Botany (Paper-I) Plant Physiology, Metabolism & Biochemistry ,( पादप कार्यिकी, चयापचय और जैवरसायन ) U.P B.Sc 5th Sem book
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Buy Latest Botany (Paper-I) Plant Physiology, Metabolism & Biochemistry ( पादप कार्यिकी, चयापचय और जैवरसायन ) Book in Bilingual Edition ( Both English and Hindi ) Languages for B.Sc 5th Semester Common Minimum Syllabus As Per NEP for All Uttar Pradesh State Universities By Thakur Publication. Written by Experienced Authors | Fast & All India Delivery |
AUTHORS : Dr. Devesh Kumar Jadon , MP Singh , Dr. Arivend Yadav , Dr. Mayank Srivastava
ISBN : 9789357552820
Course Code: B040501T
Plant Physiology, Metabolism & Biochemistry
¼Ikkni dkf;Zdh] p;kip; vkSj tSojlk;u½
Unit |
Topic |
No. of Lectures (60hrs) |
I |
Plant Water Relation, Mineral Nutrition, Transpiration and Translocation in phloem
Importance of water, water potential and its components; Transpiration and its significance; Factors affecting transpiration; Root pressure and guttation. Criteria of essentiality of elements; Role of essential elements; Symptoms of mineral deficiency in major crops, Transport of ions across cell membrane, active and passive transport, Composition of phloem sap, girdling experiment; Pressure flow model. |
ikni ty laca/k] [kfut iks"k.k] ok"iksRltZu vkSj ¶yks,e esa LFkkukUrj.k ty dk egRo] ty foHko ,oa mlds ?kVd; ok"iksRltZu vkSj mldk egRo; ok"iksRltZu dks çHkkfor djus okys dkjd; tM+ nkc vkSj fcanq lzko- rRoksa dh vfuok;Zrk dk ekunaM( vko';d rRoksa dh Hkwfedk; çeq[k Qlyksa esa [kfut dh deh ds y{k.k] dksf'kdk f>Yyh esa vk;uksa dk ifjogu] lfØ; vkSj fuf"Ø; ifjogu] ¶yks,e jl dh lajpuk] xMZfyax ç;ksx; nkc çokg e‚My- |
7 |
II |
Carbon Oxidation Krebs cycle, Glycolysis, fate of pyruvate- aerobic and anaerobic respiration and fermentation, regulation of glycolysis, oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate, regulation of Krebs cycle, mitochondrial electron transport, oxidative phosphorylation, ATP-Synthetase, Chemiosmotic mechanism, P/O ratio, cyanide-resistant respiration, factors affecting respiration. |
dkcZu v‚Dlhdj.k ØsCl pØ] Xykbdksfyfll] ikb:osV dk HkkX;& ok;oh; vkSj vok;oh; 'olu vkSj fd.ou] Xykbdksfyfll dk fofu;eu] v‚DlhMsfVo isaVkst Q‚LQsV ekxZ] ikb:osV dk v‚Dlhdj MhdkcksZfDlyhdj.k] ØsCl pØ dk fofu;eu] ekbVksd‚fUMª;y bysDVª‚u ifjogu] v‚Dlhdj Q‚LQksfjyhdj.k] ATP-flaFksVst] ra=] P/O vuqikr] lkbukbM&çfrjks/kh 'olu] 'olu dks çHkkfor djus okys dkjdA |
7 |
Nitrogen Metabolism Nitrate assimilation, biological nitrogen fixation (examples of legumes and non-legumes), Physiology and biochemistry of nitrogen fixation, Ammonia assimilation (GS-GOGAT), reductive amination and transamination, amino acid synthesis. |
ukbVªkstu p;kip; ukbVªsV Lokaxhdj.k] tSfod ukbVªkstu fLFkjhdj.k ¼ysX;wEl vkSj ukWu ysX;wEl ds mnkgj.k½] ukbVªkstu fLFkjhdj.k dh dkf;Zdh vkSj tSo jlk;u] veksfu;k Lokaxhdj.k (GS-GOGAT)] vipk;d ,sehuhdj.k vkSj Vªkal,feus'ku] vehuks vEy la'ys"k.kA |
8 |
IV |
Lipid Metabolism & Photosynthesis Lipid Metabolism: Synthesis and breakdown of triglycerides, -oxidation, glyoxylate cycle, gluconeogenesis and its role in mobilization of lipids during seed germination, -oxidation. ; Photosynthesis: Pigments, Action spectra and Enhancement effect, Electron transport system and Photophosphorylation, C3 & C4 photosynthesis, CAM- Reaction and Significance |
fyfiM p;kip; vkSj çdk'k la'ys"k.k fyfiM p;kip;& VªkbfXyljkbM~ dk la'ys"k.k vkSj VwVuk] &v‚Dlhdj.k] Xykbv‚fDlysV pØ] Xywdksfu;kstsusfll vkSj cht vadqj.k ds nkSjku fyfiM ds laxzg.k esa bldh Hkwfedk] &v‚Dlhdj.kA ; çdk'k la'ys"k.k& o.kZd] lfØ; LisDVªk vkSj bUgklesaV çHkko] bysDVª‚u ifjogu ra= vkSj çdk'kh; Q‚LQksfjyhdj.k] C3 vkSj C4 çdk'k la'ys"k.k] CAM-çfrfØ;k vkSj egRo |
