Chemistry (Paper-I) Organic Synthesis-A ( कार्बनिक संश्लेषण-A ) B.Sc 5th Semester U.P State
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Buy Latest Chemistry (Paper-I) Organic Synthesis-A ( कार्बनिक संश्लेषण-A ) Book in Bilingual Edition ( Both English and Hindi ) Languages for B.Sc 5th Semester Common Minimum Syllabus As Per NEP for All Uttar Pradesh State Universities By Thakur Publication. Written by Experienced Authors | Fast & All India Delivery |
AUTHORS : Dr. Rajesh Chandra Verma , Dr. Vijay Deep Sharma , Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Mishra , Dr. Moh. Irfan Ahmad Khan , Dr. Rashmi Gupta
ISBN : 9789357552790
Organic Synthesis-A ¼dkcZfud la’ys"k.k&A½
Course Code: B020501T
Unit |
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No. of Lectures |
I |
Chemistry of Alkanes and Cycloalkanes A) Alkanes: Classification of carbon atom in alkanes, General methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties of alkanes: Wurtz Reaction, Wurtz-Fittig Reactions, Free radical substitutions: Halogenation -relative reactivity and selectivity
B) Cycloalkanes: Nomenclature, methods of formation, chemical reactions, Baeyer's strain theory and its limitations. Chair, Boat and Twist boat forms of cyclohexane with energy diagrams ring strain in small rings, theory of strain less rings. The case of cyclopropane ring, banana bonds. |
,sYdsUk vkSj lkbDyks,sYdsUk dk jlk;u ,sYdsUk& ,sYdsUk esa dkcZu ijek.kq dk oxhZdj.k] cukus dh lkekU; fof/k] ,sYdsUk ds HkkSfrd vkSj jklk;fud xq.k/keZ& oqVZ~t vfHkfØ;k] oqVZ~t&fQfVx vfHkfØ;k,a] eqDr ewyd çfrLFkkiu& gSykstuhdj.k&lkis{k vfHkfØ;k'khyrk vkSj p;ukRedrk
lkbDyks,sYdsUk& ukedj.k] cukus dh fof/k;k¡] jklk;fud vfHkfØ;k,a] cs;j dk foÑfr fl)kar vkSj bldh lhek,aA ÅtkZ vkjs[kksa ds lkFk lkbDyksgsDlsu ds dqlhZ] uko vkSj fV~oLV uko :i] NksVs oy;ksa esa oy; ruko] foÑfr oy; dk fl)karA lkbDyksçksisu oy;] dsyk ca/k dh fLFkfrA |
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II |
Chemistry of Alkenes Methods of formation of alkenes, Addition to C=C: mechanism (with evidence wherever applicable), reactivity, regioselectivity (Markownikoff and anti-Markownikoff additions) and stereoselectivity; reactions: hydrogenation, halogenation, hydrohalogenation, hydration, oxymercuration demercuration, hydroboration-oxidation, epoxidation, syn and anti-hydroxylation, ozonolysis, addition of singlet and triplet carbenes; Simmons-Smith cyclopropanation reaction; electrophilic addition to diene (conjugated dienes and allene); radical addition: HBr addition; mechanism of allylic and benzylic bromination in competition with brominations across C=C; use of NBS; interconversion of E- and Z- alkenes. |
