Introductory Macroeconomics ( परिचयात्मक समष्टि अर्थशास्त्र ) Book BA 3rd Sem Bihar (Bilingual)
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Buy Latest (ECONOMICS) Introductory Macroeconomics ( परिचयात्मक समष्टि अर्थशास्त्र ) Book in Bilingual Edition ( Both English and Hindi ) Language for Major - 3 Sem and Minor - 3 Sem /MDC 2nd Sem Uniform Syllabus As per (NEP 2020) Four Year Undergraduate Programme for All Universities of Bihar By Thakur Publication. Written by Experienced Authors | Fast Delivery |
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AUTHORS : Mr. Ankit Kumar , Dr.Vinod Baitha ,Dr. Umesh Kumar Tiwari
ISBN : 978-93-6180-002-3
Subject: Economics
MJC-3: Introductory Macro-Economics (3rd Semester)
Unit-I: Introduction to Macro-Economics and National Income Accounting
The Origin and Roots of Macro-Economics, Need and Relevance of Macro-Economics, Scope of the Subject, Macro-economic concerns and issues, the Role of Government in Macro-economics, the components of Macro-economics, Methodology to Macro-economics, Circular flow of Income, The Concepts of National Income: GDP, GNP, NNP, NNP at factor cost, Personal Income, Private Income and Personal Disposable Income, Approaches to calculating GDP, Nominal and real GDP, Green GDP, Concept of Social Accounting, Limitations of GDP as a measure of social welfare, difficulties in measuring national income in developing economies, GDP and black economy, concept of base year and GDP index
Unit-II: Money and Banking
Functions of money; Quantity theory of money; fundamental equations; Keynesian theory of money and prices, determination of money supply and demand; Central banking; history, objectives, functions, relevance, performance, tools of monetary policy; Concept and history of commercial banking- functions, distribution of assets and credit creation.
Unit-III: The Closed Economy in the Short Run
Classical and Keynesian Systems; simple classical system of output and employment, Keynesian model of income determination, Aggregate supply and demand, fiscal and monetary multipliers, limitation and Relevance of Keynesian economics to developing economy
fo"k;& vFkZ’kkL=
MJC-3: ifjp;kRed lef"V vFkZ’kkL= ¼r`rh; lsesLVj½
bdkbZ I& lef"V vFkZ’kkL= ,oa jk"Vªh; vk; ys[kkadu dk ifjp;
lef"V vFkZ’kkL= dh mRifÙk ,oa ewy] lef"V vFkZ’kkL= dh vko';drk ,oa çklafxdrk] fo"k; dk {ks=] lef"V vFkZ’kkL= fpark,¡ vkSj eqn~ns] lef"V vFkZ’kkL= esa ljdkj dh Hkwfedk] lef"V vFkZ’kkL= ds ?kVd] lef"V vFkZ’kkL= dh dk;Zç.kkyh] vk; dk pØh; çokg] jk"Vªh; vk; dh vo/kkj.kk,¡& GDP, GNP, NNP] dkjd ykxr ij NNP] O;fDrxr vk;] futh vk; ,oa O;fDrxr ç;ksT; vk;] GDP dh x.kuk djus ds n`f"Vdks.k] ukeek= vkSj okLrfod GDP] Green GDP] lkekftd ys[kkadu dh vo/kkj.kk] lkekftd dY;k.k ds mik; ds :i esa GDP dh lhek,¡] fodkl'khy vFkZO;oLFkkvksa esa jk"Vªh; vk; dks ekius esa dfBukb;k¡] GDP ,oa dkyh vFkZO;oLFkk] vk/kkj o"kZ vkSj GDP lwpdkad dh vo/kkj.kkA
bdkbZ II& eqnzk ,oa cSafdax
eqnzk ds dk;Z] eqnzk dh ek=k dk fl)kar] ekSfyd lehdj.k] eqæk ,oa dherksa dk dhusfl;u fl)kar] eqæk vkiwfrZ vkSj ek¡x dk fu/kkZj.k] dsaæh; cSafdax] bfrgkl] mn~ns';] dk;Z] çklafxdrk] çn'kZu] ekSfæd uhfr ds midj.k] okf.kfT;d cSafdax dh vo/kkj.kk vkSj bfrgkl& dk;Z] laifÙk;ksa dk forj.k ,oa lk[k l`tuA
bdkbZ III& vYikof/k esa can vFkZO;oLFkk
'kkL=h; ,oa dhusfl;u ç.kkfy;k¡] mRiknu vkSj jkstxkj dh ljy 'kkL=h; ç.kkyh] vk; fu/kkZj.k dk dhusfl;u e‚My] dqy vkiwfrZ vkSj ekax] jktdks"kh; vkSj ekSfæd xq.kd] fodkl'khy vFkZO;oLFkk ds fy, dhusfl;u vFkZ'kkL= dh lhek,¡ vkSj çklafxdrkA
Subject: Economics
MIC-3: Introductory Macro-Economics (3rd Semester)
Unit-I: Introduction to Macro-economics and National Income Accounting
The Origin and Roots of Macro-economics, Need and Relevance of Macro-economics, Scope of the Subject, Macro-economic concerns and issues, the Role of Government in Macro-economics, the components of Macro-economics, Methodology to Macro-economics, Circular flow of Income, The Concepts of National Income: GDP, GNP, NNP, NNP at factor cost, Personal Income, Private Income and Personal Disposable Income, Approaches to calculating GDP, Nominal and real GDP, Green GDP.
Unit-II: Money and Banking
Functions of money; Quantity theory of money; Central banking; history, objectives, functions, relevance, performance, tools of monetary policy, Concept and history of commercial banking- functions, distribution of assets and credit creation.
