Introduction To Business


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ISBN- 978-93-90460-09-0

AUTHOR- Dr. K.S Divakaran Nair , Dr. M V Monica




Module 1

Introduction to Business & Management: Concept of Enterprise, Nature and Purpose of Business, Business Structure, Business & the Environment.

Concept of Management, Evolution of Management Thought, Functions of Management, Levels of Management, Management Skills Planning: Objectives of Planning, Planning Process, Types of Plans, Three Levels of Strategy, Strategic Planning Process.

Organising: Purpose of Organising, Organisation Structure - Formal and Informal Groups, Line and Staff Authority, Departmentation - Span of Control, Centralisation and Decentralisation.

Module 2

Staffing: Human Resource Planning, Recruitment, Selection, Orientation, Training & Development, Performance Management, Compensation, Employee Welfare

Teams: Formation of Teams, Measuring Team Performance, Outperforming Other teams

Module 3

Communication, Significance of Communication, Communication Process, Communication Flows, Barriers to Communication

Oral Communication: Meaning, Principles of Successful Oral Communication, Reflection and Empathy: Two Sides of Effective oral Communication, Modes of Oral Communication, Listening as a Communication Skill.

Written Communication: Purpose of Writing, Principles of Effective Writing, The 3×3 Writing Process for Business Communication: Pre Writing, Writing, Revising, Electronic Writing Process, Business Letters, Reports and Proposals.

Meetings: Planning Meetings, Objectives, Participants, Timing, Venue of Meetings, Meeting Documentation: Notice, Agenda, and Resolution & Minutes. Leadership Communication: Elements of Effective Leadership Communication

Module 4

Basics of Decision Making: Critical Thinking and Creativity, Managerial Creativity, Techniques to Enhance Creativity, Barriers to Creativity, Decision Making Process, Types of Decision Making, Decision Making Tools and Techniques, Individual and Group Decision Making and Conflict and Negotiation.

Module 5

Controlling: Importance of Controlling, Levels of Control, Types of Control – Budgetary & Non Budgetary

Major Control Systems: Financial Control, Budgetary Control, Quality Control, Inventory Control, Management Information Systems

Strategic Management: Purpose of Strategic Management, Strategic Analysis, Strategic Choice, Strategy Implementation


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