,sYdhu dk jlk;u ,sYdhu ds fuekZ.k dh fof/k;k¡] C=C esa TkqM+uk& fØ;kfof/k ¼tgk¡ Hkh ykxw gks lk{; ds lkFk½] vfHkfØ;k'khyrk] jhft;kslsysfDVfoVh ¼ekdksZfud‚Q vkSj ,aVh&ekdksZfud‚Q ;ksx½ vkSj LVhfj;kslsysfDVfoVh; vfHkfØ;k,¡& gkbMªkstuhdj.k] gSykstuhdj.k] gkbMªksgSykstuhdj.k] ty;kstu] v‚DlheD;wZjs'ku MheD;wZjs'ku] gkbMªkscksjs'ku&v‚Dlhdj.k] ,i‚Dlhdj.k] flu vkSj ,aVh&gkbMª‚fDlys'ku] vkstksuksfyfll] flaXysV vkSj fVªIysV dkchZu dk tksM+; lheu&fLeFk lkbDyksçksisus'ku vfHkfØ;k; MkbbZu esa bysDVªkWLusgh tksM+ ¼la;qfXer MkbbZu vkSj ,sYkhu½; ewyd tksM+& HBr tksM+; C=C esa czksfeuhdj.k ds lkFk çfrLi/kkZ esa ,sfyfyd vkSj csatkbfyd czksfeuhdj.k dh fØ;kfof/k NBS dk mi;ksx+; E- vkSj Z-,sYdhu dk varjk:ikarj.kA |
12 |
Chemistry of Alkynes Methods of formation of alkynes, Addition to C≡C, mechanism, reactivity, regioselectivity and stereoselectivity reactions: hydrogenation, halogenations, hydrohalogenation, hydration, oxymercuration demercuration, hydroboration-oxidation, dissolving metal reduction of alkynes (Birch); reactions of terminal alkynes by exploring its acidity; inter conversion of terminal and nonterminal alkynes. |
,sYdkbUk dk jlk;u ,sYdkbuksa ds fuekZ.k dh fof/k;k¡] C≡C esa ;ksx] fØ;kfof/k] vfHkfØ;k'khyrk] jsft;kslsysfDVfoVh vkSj f=foe p;ukRedrk; vfHkfØ;k,¡& gkbMªkstuhdj.k] gSykstuhdj.k] gkbMªksgSykstuhdj.k] ty;kstu] v‚DlheD;Zwjs'ku MheD;Zwjs'ku] gkbMªkscksjs'ku&v‚Dlhdj.k] ,sYdkbUk ¼cpZ½ dh /kkrq esa foys; vip;u+; bldh vEyrk dh [kkst djds VfeZuy ,sYdkbUk dh vfHkfØ;k,a+; VfeZuy vkSj u‚u&VfeZuy ,sYdkbuksa dk varjk:ikarj.kA |
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IV |
Aromaticity and Chemistry of Arenes Nomenclature of benzene derivatives, MO picture of benzene, Aromaticity: Hückel’s rule, aromatic character of arenes, cyclic carbocations/carbanions. Electrophilic aromatic substitution: halogenation, nitration, sulphonation and Friedel-Crafts alkylation/acylation with their Mechanism. Directing effects of the groups. Birch reduction, Methods of formation and chemical reactions of alkylbenzenes, alkynylbenzenes and biphenyl, naphthalene and anthracene.
,sjhu dh ,sjkseSfVdrk vkSj jlk;u csathu O;qRiUu dk ukedj.k] csathu dk MO fp=] ,sjkseSfVdrk& gdy dk fu;e] ,sjhu dk ,sjkseSfVd xq.k] pØh; dkcZ/kuk;u/dkcZ_.kk;uA bysDVªkuLusgh ,jkseSfVd çfrLFkkiu& gSykstuhdj.k] ukbVªhdj.k] lYQksuhdj.k vkSj ÝhMsy&Øk¶V~l ,fYdys'ku/,lkbys'ku muds fØ;kfof/k ds lkFkA lewgksa dk funsZ'ku çHkko- cpZ vip;u] ,sfYdycsUthu] ,sYdkbfuycasthu vkSj ckbQsfuy] uS¶Fkyhu vkSj ,UFkzklhu ds fuekZ.k vkSj jklk;fud vfHkfØ;kvksa dh fof/k;k¡A |
10 |
V |
Chemistry of Alcohols Classification and nomenclature, Monohydric alcohols – nomenclature, methods of formation by reduction of Aldehydes, Ketones, Carboxylic acids and Esters, Hydrogen bonding, Acidic nature, Reactions of alcohols.
