( Physics,Paper-II ) Electricity & Magnetism Book B.Sc 3rd/4th Sem Bihar
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Buy Latest Physics Paper-2 Electricity & Magnetism (Major 3rd Sem Minor 4th Sem) Book in Bilingual Edition ( Both English and Hindi ) for B.Sc 3rd Semester Uniform Syllabus for all Universities of Bihar As Per NEP 2020 By Thakur Publication. Written by Experienced Authors | Fast & All India Delivery |
AUTHORS: Dr. Ratnesh Kumar Sharma , Dr. Surend Kumar Singh ,Dr. Ujjwal Alok
ISBN : 978-93-6180-512-7
Electricity & Magnetism
Course Code: MJCPHY-04
Unit |
Subject |
No. of Lectures |
1 |
Electrostatics: Electric Field and potential, Field due to a uniformly charged sphere, Gauss Law and its applications: The Field of a conductor. Electric dipole, Field and potential due to an electric dipole, Dipole approximation for an arbitrary charged distribution, Electric quadruple, Field due to a quadrupole, Electrostatic Energy of a uniformly charged sphere, Poisson and Laplace Equations, applications of Laplace equation. |
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2 |
Dielectric Properties of Matter: Electric field in matter and Electrical susceptibility and Dielectric polarization, Dielectric constant, Polarization vector, Surface Charge and bound charge, Displacement Vector D, Relations between E, P and D. |
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3 |
Magnetism: Magnetic field, Magnetic force and Torque on a current carrying conductor, and loop placed in a magnetic field, Biot – Savart’s Law and its simple applications: straight wire and circular loop, Magnetic Dipole, Magnetomotive force and Ampere’s Circuital theorem and its applications to calculate magnetic field due to current carrying wire and solenoid and toroid.
Gauss’s law of magnetism (Integral and Differential Forms). Relative Permeability of a Material. Magnetic Susceptibility. Magnetization Vector (I), or intensity of magnetisation. Magnetic Intensity (H). Relation between B, I and H. Magnetic Energy stored in Matter. Magnetic Circuit. Potential Energy of a Current Loop placed in a magnetic field. Ballistic Galvanometer, Electromagnetic Damping, Logarithmic Damping, Critical Damping Resistance(CDR). |
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4 |
Electromagnetic Induction: Faraday’s and Lenz’s Laws. Mutual and Self Induction, self and Mutual inductances of a solenoid and system of current carrying loop, Energy stored in a Magnetic Field, Electric field induced due to time varying Magnetic field, magnetic field induced due to Time varying electric field. Introduction to Maxwell’s Equations. |
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5 |
Electrical Circuits: AC Circuits: Kirchhoff s laws for AC circuits. Reactance and Complex Impedance. Series and parallel LCR Circuit: Resonance, Quality Factor, and Band Width, Power in AC Circuits. |
10 |
fo|qr ,oa pqEcdRo
Course Code: MJCPHY-04
bdkbZ |
fo"k; |
No. of Lectures |
1 |
fLFkj fo|qfrdh& fo|qr {ks= vkSj foHko] ,dleku :i ls vkosf'kr xksys ds dkj.k {ks=] x‚l fu;e vkSj blds vuqç;ksx& ,d pkyd dk {ks=A fo|qr f}/kzqo] fo|qr f}/kzqo ds dkj.k {ks= vkSj foHko] LosPN vkosf'kr forj.k ds fy, f}/kzqo lfUudVu] fo|qr prqHkqZt] prqHkqZt ds dkj.k {ks=] ,dleku :i ls vkosf'kr xksys dh fLFkj fo|qfrdh ÅtkZ] i‚blu vkSj ykIykl lehdj.k] ykIykl lehdj.k ds vuqç;ksxA |
10 |
2 |
inkFkZ ds ijkoS|qr xq.k& inkFkZ esa fo|qr {ks= vkSj fo|qr laosnu'khyrk vkSj ijkoS|qr /kzqohdj.k] ijkoS|qr fLFkjkad] /kzqohdj.k lfn'k] i`"Bh; vkos'k vkSj ck/; vkos'k] foLFkkiu lfn'k D] E, P vkSj D ds chp laca/kA |
08 |
3 |
pqEcdRo& pqEcdh; {ks=] fo|qr /kkjk ys tkus okys pkyd ij pqEcdh; cy vkSj cy vk?kw.kZ] vkSj pqEcdh; {ks= esa j[kk x;k ywi] ck;ksV&lkoVZ dk fu;e vkSj blds ljy vuqç;ksx& lh/kk rkj vkSj o`Ùkkdkj ywi] pqEcdh; f}/kzqo] pqEcdh; cy vkSj ,Eih;j dk ifjiFkh; çes; vkSj fo|qr /kkjk okgd rkj vkSj lksysuksbM vkSj Vksj‚;M ds dkj.k pqEcdh; {ks= dh x.kuk djus ds fy, blds vuqç;ksxA
