çes;] ,dleku vk;rkdkj iVy] o`Ùkkdkj pdrh] Bksl flysaMj ,oa Bksl xksys ds t+MRo vk?kw.kZ dh x.kukA |
2) fo#I; fiaMksa dh ;kaf=dh
2.1) gqd dk fu;e] ;ax çR;kLFkrk xq.kkad] vk;ru çR;kLFkrk xq.kkad] n`<+rk xq.kkad ,oa ikWblu vuqikr] fofHkUu çR;kLFkrk xq.kkadksa esa laca/kA |
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lkj fcanq ¼dh oMZ½@VSx& n`<+ fi.M] nzO;eku dsUnz] t+MRo vk?kw.kZ] ikWblu fu"ifÙkA |
rjy ;kaf=dh
1) i`"B ruko
1.1) varj&vk.kfod cy vkSj fLFkfrt ÅtkZ oØ] laltd vkSj vklatd cyA |
1.2) varj&vk.kfod cyksa ds vk/kkj ij i`"B ruko dh O;k[;k] i`"B ÅtkZ] i`"B ruko ij rki rFkk v'kqf);ksa dk çHkko] i`"B ruko ds dqN vU; mnkgj.kA |
1.3) Li'kZ dks.k] nzo ds nksuksa oØh; lrgksa ds chp nkckUrj] lkcqu ds cqycqys ds vanj vfrfjDr ncko] dsf'kdkRo nzo ds i`"B ruko dk ekiu& dsf'kdk mUu;u fof/k] tSxj dh fof/kA |
2) ';kurk
2.1) vkn'kZ vkSj ';ku rjy] /kkjkjs[kh; rFkk fo{kqC/k çokg] lkrR; lehdj.k] ?kw.khZ vkSj v?kw.khZ çokg] çokfgr rjy dh ÅtkZ] v';ku rjy dh xfr dk ;wyj dk lehdj.k ,oe~ bldk HkkSfrd egÙoA |
2.2) cjukSyh çes; vkSj mlds vuqç;ksx ¼cgh& L=ko osx] gokbZ tgkt ds ia[kksa dh vkd`fr] eSxul çHkko] fQYVj iEi] cqUlu cuZj½A |
2.3) rjy dk ';ku çokg] dsf'kdkuyh ds ek/;e ds rjy dk çokg] Iokbtqys lw= dk fuxeu ,oa lhek,a] LVksd lw=] ';ku nzo esa fxjus okys xksykdkj fiaM dh xfrA |
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IV |
xq:Roh; foHko vkSj dsanzh; cy
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