Dihydric alcohols nomenclature, methods of formation, chemical reactions of vicinal glycols, oxidative cleavage [Pb(OAc)4 and HIO4] and pinacol pinacolone rearrangement. Trihydric alcohols - nomenclature, methods of formation, chemical reactions of glycerol. |
,Ydksgy dk jlk;u oxhZdj.k vkSj ukedj.k] eksuksgkbfMªd ,Ydksgy & ukedj.k] ,sfYMgkbM] dhVksUk] dkcksZfDlfyd vEy vkSj ,LVj ds vip;u ls cukus dh fof/k;ka] gkbMªkstu ca/k] vEyh; ç—fr] ,Ydksgy dh vfHkfØ;k,aA
MkbgkbfMªd ,Ydksgy ukedj.k] cukus dh fof/k;k¡] fofluy XykbdkWy dh jklk;fud vfHkfØ;k,a] v‚DlhMsfVo fonyu [Pb(OAc)4 vkSj HIO4] vkSj fiukdksy fiukdksyksu iquO;ZoLFkkiuA VªkbgkbfMªd ,Ydksgy & ukedj.k] fuekZ.k dh fof/k;k¡] fXylj‚y dh jklk;fud vfHkfØ;k,¡A |
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VI |
Chemistry of Phenols: Nomenclature, structure and bonding, preparation of phenols, physical properties and acidic character, Comparative acidic strengths of alcohols and phenols, resonance stabilization of phenoxide ion. Reactions of phenols – electrophilic aromatic substitution, acylation and carboxylation. Mechanisms of Fries rearrangement, Claisen rearrangement, Gatterman syntheis, Hauben Hoesch reaction, Lederer-Manasse reaction and Reimer-Tiemann reaction |
fQuksy dk jlk;u& ukedj.k] lajpuk vkSj ca/k] fQuksy dks cukuk] HkkSfrd xq.k/keZ vkSj vEyh; xq.k] ,Ydksgy vkSj fQuksy dh rqyukRed vEyh; izcyrk] fQukWDlkbM vk;u dk vuqukn fLFkjhdj.kA fQuksy dh vfHkfØ;k,a & bysDVªkWu Lusgh ,sjkseSfVd çfrLFkkiu] ,sflyhdj.k vkSj dkcksZfDlyhdj.kA Ýkbt iquO;ZoLFkkiu] Dyslsu iquO;ZoLFkkiu] xkVjeSu la’ys"k.k gkmcsu gks'k vfHkfØ;k] ysMjj&ekuls vfHkfØ;k vkSj jhej&Vheu vfHkfØ;k dh fØ;kfof/k |
06 |
Chemistry of Ethers and Epoxides: Nomenclature of ethers and methods of their formation, physical properties, Chemical reactions – cleavage and autoxidation, Ziesel's method. Synthesis of epoxides, Acid and base-catalyzed ring opening of epoxides, orientation of epoxide ring opening, reactions of Grignard and organolithium reagents with epoxides. |
bZFkj vkSj ,i‚DlkbM dk jlk;u & bZFkj dk ukedj.k vkSj buds cukus dh fof/k;k¡] HkkSfrd xq.k/keZ] jklk;fud vfHkfØ;k,a & fonyu vkSj v‚Vksv‚DlhMs'ku] ftlsy dh fof/kA ,i‚DlkbM~l dk la'ys"k.k] ,i‚DlkbM~l dk vEy vkSj {kkj&mRçsfjr oy; dk [kqyuk] ,i‚DlkbM oy; [kqyuk dk vfHkfoU;kl] ,i‚DlkbM~l ds lkFk fxzXukMZ vkSj dkcZfyfFk;e vfHkdeZdksa dh vfHkfØ;k,aA |
05 |
Chemistry of Organic Halides Nomenclature and classes of alkyl halides, methods of formation, chemical reactions, Mechanisms of nucleophilic substitution reactions of alkyl halides, SN2 and SN1 reactions with energy profile diagrams; Polyhalogen compounds: Chloroform, carbon tetrachloride; Methods of formation of aryl halides, nuclear and side chain reactions; The addition-elimination and the elimination-addition mechanisms of nucleophilic aromatic substitution reactions; Relative reactivities of alkyl halides vs allyl, vinyl and aryl halides, Synthesis and uses of DDT and BHC. |
dkcZfud gSykbM~l dk jlk;u ,sfYdy gSykbMksa dk ukedj.k vkSj oxZ] cukus dh fof/k;k¡] jklk;fud vfHkfØ;k,a] ,sfYdy gSykbMksa dh ukfHkdLusgh çfrLFkkiu vfHkfØ;kvksa dh fØ;kfof/k ÅtkZ çksQkby vkjs[kksa ds lkFk SN2 vkSj SN1 vfHkfØ;k,a; i‚yhgSykstu ;kSfxd& DyksjksQ‚eZ] dkcZu VsVªkDyksjkbM; ,sfjy gSykbM~l ds fuekZ.k dh fof/k;k¡] ijek.kq vkSj ik'oZ J`a[kyk vfHkfØ;k,¡; ukfHkdLusgh ,sjkseSfVd çfrLFkkiu vfHkfØ;kvksa ds vfrfjDr&foyksiu vkSj foyksiu &;ksx fØ;kfof/k; ,sfYdy gSykbM cuke ,sfyy] foukby vkSj ,sfjy gSykbM dh lkis{k vfHkØ;k,¡] DDT vkSj BHC dk la'ys"k.k vkSj mi;ksxA |
05 |