( Physics, Paper-I ) Thermal Physics & Thermodynamics Book B.Sc 3rd Sem Bihar
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Buy Latest Physics, Paper-I ( Major/Minor) Book in Bilingual Edition ( Both English and Hindi ) for B.Sc 3rd Semester Uniform Syllabus for all Universities of Bihar As Per NEP 2020 By Thakur Publication. Written by Experienced Authors | Fast & All India Delivery |
AUTHORS:Dr. Ajay Kumar Thakur , Dr. Reena Kumari , Dr. Kundan Kumari , Moh Mansoor Alam
ISBN : 978-93-6180-824-1
Thermal Physics and Thermodynamics
Course Code: MJCPHY-03
Unit |
Subject |
No. of Lectures |
1 |
Kinetic Theory of Gases Maxwell-Boltzmann Molecular Speed distribution Law for an Ideal Gas. Mean, RMS and Most Probable Speed. Degrees of Freedom. Law of Equipurtition of Energy (no derivation). Molecular Collisions: Mean Free Path. Estimation of Mean Free Path. Transport Phenomenon in Ideal Gases: (1) Viscosity, (2) Thermal Conductivity and (3) Diffusion. Brownian motion, Langevin and Einstein’s theories and experimental determination of Avogadro's no., Rectilinear flow of heat in a metal rod, Relation between thermal & electrical conductivities. |
15 |
2 |
Real Gases Behavior of Real Gases. Van der Waal’s Equation of State for Real Gases. Values of Critical Constants. Law of Corresponding States. Joule-Thomson Porous Plug Experiment, Joule/Thomson Effect for Real Gases. Joule-Thomson Cooling. |
09 |
3 |
Zeroth and First Law of Thermodynamics Extensive and intensive Thermodynamic Variables, Thermodynamic Equilibrium, Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics and Concept of Temperature, Work, Heat, State Functions and path functions, First Law of Thermodynamics, Internal Energy for ideal and real gases, Applications of First Law of thermodynamics in case of thin film, stretched wire, hydrostatics, and specific Molar Heat Capacity for gases, Relation between CP and CV. |
09 |
4 |
Second Law of Thermodynamics Cyclic, reversible and irreversible process, Carnot engine, Carnot cycle, Second Law of thermodynamics. Principle of heat engine and refrigerator Kelvin-Planck and Clausius Statements. Concept of Entropy, Clausius Inequality, Second Law in terms of Entropy, Temperature-Entropy diagrams. Third Law of thermodynamics, Thermodynamic Potentials: Internal Energy, Enthalpy, Helmholtz & Gibb’s Functions, Maxwell’s Relations, Co-efficient of performance, Clausius-Clapeyron equation and phase transition (1st and 2nd order) |
15 |
Å"eh; HkkSfrdh ,oa Å"ekxfrdh
Course Code: MJCPHY-03
bdkbZ |
fo"k; |
No. of Lectures |
1 |
