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AUTHORS : Dr. Sheo  Shankar Kumar , Dr. Ujjwal Kumar Bhagat , Dr. Rajiv Kumar Karn , Dr. Kritivardhan Gautam 

ISBN : 978-93-6180-062-7



MJC-4: Physical Chemistry: Chemical Thermodynamics and its Applications (T)

HkkSfrd jlk;u& jklk;fud Å"ekxfrdh vkSj blds vuqç;ksx (T)



Topics to be Covered

    doj fd, tkus okys fo"k;

No. of Lectures



Definition of thermodynamic terms: system, surroundings, types of systems, intensive and extensive properties, state and path functions, thermodynamic processes, concept of heat and work.


First Law of Thermodynamics-Statements, definition of internal energy and enthalpy, Heat capacities at constant volume and constant pressure with their relationship, Joule’s law, Joule- Thomson coefficient and inversion temperature, calculation of w, q, dU and dH for the expansion of ideal gases under isothermal and adiabatic conditions for reversible and irreversible processes.


Å"ekxfrdh 'kCnksa dh ifjHkk"kk& fudk;] ifjos'k] fudk;ksa ds çdkj] xgu vkSj O;kid xq.k] voLFkk vkSj iFk Qyu] Å"ekxfrdh çØe] Å"ek vkSj dk;Z dh vo/kkj.kkA


Å"ekxfrdh dk izFke fu;e&dFku] vkarfjd ÅtkZ vkSj ,UFkSYih dh ifjHkk"kk] fLFkj vk;ru vkSj fLFkj nkc ij Å"ek /kkfjrk,¡ vkSj mudk laca/k] twy dk fu;e] twy&Fk‚elu xq.kkad vkSj O;qRØe rkieku] mRØe.kh; vkSj vuqRØe.kh;  çØeksa ds fy, lerkih vkSj #)ks"e fLFkfr;ksa esa vkn'kZ xSlksa ds foLrkj ds fy, w, q, dU vkSj dH dh x.kukA




Standard state, enthalpy of reaction, standard enthalpy of formation, Hess’s law of constant heat summation and its applications, enthalpy of combustion, enthalpy of neutralization, bond dissociation energy and its calculation from thermo-chemical data, temperature dependence of enthalpy, Kirchoff’s equation.


ekud voLFkk] vfHkfØ;k dh ,UFkSYih] xBu dh ekud ,UFkSYih] gst dk fLFkj Å"ek ;ksx dk fu;e vkSj blds vuqç;ksx] ngu dh ,UFkSYih] mnklhuhdj.k dh ,UFkSYih] ca/k fo;kstu ÅtkZ vkSj Å"ekjlk;u vk¡dM+ksa ls bldh x.kuk] ,UFkSYih dh rkieku ij fuHkZjrk] fdjp‚Q dk lehdj.kA




Second law of thermodynamics, need of the law, different statements of the law, Carnot theorem, Carnot cycle and its efficiency, concept of entropy, entropy as a function of V and T, P and T, entropy change in ideal gases and mixing of ideal gases, free energy and spontaneity, variation of Gibbs free energy (G) and Helmholtz free energy (A) with P, V and T, Maxwell’s relations, Thermodynamic equation of state, Nernst heat theorem, Third law of thermodynamics, statement, evaluation of absolute entropy from third law of thermodynamics, concept of residual entropy.

Å"ekxfrdh& II&

Å"ekxfrdh dk f}rh; fu;e] fu;e dh vko';drk] fu;e ds fofHkUu dFku] dkuksZV çes;] dkuksZV pØ vkSj bldh n{krk] ,UVª‚ih dh vo/kkj.kk] V vkSj T, P vkSj T ds Qyu ds :i esa ,UVª‚ih] vkn'kZ xSlksa esa ,UVª‚ih ifjorZu vkSj vkn'kZ xSlksa dk feJ.k] eqDr ÅtkZ vkSj lgtrk] fxCl eqDr ÅtkZ (G) vkSj gsYegksYV~t eqDr ÅtkZ (A) dk P, V vkSj T, ds lkFk ifjorZu] eSDlosy ds laca/k] Å"ekxfrdh voLFkk dk lehdj.k] uuZLV Å"ek çes;] Å"ekxfrdh dk r`rh; fu;e] dFku] Å"ekxfrdh ds rhljs fu;e ls fujis{k ,UVª‚ih dk ewY;kadu] vof'k"V ,UVª‚ih dh vo/kkj.kkA



Systems of Variable Composition:

Partial molar quantities, chemical potential, dependence of chemical potential with temperature and pressure, chemical potential of a gas in ideal gas mixture, Gibb’s Duhem equation.

ifjorZuh; lajpuk dh ç.kkfy;k¡&

vkaf'kd eksyj ek=k,¡] jklk;fud foHko] rkieku vkSj nkc ds lkFk jklk;fud foHko dh fuHkZjrk] vkn'kZ xSl feJ.k esa xSl dh jklk;fud foHko] fxCl Mqgse lehdj.kA











MJC-4(P): Chemical Thermodynamics and its Applications (P)


jklk;fud Å"ekxfrdh vkSj blds vuqç;ksx (P)



Chemical Thermodynamics and its Applications

1)       Determination of water equivalent of calorimeter.

2)       Determination of enthalpy of neutralization of hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide.

3)       Determination of enthalpy of ionization of ethanoic acid.

4)       Determination of the basicity of a polybasic acid against standard sodium hydroxide solution.

5)       Determination of heat of displacement of Cu by Zn from Cu2+ salt solution.

6)       Determination of enthalpy of hydration of copper sulphate.

7)       Determination of solubility of benzoic acid in water and DH for the process.

8)       Determination of heat capacity of the calorimeter and integral enthalpy of solution of salts.



jklk;fud Å"ekxfrdh vkSj blds vuqç;ksx

1)       dSyksjhehVj ds ty rqY;kad dk fu/kkZj.kA

2)       lksfM;e gkbMª‚DlkbM ds lkFk gkbMªksDyksfjd vEy ds mnklhuhdj.k dh ,UFkSYih dk fu/kkZj.kA

3)       ,Fksuksbd vEy ds vk;uu dh ,UFkSYih dk fu/kkZj.kA

4)       ekud lksfM;e gkbMª‚DlkbM foy;u ds fo#) cgq{kkjdh vEy dh {kkjh;rk dk fu/kkZj.kA

5)       Cu2+ yo.k ds foy;u ls Zn }kjk Cu ds foLFkkiu dh Å"ek dk fu/kkZj.kA

6)       d‚ij lYQsV ds ty;kstu dh ,UFkSYih dk fu/kkZj.kA

7)       çfØ;k ds fy, ikuh vkSj DH esa csatksbd vEy dh ?kqyu'khyrk dk fu/kkZj.kA

8)       dSyksjhehVj dh Å"ek /kkfjrk vkSj yo.k ds foy;u dh lekdy ,UFkSYih dk fu/kkZj.kA



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