Business Law


Tax excluded


ISBN- 978-93-89627-35-0 

AUTHORS- Sumita Das, Rashmi Ranjan Panigrahi


18 MBA 108


Module – I

Law of Contract : Contract Act: Indian Contract Act, 1872, Agreement, Contract, Essentials of Contract (Offer & Acceptance, Consideration, Capacity of Parties, Free Consent, and Legality of Object), Performance and Discharge of Contract, Remedies for breach of contract, Quasi-Contract and Contingent Contract.

Module – II

Special Contract: Contract of Agency: Mode of Creating & Revocation of Agency, Rights and Duties of Agents and Principals. Contract of Bailment (Rights and Duties of Bailer and Bailee). Sales of Goods Act: Sale and agreement to sell, Condition and Warranty, Transfer of Properties, Finder of Goods, Performance of Contract of Sale, Unpaid Seller and his Rights. Consumer Protection Act: Consumers, Rights of Consumers, Redressal Machinery under the Act, Procedure of Complaint, Relief available to the Consumers, Procedure of filing Appeal, Powers of Redressal Agencies

Module – III

Company Laws: Indian Companies Act 2013, Salient features and Classes of Company. Lifting of corporate veil, Procedure of Incorporation and Certificate of Commencement of Business, Memorandum and Articles of Association, Doctrine of Ultra Vires and Indoor Management, Management of Company: Qualification, Appointment of Directors, Company Meetings, Resolutions, Winding-up of Companies and their Modes.

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