xSlksa dk xfrt fl)kar vkn'kZ xSl ds fy, eSDlosy&cksYV~t+eSu vk.kfod xfr forj.k fu;eA ek/;] RMS vkSj izkf;dre osxA LorU=rk dh dksfVA ÅtkZ ds lerqY;rk dk fu;e ¼dksbZ O;qRifÙk ugha½A vk.kfod la?kV~V& ek/; eqDr iFkA ek/; eqDr iFk dk vuqekuA vkn'kZ xSlksa esa vfHkxeu ifj?kVuk& ¼1½ ';kurk] ¼2½ Å"eh; pkydrk vkSj ¼3½ folj.kA czkmfu;u xfr] ySafXou vkSj vkbaLVhu ds fl)kar vkSj vkoksxknzks dh la[;k dk çk;ksfxd fu/kkZj.k] /kkrq dh NM+ esa Å"ek dk jSf[kd çokg] rkih; vkSj fo|qr pkydrk ds chp laca/kA |
15 |
2 |
okLrfod xSlsa okLrfod xSlksa dk O;ogkjA okLrfod xSlksa ds fy, okUMj oky dk voLFkk lehdj.kA Økafrd fLFkjkad ds ekuA laxr voLFkkvksa dk fu;eA twy&Fk‚elu iksjl Iyx ç;ksx] okLrfod xSlksa ds fy, twy/Fk‚elu çHkkoA twy&Fk‚elu 'khryuA |
09 |
3 |
Å"ekxfrdh dk 'kwU;ok¡ vkSj çFke fu;e O;kid vkSj vfoLrkjkRed Å"ekxfrdh pj] Å"ekxfrdh larqyu] Å"ekxfrdh dk 'kwU;ok¡ fu;e vkSj rkieku] dk;Z] Å"ek] voLFkk Qyu vkSj iFk Qyu dh vo/kkj.kk] Å"ekxfrdh dk izFke fu;e] vkn'kZ vkSj okLrfod xSlksa ds fy, vkarfjd ÅtkZ] iryh fQYe] rfur rkj] gkbMªksLVSfVDl vkSj xSlksa ds fy, fof'k"V eksyj rki {kerk dh fLFkfr esa Å"ekxfrdh ds çFke fu;e ds vuqç;ksx] CP vkSj CV ds chp laca/kA |
09 |
4 |
Å"ekxfrdh dk nwljk fu;e pØh;] mRØe.kh; vkSj vuqRØe.kh; çØe] dkuksZV batu] dkuksZV pØ] Å"ekxfrdh dk nwljk fu;eA Å"ek batu vkSj jsfÝtjsVj dk fl)kar dsfYou&IySad vkSj Dy‚fl;l dFkuA ,UVª‚ih dh vo/kkj.kk] Dy‚fl;l vlekurk] ,UVª‚ih ds lanHkZ esa nwljk fu;e] rkieku&,UVª‚ih vkjs[kA Å"ekxfrdh dk rhljk fu;e] Å"ekxfrd foHko & vkarfjd ÅtkZ] ,UFkSYih] gsYegksYV~t+ vkSj fxCl Qyu] eSDlosy ds laca/k] fu"iknu xq.kkad] Dy‚fl;l&DySisj‚u lehdj.k vkSj çkoLFkk laØe.k ¼çFke vkSj f}rh; Øe½ |
15 |
Thermal Physics and Thermodynamics
Course Code: MICPHY-03
Unit |
Subject |
No. of Lectures |
1 |
Kinetic Theory of Gases Maxwell-Boltzmann Molecular Speed distribution Law for an Ideal Gas. Mean, RMS and Most Probable Speeds. Degrees of Freedom. Law of Equipartition of Energy (no derivation). Molecular Collisions: Mean Free Path. Estimation of Mean Free Path. Transport Phenomenon in Ideal Gases (1) Viscosity, (2) Thermal Conductivity and (3) Diffusion. Brownian motion, Langevin and Einstein’s theories and experimental determination of Avogadro's no., Rectilinear flow of heat in a metal rod, relation between thermal & electrical conductivities. |
10 |
2 |
Real Gases Behavior of Real Gases. Van der Waal’s Equation of State for Real Gases. Values of Critical Constants. Law of Corresponding States. Joule-Thomson Porous Plug Experiment. Joule-Thomson Effect for Real Gases. Joule-Thomson Cooling. |
08 |
3 |
