Organisational Behaviour


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Mohd. Farook Azam, Preeti Singh




Module - I                                                                                                                            

1) OB – Overview: Meaning of OB, Importance of OB, Field of OB, Contributing Disciplines, Applications in Industry.                                                                                                                

2)Personality: Meaning of Personality, Determinants of Personality, Theories of Personality, Measurement of Personality, Development of Personality                                                                                      

3) Perception: Process and Principles, Nature and Importance, Factors Influencing, Perception, Perceptual Selectivity, Social Perception, Fundamentals of Decision making.                                                                    

4) Work Motivation: Approaches to Work Motivation, Theories of Motivation – Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need Theory, Alderfer’s ERG Theory, Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory, McClelland’s Achievement – Motivation Theory, McGregor’s Theory X & Y, Vroom’s Expectancy Theory, Porter Lawler Expectancy Model [6L]

5) Attitudes and Job Satisfaction: Sources of Attitudes, Types of Attitudes, Attitudes and Consistency, Cognitive Dissonance Theory, Attitude Surveys.                                                                                         

Module - II                                                                                                                           

6) Organisation: Mission, Goals, Characteristics, Types, Organisational Theory – Classical Theories: Scientific Management, Administrative Principals, Bureaucracy, Human Relation Approach, Modern Theories: System Approach, Contingency Approach, Quantitative Approach, Behavioural Approach, Managing Organisational Culture.                                                                                                                                       

7)      Group Behaviour: Characteristics of Group, Types of Groups, Stages of Development, Group Decision-making, Difference Work Group and Work Team, Why Work Teams, Work Team in Organisation, Team Building, Organisational Politics.                                                                                           

8)      Leadership: Leadership Theories, Leadership Styles, Skills and Influence Process, Leadership and Power, Examples of Effective Organisational Leadership in India, Cases on Leadership, Success Stories of Today’s Global and Indian Leaders.                                                                                                              

9)      Conflict in Organisation: Sources of Conflict, Types of Conflict, Conflict Process, Johari Window, Conflict Resolution, Cases on Conflict Resolution.                                                                      

10)  Organisational Change: Meaning and Nature of Organisational Change, Types of Organisational Change, Forces that Acts as Stimulant to Change. Resistance to Change, How to Overcome Resistance to Change, Approaches to Managing Organisational Change, Kurt Lewin’s Three Step Model, Action Research Model, Kotter’s Eight Step Model.                                                                                                                                      

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