Community Health Nursing ( सामुदायिक स्वास्थ्य नर्सिंग ) Bilingual Book ANM First Year

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Community Health Nursing Bilingual Book ANM 1st Year

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Buy Latest Community Health Nursing (सामुदायिक स्वास्थ्य नर्सिंग) Book in Bilingual Edition ( Both English and Hindi ) for ANM 1st Year As per Indian Nursing Counscil Syllabus By Thakur Publication. Written by Experienced Authors | Fast Delivery |

AUTHORS: Dr. Jeya beula D  , Shamina Bhandari , Mahesh Kumar  

ISBN : 978-93-6180-076-4

Syllabus ¼ikB~;Øe½


Community Health Nursing ¼lkeqnkf;d LokLF; uflZax½



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1 - Concept of Health

• Health and its changing concepts

• Dimensions of health

• Determinants of health

• Primary Health Care: Definition, components, significance, community application

1 & LokLF; dh vo/kkj.kk

• LokLF; vkSj bldh cnyrh vo/kkj.kk,¡

• LokLF; ds vk;ke

• LokLF; ds fu/kkZjd

• çkFkfed LokLF; ns[kHkky& ifjHkk"kk] ?kVd] egRo] lkeqnkf;d vuqç;ksx

2 - Community Health Practices

• Health concepts of people and health care providers

• Health behaviours, beliefs and cultural practices of community

• Ethics and behaviour related to community practices

• Method of home visiting

2 & lkeqnkf;d LokLF; vH;kl

• yksxksa vkSj LokLF; lsok çnkrkvksa dh   LokLF; vo/kkj.kk,¡

• leqnk; ds LokLF; O;ogkj] fo'okl vkSj lkaLfrd vH;kl

• lkeqnkf;d vH;klksa ls lacaf/kr uSfrdrk vkSj O;ogkj

• x`g eqykdkr dh fof/k

3 - Health Problems and Policies

• Overview of health problems of communities in India.

• Trends and Development in National Health Programmes and Policies

• National Health Programmes and its Implementation at Community Level 

• Role and Functions of Accredited Social Health Activists (AHSA), Anganwadi Worker, Dai, etc.

3 & LokLF; leL;k,¡ vkSj uhfr;k¡

• Hkkjr esa leqnk;ksa dh LokLF; leL;kvksa dk voyksduA

• jk"Vªh; LokLF; dk;ZØeksa vkSj uhfr;ksa esa #>ku vkSj fodkl

• jk"Vªh; LokLF; dk;ZØe vkSj lkeqnkf;d Lrj ij bldk dk;kZUo;u

• ekU;rk çkIr lkekftd LokLF; dk;ZdrkZvksa (AHSA)] vkaxuokM+h dk;ZdrkZ] nkbZ] vkfn dh Hkwfedk vkSj dk;ZA

4 - Health Organisation

• Organisation of SC, PHC, CHC and district hospital.

• Organisation of health care delivery system at different levels

• Referral system

• Health Agencies - International: WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDPA, World Bank, FAO, DANIDA, European Commission, Red Cross, USAID, UNESCO, Colombo Plan, ILO, CARE, etc.

National: Indian Red Cross, Indian Council for Child Welfare, Family Planning Association of India, etc.

• Non-governmental organisations

4 & LokLF; laxBu

• SC, PHC, CHC vkSj ftyk vLirky dk laxBuA

• fofHkUu Lrjksa ij LokLF; lsok forj.k ç.kkyh dk laxBu

• jsQjy ç.kkyh

• LokLF; ,tsafl;ka ​​& varjkZ"Vªh;& WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDPA, fo'o cSad] FAO, DANIDA, ;wjksih; vk;ksx] jsM Ø‚l] USAID, UNESCO, dksyEcks Iyku] ILO, CARE, ds;j] vkfnA

• jk"Vªh;& Hkkjrh; jsM Ø‚l] Hkkjrh; cky dY;k.k ifj"kn] Hkkjrh; ifjokj fu;kstu la?k] vkfnA

• xSj&ljdkjh laxBu


5 - Role of Health Team

• Team concept and functions of the health team

• Role and responsibilities of ANM/FHW

• Code of ethics for ANM

5 & LokLF; Vhe dh Hkwfedk

• Vhe dh vo/kkj.kk vkSj LokLF; Vhe ds dk;Z

• ANM/FHW dh Hkwfedk vkSj ftEesnkfj;k¡

• ,,u,e ds fy, vkpkj lafgrk

6 - Structure of Community

• Rural Community: Characteristics, changes in the village  community development, major rural problems

• Urban Community: Characteristics, changes and adjustments to urban environment, major urban problems

• Village: Physical structure - Administrative set up

• Function of Panchayat

• 73th and 74th Amendments to Constitution and role of Panchayat in health

• Structure of an urban community slum

• Social groups, organisations, leaders

• Community resources

6 & leqnk; dh lajpuk

• xzkeh.k leqnk;& fo'ks"krk,a] xkao ds lkeqnkf;d fodkl esa ifjorZu] çeq[k xzkeh.k leL;k,a

