Organisational Behaviour


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ISBN- 978-93-90460-54-0

AUTHOR- Prashanth P John , Ms. Beena V. S.




Module 1

Oranizational Behaviour-Nature, Assumptions, History; Disciplines Contributing to OB - Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Social Psychology, Economics & Political Science; Approaches to the Study of OB - Human Resource Approach, Contingency Approach, Productivity Approach, and System Approach; Challenges and Opportunities of OB - Limitations of Organizational Behaviour.

Module 2

Individual Differences and Work Behaviour - Why Individual Differences are Important; Personality - Sources of Personality Differences, Personality Structure, Personality and Behaviour; The Nature of Employee Attitudes, Effects of Employee Attitudes, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, Changing Employee Attitudes. Perceptions, Attributions and Emotions - The Perceptual Process, Perceptual Grouping, Impression Management, Emotions, Emotional Intelligence Learning- Operant Conditioning, Classical Conditioning, Social Learning Theory, Principles of Learning - Motivation - Concept of Motivation, Content Approaches, Process Approaches, Motivation and Psychological Contract

Module 3

Group-Importance – Group Development- Group Structure - Teams -Formal Organization and Informal Groups and Their Interaction; Developing High Performance Teams - Turning Individuals Into Team Players Developing Interpersonal Awareness – Johari Window- Transactional Analysis - Leadership – Theories,

Module 4

Power-Concept, Bases of Power; Organizational Politics, Consequences of Political Behaviour - Conflict Management: Different Views of Conflict - Conflict Process - Levels of Conflict – Constructive and Destructive Conflict - Conflict Process - Strategies for Encouraging Constructive Conflict - Conflict Resolution Strategies

Module 5

Organizational Culture – Creating and Sustaining Culture – Impacts of Globalization on Organizational Culture; Approaches to Managing Organizational Change –Creating a Culture for Change; Frustration, ,Work Stress and its Management - Stress Model, Burnout Work Stressors, Stress Outcomes, Stress Moderators, Stress Prevention and Management

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