x‚l dk pqEcdRo dk fu;e ¼lekdy vkSj vody :i½A fdlh inkFkZ dh lkis{k pqEcd'khyrk A pqEcdh; ço`fÙk A pqEcdRo lfn’k (I), ;k pqEcdRo dh rhozrkA pqEcdh; rhozrk (H)A B, I vkSj H ds chp laca/kA inkFkZ esa laxzghr pqEcdh; ÅtkZA pqEcdh; ifjiFkA pqEcdh; {ks= esa j[ks /kkjk ywi dh laHkkfor ÅtkZA cSfyfLVd xSYosuksehVj] fo|qr pqEcdh; voeanu] y?kqx.kdh; voeanu] Økafrd voeanu çfrjks/k (CDR)A |
12 |
4 |
fo|qr pqEcdh; çsj.k& QSjkMs vkSj ysUt ds fu;eA vU;ksU; vkSj Lo çsj.k] ,d lksysuksbM vkSj /kkjkokgh ywi dh ç.kkyh ds Lo vkSj vU;ksU; çsj.k] pqEcdh; {ks= esa laxzghr ÅtkZ] le; ds lkFk ifjorhZ pqEcdh; {ks= ds dkj.k çsfjr fo|qr {ks=] le; ds lkFk ifjorhZ fo|qr {ks= ds dkj.k çsfjr pqEcdh; {ks=A eSDlosy ds lehdj.kksa dk ifjp;A |
05 |
5 |
fo|qr ifjiFk& AC ifjiFk& AC ifjiFk ds fy, fdjp‚Q ds fu;eA çfrfØ;k vkSj tfVy çfrck/kkA Js.kh vkSj lekukarj LCR ifjiFk& vuqukn] 'kq)rk xq.kd] vkSj cSaM pkSM+kbZ] AC ifjiFk esa fo?kqrA |
10 |
Electricity & Magnetism
Course Code: MICPHY04
Unit |
Subject |
No. of Lectures |
1 |
Electrostatics: Coulomb’s law. Electric Field and potential, Field due to a uniformly charged sphere, Gauss's Law and its application: Electric dipole, Field and potential due to an electric dipole, Electrostatic Energy of a uniformly charged sphere, Energy of a condenser. |
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2 |
Dielectric Properties of Matter: Electrical susceptibility and Dielectric constant, Polarization, Electronic polarization, Atomic or ionic Polarisation, Surface Charge and bound charge, Displacement Vector D, Relations between E, P and D. |
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3 |
Magnetism: Magnetic Held, Magnetic force on a current carrying conductor placed in a uniform magnetic field, Biot – Savart’s Law and its simple applications: straight wire and circular loop, Magnetic Dipole, and Ampere's Circuital law. Gauss’s law of magnetism (Integral and Differential Forms). Magnetization current. Relative Permeability of a Material. Magnetic Susceptibility. Magnetization Vector (M), Magnetic Intensity (H), Relation between B, M and H.
Electromagnetic Induction: Faraday’s and Lenz’s Laws. Mutual and Self Induction and their determination for a solenoid. Energy stored in a Magnetic Field, Induced magnetic field (Time varying electric field). |
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4 |
Electrical Circuits: AC Circuits: Kirchhoff's laws for AC circuits. Reactance and Complex Impedance. Series and parallel LCR Circuit: (1) Resonance, (2) Quality Factor, and (3) Band Width. Power in AC Circuits. |
6 |
fo|qr ,oa pqEcdRo
Course Code: MICPHY04
bdkbZ |
fo"k; |
No. of Lectures |
1 |
fLFkj fo|qfrdh& dwyWke ds fu;e] fo|qr {ks= vkSj foHko] ,dleku :i ls vkosf'kr xksys ds dkj.k {ks=] x‚l fu;e vkSj blds vuqç;ksx& fo|qr f}/kzqo] fo|qr f}/kzqo ds dkj.k {ks= vkSj foHko] ,dleku :i ls vkosf'kr xksys dh fLFkj fo|qfrdh ÅtkZ] la/kkfj= dh ÅtkZA |
08 |
2 |
inkFkZ ds ijkoS|qr xq.k& fo|qr laosnu'khyrk vkSj ijkoS|qr /kzqohdj.k] ijkoS|qr fLFkjkad] /kzqohdj.k] bysDVª‚fud /kzqo.k] vk.kfod rFkk vk;fud i`"Bh; vkos'k vkSj ck/; vkos'k] foLFkkiu lfn'k D] E, P vkSj D ds chp laca/kA |
06 |
3 |
pqEcdRo& pqEcdh; {ks=] fo|qr /kkjk okgd pkyd ij pqEcdh; cy vkSj cy vk?kw.kZ] vkSj pqEcdh; {ks= esa j[kk x;k ywi] ck;ksV&lkoVZ dk fu;e vkSj blds ljy vuqç;ksx& lh/kk rkj vkSj o`Ùkkdkj ywi] pqEcdh; f}/kzqo vkSj ,Eih;j dk ifjiFkh; fu;eA x‚l dk pqEcdRo dk fu;e ¼lekdy vkSj vody :i½A pqEcdh; /kkjkA inkFkZ dh lkis{k ikjxE;rk] pqEcdh; ço`fÙk] pqEcdRo lfn’k (M), pqEcdh; rhozrk (H), B, I vkSj H ds chp laca/kA
fo|qr pqEcdh; çsj.k& QSjkMs vkSj ysUt ds fu;e] vU;ksU; vkSj Lo çsj.k] ifjukfydk ds fy, bldk fu/kkZj.k] pqEcdh; {ks= esa laxzghr ÅtkZ] çsfjr fo|qr {ks= ¼le; ds lkFk ifjorhZ fo|qr {ks= ds dkj.k çsfjr pqEcdh; {ks=½ |
10 |
4 |
fo|qr ifjiFk& AC ifjiFk& AC ifjiFk ds fy, fdjp‚Q ds fu;eA çfrfØ;k vkSj tfVy çfrck/kkA Js.kh vkSj lekukarj LCR ifjiFk& vuqukn] 'kq)rk xq.kd] vkSj cSaM pkSM+kbZ] AC ifjiFk esa fo|qrA |
6 |