• 'kgjh leqnk;& fo'ks"krk,a] 'kgjh okrkoj.k esa ifjorZu vkSj lek;kstu] çeq[k 'kgjh leL;k,a

• xkao& HkkSfrd lajpuk & ç'kklfud O;oLFkk

• iapk;r ds dk;Z

• 73oha vkSj 74oha lafo/kku esa la'kks/ku vkSj LokLF; esa iapk;r dh Hkwfedk

• 'kgjh lkeqnkf;d >qXxh cLrh dh lajpuk

• lkekftd lewg] laxBu] usrk

• lkeqnkf;d lalk/ku

7 - Dynamics of Community

• Social Processes: Individual and  process of socialisation

• Interaction between different social groups in the village

• Traditions and customs and their influence on health

• Social Stratification: Influence of class,  caste and race on health and health practices

• Family and Marriage: Types

• Changes & legislations on family and marriage in India marriage acts

7 & leqnk; dh xfr'khyrk

• lkekftd çfØ;k,¡& O;fDr vkSj lekthdj.k dh çfØ;k

• xk¡o esa fofHkUu lkekftd lewgksa ds chp ckrphr

• ijaijk,¡ vkSj jhfr&fjokt vkSj LokLF; ij mudk çHkko

• lkekftd Lrjhdj.k& LokLF; vkSj LokLF; çFkkvksa ij oxZ] tkfr vkSj uLy dk çHkko

• ifjokj vkSj fookg& çdkj

• Hkkjr esa ifjokj vkSj fookg ij ifjorZu vkSj dkuwu


8 - Community Need Assessment

• Scope and methods of community need assessment

• Survey – Planning, Preparation of Tools: Questionnaires, Interview, Schedules, Checklist, etc.

• Community Survey - Principles and Methods: Data collection, conducting interviews, Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and case studies

• Participatory Learning for Action (PLA)

• Analysis of data

• Preparation of report

8 & lkeqnk; dh vko';drk dk vk¡dyu

• lkeqnk; dh vko';drk ds vk¡dyu ds nk;jk vkSj rjhds

• losZ{k.k & ;kstuk] midj.kksa dh rS;kjh& ç'ukoyh] lk{kkRdkj] vuqlwfp;k¡] psdfyLV] vkfnA

• lkeqnkf;d losZ{k.k & fl)kar vkSj rjhds: MsVk laxzg] lk{kkRdkj vk;ksftr djuk] Qksdl lewg ppkZ (FGD) vkSj dsl LVMh

• dkjZokbZ ds fy, Hkkxhnkjh lh[kuk (PLA)

• MsVk dk fo'ys"k.k

• rS;kj djuk fjiksVZ

9 - Communication Methods & Media

• Principles, methods and process of communication.

• Inter Personal Relationship (IPR): Communication with different groups and health team members

• Types and use of AV aids

• Use of local folk methods and media for disseminating health messages

• BCC (Behavioural Change Communication), IEC (Information Education and Communication): Aims, Scope, concept and approaches

• Teaching Learning Process: Concept,  steps of learning, characteristics of learner

• Principles, methods of teaching  

• Planning of health  education activities

• Role and responsibilities of ANMs/Health workers in BCC

9 & lapkj fof/k;k¡ vkSj ehfM;k

• lapkj ds fl)kar] fof/k;k¡ vkSj çfØ;kA

• varoSZ;fDrd laca/k (PLA)& fofHkUu lewgksa vkSj LokLF; Vhe ds lnL;ksa ds lkFk lapkj

• AV ,M~l ds çdkj vkSj mi;ksx

• LokLF; lans'kksa ds çlkj ds fy, LFkkuh; yksd fof/k;ksa vkSj ehfM;k dk mi;ksx

• BCC ¼O;ogkj ifjorZu lapkj½] IEC ¼lwpuk f'k{kk vkSj lapkj½& mn~ns';] {ks=] vo/kkj.kk vkSj f"Vdks.k

• f'k{k.k lh[kus dh çfØ;k& vo/kkj.kk] lh[kus ds pj.k] f'k{kkFkhZ dh fo'ks"krk,a

• fl)kar] f'k{k.k ds rjhds

• LokLF; f'k{kk xfrfof/k;ksa dh ;kstuk cukuk

• BCC esa ,-,u-,e-@LokLF; dk;ZdrkZvksa dh Hkwfedk vkSj ftEesnkfj;k¡

10 - Counselling

• Concept, principles and techniques of counselling

• Identifying needs and areas for counselling in the community

• Role of counsellor

• Role of ANM/Female Health worker as counsellor

10 & ijke'kZ

• ijke'kZ dh vo/kkj.kk] fl)kar vkSj rduhd

• leqnk; esa ijke'kZ ds fy, t:jrksa vkSj {ks=ksa dh igpku djuk

• ijke'kZnkrk dh Hkwfedk

• ijke'kZnkrk ds :i esa ,-,u-,e-@efgyk LokLF; dk;ZdrkZ dh Hkwfedk

11 - Community-based Rehabilitation

• Health conditions needing rehabilitation

• Community resources available

• Educate individuals, family and community

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