Unit-III: Classical and Keynesian Systems
Classical and Keynesian Systems; simple classical system of output and employment, Keynesian model of income determination, concept of multipliers, Relevance and limitations of Keynesian economics to developing economy.
fo"k;& vFkZ’kkL=
MIC-3: ifjp;kRed lef"V vFkZ’kkL= ¼r`rh; lsesLVj½
bdkbZ I& lef"V vFkZ'kkL= ,oa jk"Vªh; vk; ys[kkadu dk ifjp;
lef"V vFkZ'kkL= dh mRifÙk ,oa ewy] lef"V vFkZ'kkL= dh vko';drk ,oa çklafxdrk] fo"k; dk {ks=] lef"V vFkZ'kkL= dh fpark,¡ vkSj eqn~ns] lef"V vFkZ'kkL= esa ljdkj dh Hkwfedk] lef"V vFkZ'kkL= ds ?kVd] lef"V vFkZ'kkL= dh dk;Zç.kkyh] vk; dk pØh; çokg] jk"Vªh; vk; dh vo/kkj.kk,¡& ldy ?kjsyw mRikn] GNP] NNP] dkjd ykxr ij NNP] O;fDrxr vk;] futh vk; vkSj O;fDrxr ç;ksT; vk;] ldy ?kjsyw mRikn dh x.kuk djus ds rjhds] ukeek= ,oa okLrfod ldy ?kjsyw mRikn] gfjr ldy ?kjsyw mRiknA
bdkbZ II& eqnzk ,oa cSafdax
eqnzk ds dk;Z] eqnzk dh ek=k dk fl)kar] dsaæh; cSafdax] bfrgkl] mn~ns';] dk;Z] çklafxdrk] çn'kZu] ekSfæd uhfr ds midj.k] okf.kfT;d cSafdax dh vo/kkj.kk vkSj bfrgkl& dk;Z] laifÙk;ksa dk forj.k ,oa lk[k l`tuA
bdkbZ III& Áfrf"Br ,oa dhusfl;u ç.kkfy;k¡
Áfrf"Br ,oa dhusfl;u ç.kkfy;k¡] mRiknu vkSj jkstxkj dh lkekU; Áfrf"Br ç.kkyh] vk; fu/kkZj.k dk dhusfl;u e‚My] xq.kdksa dh vo/kkj.kk] fodkl'khy vFkZO;oLFkk ds fy, dhusfl;u vFkZ'kkL= dh çklafxdrk ,oa lhek,¡A
Subject: Economics
MDC-2: Introductory Macro-Economics (2nd Semester)
Unit-I: Introduction to Macro-Economics and National Income Accounting
The Origin and Roots of Macro-Economics, Need and Relevance of Macro-Economics, Scope of the Subject, Macro-economic concerns and issues, the Role of Government in Macro-economics, the components of Macro-economics, Methodology to Macro-economics, Circular flow of Income, The Concepts of National Income: GDP, GNP, NNP, NNP at factor cost, Personal Income, Private Income and Personal Disposable Income, Approaches to calculating GDP, Nominal and real GDP, Green GDP,
Unit-II: Money and Banking
Functions of money; Quantity theory of money; Central banking; history, objectives, functions, relevance, performance, tools of monetary policy; Concept and history of commercial banking- functions, distribution of assets and credit creation.
Unit-III: The Closed Economy in the Short Run
Classical and Keynesian Systems; simple classical system of output and employment, Keynesian model of income determination, concept of multipliers, Relevance and limitations of Keynesian economics to developing economy
fo"k;& vFkZ’kkL=
MDC-2: ifjp;kRed lef"V vFkZ’kkL= ¼f}rh; lsesLVj½
bdkbZ I& lef"V vFkZ’kkL= ,oa jk"Vªh; vk; ys[kkadu dk ifjp;
lef"V vFkZ’kkL= dh mRifÙk ,oa ewy] lef"V vFkZ’kkL= dh vko';drk ,oa çklafxdrk] fo"k; dk {ks=] lef"V vFkZ’kkL= fpark,¡ vkSj eqn~ns] lef"V vFkZ’kkL= esa ljdkj dh Hkwfedk] lef"V vFkZ’kkL= ds ?kVd] lef"V vFkZ’kkL= dh dk;Zç.kkyh] vk; dk pØh; çokg] jk"Vªh; vk; dh vo/kkj.kk,¡& GDP, GNP, NNP] dkjd ykxr ij NNP] O;fDrxr vk;] futh vk; vkSj O;fDrxr ç;ksT; vk;] GDP dh x.kuk djus ds n`f"Vdks.k] ukeek= vkSj okLrfod GDP] Green GDPA
bdkbZ II& eqnzk ,oa cSafdax
eqnzk ds dk;Z] eqnzk dh ek=k dk fl)kar] dsaæh; cSafdax] bfrgkl] mn~ns';] dk;Z] çklafxdrk] çn'kZu] ekSfæd uhfr ds midj.k] okf.kfT;d cSafdax dh vo/kkj.kk vkSj bfrgkl& dk;Z] laifÙk;ksa dk forj.k ,oa lk[k l`tuA
bdkbZ III& vYikof/k esa can vFkZO;oLFkk
Áfrf"Br ,oa dhusfl;u ç.kkfy;k¡] mRiknu ,oa jkstxkj dh ljy Áfrf"Br ç.kkyh] vk; fu/kkZj.k dk dhusfl;u e‚My] ekSfæd xq.kd dh vo/kkj.kk] fodkl'khy vFkZO;oLFkk ds fy, dhusfl;u vFkZ'kkL= dh çklafxdrk ,oa lhek,¡A