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V |
Plant Development, Movements, Dormancy & Responses Developmental roles of Phytohormones (auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, ABA, ethylene) autonomic & paratonic movements, Control and Coordination in plants, Photoperiodism (SDP, LDP, Day neutral plants); Phytochrome (discovery and structure), red and far red-light responses on photomorphogenesis, Seed physiology & Dormancy, Vernalization & Senescence |
ikni ifjo/kZu] xfr çlqIrkoLFkk ,oa çfrfØ;k,¡ QkbVksgkWeksZu ¼v‚fDlu] ftcjsfyu] lkbVksdkbfuu] ABA ,fFkyhu½ dh fodklkRed Hkwfedk,¡] Lok;Ùk vkSj vuqizsfjr xfr] ikS/kksa esa fu;a=.k vkSj leUo;] nhfIr ¼SDP, LDP,] çdk’k&mnklhu ikni½; QkbVksØkse ¼[kkst vkSj lajpuk½] QksVksekWQksZtsusfll ij yky vkSj lqnwj yky&çdk'k çfrfØ;k,a] cht dkf;Zdh vkSj çlqIrkoLFkk] clarhdj.k vkSj th.kZrk |
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VI |
Biomolecules Carbohydrates: Nomenclature and classification; Role of monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, sugar alcohols – mannitol and sorbitol); Disaccharides (sucrose, maltose, lactose), Oligosaccharides and polysaccharides (structural-cellulose, hemicelluloses, pectin, chitin, mucilage; storage – starch, inulin).
Lipids: Storage lipids: Fatty acids structure and functions, Structural lipids: Phosphoglycerides; Lipid functions: cell signals, cofactors, prostaglandins, Introduction of lipid micelles, monolayers, bilayers |
tSfod v.kq dkcksZgkbMªsV& ukedj.k vkSj oxhZdj.k; eksukslSdsjkbM dh Hkwfedk ¼Xywdkst] ÝDVkst] 'kdZjk ,Ydksgy & eSfuVkWy vkSj lkWfcZVksy½( MkblSdsjkbM ¼lqØkst] ekYVkst] ySDVkst½] vksfyxkslSdsjkbM vkSj i‚yhlSdsjkbM ¼lajpukRed&lsY;wykst] gsfelsyqykst] isfDVu] dkbfVu] E;wflyst; HkaMkj.k & LVkpZ] buqfyu½A
fyfiM& HkaMkj.k fyfiM& olk vEy lajpuk vkSj dk;Z] lajpukRed fyfiM& Q‚LQksfXyljkbM~l; fyfiM dk;Z& dksf'kdk ladsr] dksQSDVj] çksLVkXySafMu] fyfiM felsy dk ifjp;] ,dy ijr] f}ijr |
8 |
Proteins: Structure of amino acids; Peptide bonds; Levels of protein structure-primary, secondary, Ramchandran plot,tertiary and quaternary; Isoelectric point; Protein denaturation and biological roles of proteins. Nucleic acids: Structure of nitrogenous bases; Structure and function of nucleic acids, Nucleic acid denaturation & Re-naturation , MiRNA |
çksVhu& vehuks vEy dh lajpuk; isIVkbM ca/k; çksVhu lajpuk ds Lrj&çkFkfed] f}rh;d] jkepUæu Iy‚V] r`rh;d vkSj prq/kkZrqd; lefoHko fcanq; çksVhu fo—rhdj.k vkSj çksVhu dh tSfod Hkwfedk,¡A U;wfDyd vEy& ukbVªkstu ;qDr {kkjksa dh lajpuk; U;wfDyd vEy dh lajpuk vkSj dk;Z] U;wfDyd vEy fo—rhdj.k vkSj iqu%fo—frdj.k] MiRNAA |
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Enzymes: Structure of enzyme: holoenzyme, apoenzyme, cofactors, coenzymes and prosthetic group; mechanism of action (activation energy, lock and key hypothesis, induced- fit theory), enzyme inhibition and factors affecting enzyme activity, Allosteric enzymes & Abzymes. Phytonutrients, Nutraceuticals, dietary supplements and antioxidants. |
,atkbe& ,atkbe dh lajpuk& gksyks,atkbe] ,iks,atkbe] dksQSDVj] dkss,atkbe vkSj izksLFksfVd lewg; fØ;kfof/k ¼lfØ;.k ÅtkZ] rkyk vkSj dqath ifjdYiuk] çsfjr&fQV fl)kar½] ,atkbe fu"ks/k vkSj ,atkbe xfrfof/k dks çHkkfor djus okys dkjd] ,yksLVsfjd ,atkbe vkSj ,CtkbeA QkbVksU;wfVª,aV~l] U;wVªkL;wfVdYl] vkgkj vuqiwjd vkSj çfrv‚DlhdkjdA |
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