Classical & Statistical Mechanics (Paper-1) | Physics Book for B.Sc. 5th Semester | UP State Universities

Classical & Statistical Mechanics ( Paper -1)  |ALL U.P State NEP B.SC 5th Semester

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Explore 'Classical & Statistical Mechanics' (Paper-1), ENGLISH EDITION, a comprehensive Physics book designed for B.Sc. 5th Semester students in all UP State Universities. Aligned with the Common Minimum Syllabus as per NEP, this book offers in-depth knowledge on classical and statistical mechanics.

Tailored specifically for universities like Bhim Rao Ambedkar University, Agra, CCS University, Meerut, MGKVP, Varanasi, Gorakhpur University, Rajju Bhaiya University, Prayagraj, Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, Purvanchal University, and more.

Enhance your understanding of ‘physics’ with this specialized resource.

AUTHORS : Dr. Hari Om Gupta , Dr. K.Y. Singh 

ISBN : 9789357552783




Physics - Classical & Statistical Mechanics


Course Code: B010501T




Total No.

of Lectures


Part-A: Introduction to Classical Mechanics



Constrained Motion

Constraints - Definition, Classification and Examples. Degrees of Freedom and Configuration space. Constrained system, Forces of constraint and Constrained motion. Generalised coordinates, Transformation equations and Generalised notations & relations. Principle of Virtual work and D’Alembert’s principle.



Lagrangian Formalism

Lagrangian for conservative & non-conservative systems, Lagrange’s equation of motion (no derivation), Comparison of Newtonian & Lagrangian formulations, Cyclic coordinates, and Conservation laws (with proofs and properties of kinetic energy function included). Simple examples based on Lagrangian formulation.



Hamiltonian Formalism

Phase space, Hamiltonian for conservative & non-conservative systems, Physical significance of Hamiltonian, Hamilton’s equation of motion (no derivation), Comparison of Lagrangian & Hamiltonian formulations, Cyclic coordinates, and Construction of Hamiltonian from Lagrangian. Simple examples based on Hamiltonian formulation.



Central Force

Definition and properties (with prove) of central force. Equation of motion and differential equation of orbit. Bound & unbound orbits, stable & non-stable orbits, closed & open orbits and Bertrand’s theorem. Motion under inverse square law of force and derivation of Kepler’s laws. Laplace-Runge- Lenz vector (Runge-Lenz vector) and its applications.




Part-B: Introduction to Statistical Mechanics



Macrostate & Microstate

Macrostate, Microstate, Number of accessible microstates and Postulate of equal a priori. Phase space, Phase trajectory, Volume element in phase space, Quantisation of phase space and number of accessible microstates for free particle in 1D, free particle in 3D & harmonic oscillator in 1D.



Concept of Ensemble

Problem with time average, concept of ensemble, postulate of ensemble average and Liouville’s theorem (proof included). Micro Canonical, Canonical & Grand Canonical ensembles. Thermodynamic Probability, Postulate of Equilibrium and Boltzmann Entropy relation.



Distribution Laws

Statistical Distribution Laws: Expressions for number of accessible microstates, probability & number of particles in ith state at equilibrium for Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein & Fermi- Dirac statistics. Comparison of statistical distribution laws and their physical significance. Canonical Distribution Law: Boltzmann’s Canonical Distribution Law, Boltzmann’s Partition Function, Proof of Equipartition Theorem (Law of Equipartition of energy) and relation between Partition function and Thermodynamic potentials.








Applications of Statistical Distribution Laws

Application of Bose-Einstein Distribution Law: Photons in a black body cavity and derivation of Planck’s Distribution Law. Application of Fermi-Dirac Distribution Law: Free electrons in a metal, Definition of Fermi energy, Determination of Fermi energy at absolute zero, Kinetic energy of Fermi gas at absolute zero and concept of Density of States (Density of Orbitals).



ALL U.P State NEP|2023|B.SC (English)|5|03
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