Zeroth and First Law of Thermodynamics Extensive and intensive Thermodynamic Variables, Thermodynamic Equilibrium, Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics and Concept of Temperature, Work, Heat, State Functions and path functions, First Law of Thermodynamics, Internal Energy for ideal and real gases, Applications of First Law of thermodynamics in case of thin film, stretched wire, hydrostatics, and specific Molar Heat Capacity for gases, Specific heat General Relation between CP and CV. |
05 |
4 |
Second Law of Thermodynamics Cyclic, reversible and irreversible process, Carrot engine, Carrot cycle, Principle of Refrigerator. Second Law of thermodynamics. Principal of heat engine and refrigerator Kelvin-Planck and Clausius Statements. Concept of Entropy, Clausius Inequality. Second Law in terms of Entropy, Temperature-Entropy diagrams. Third Law of thermodynamics, Thermodynamic Potentials: Internal Energy, Enthalpy, Helmholtz & Gibb's Functions, Maxwell’s Relations, Co-efficient of performance, Clausius-Clapeyron equation and phase transition (1st and 2nd) |
07 |
Å"eh; HkkSfrdh ,oa Å"ekxfrdh
Course Code: MICPHY-03
bdkbZ |
fo"k; |
No. of Lectures |
1 |
xSlksa dk xfrt fl)kar vkn'kZ xSl ds fy, eSDlosy&cksYV~t+eSu vk.kfod xfr forj.k fu;eA ek/;] RMS vkSj izkf;dre osxA LorU=rk dh dksfVA ÅtkZ ds lerqY;rk dk fu;e ¼dksbZ O;qRifÙk ugha½A vk.kfod la?kV~V& ek/; eqDr iFkA ek/; eqDr iFk dk vuqekuA vkn'kZ xSlksa esa vfHkxeu ifj?kVuk& ¼1½ ';kurk] ¼2½ Å"eh; pkydrk vkSj ¼3½ folj.kA czkmfu;u xfr] ySafXou vkSj vkbaLVhu ds fl)kar vkSj vkoksxknzks dh la[;k dk çk;ksfxd fu/kkZj.k] /kkrq dh NM+ esa Å"ek dk jSf[kd çokg] rkih; vkSj fo|qr pkydrk ds chp laca/kA |
10 |
2 |
okLrfod xSlsa okLrfod xSlksa dk O;ogkjA okLrfod xSlksa ds fy, okUMj oky dk voLFkk lehdj.kA Økafrd fLFkjkad ds ekuA laxr voLFkkvksa dk fu;eA twy&Fk‚elu iksjl Iyx ç;ksx] okLrfod xSlksa ds fy, twy/Fk‚elu çHkkoA twy&Fk‚elu 'khryuA |
08 |
3 |
Å"ekxfrdh dk 'kwU;ok¡ vkSj çFke fu;e O;kid vkSj vfoLrkjkRed Å"ekxfrdh pj] Å"ekxfrdh larqyu] Å"ekxfrdh dk 'kwU;ok¡ fu;e vkSj rkieku] dk;Z] Å"ek] voLFkk Qyu vkSj iFk Qyu dh vo/kkj.kk] Å"ekxfrdh dk izFke fu;e] vkn'kZ vkSj okLrfod xSlksa ds fy, vkarfjd ÅtkZ] iryh fQYe] rfur rkj] gkbMªksLVSfVDl vkSj xSlksa ds fy, fof'k"V eksyj rki {kerk dh fLFkfr esa Å"ekxfrdh ds çFke fu;e ds vuqç;ksx] CP vkSj CV ds chp laca/kA |
05 |
4 |
Å"ekxfrdh dk nwljk fu;e pØh;] mRØe.kh; vkSj vuqRØe.kh; çØe] dkuksZV batu] dkuksZV pØ] Å"ekxfrdh dk nwljk fu;eA Å"ek batu vkSj jsfÝtjsVj dk fl)kar dsfYou&IySad vkSj Dy‚fl;l dFkuA ,UVª‚ih dh vo/kkj.kk] Dy‚fl;l vlekurk] ,UVª‚ih ds lanHkZ esa nwljk fu;e] rkieku&,UVª‚ih vkjs[kA Å"ekxfrdh dk rhljk fu;e] Å"ekxfrd foHko & vkarfjd ÅtkZ] ,UFkSYih] gsYegksYV~t+ vkSj fxCl Qyu] eSDlosy ds laca/k] fu"iknu xq.kkad] Dy‚fl;l&DySisj‚u lehdj.k vkSj çkoLFkk laØe.k ¼çFke vkSj f}rh; Øe½ |
07 |
Bihar Nep2020/B.Sc (Bilingual) /3/01
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