Money , Banking and Public Finance (मुद्रा , बैंकिंग एवं सार्वजनिक वित्त )
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Money , Banking and Public Finance (मुद्रा , बैंकिंग एवं सार्वजनिक वित्त ) Book for UP BA 4th Semester. The book is published by Thakur Publication Pvt. Ltd. and is suitable for students enrolled in Purvanchal University Jaunpur, Chaudhary Charan Singh University Meerut, Bheem Rao Ambedkar University Agra, Mahatma Gandhi Kasha Vidyapeeth Varanasi, Deen Dayal Upadhyay University Gorakhpur, Rajju Bhaiyya State University Prayagraj, Rohilkhand University, and Bareilly.
AUTHORS : Dr. Ranju Narang , Ghajendra Singh
ISBN : 978-93-5480-772-5
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Course Code: A080401T
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bdkbZ 2
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bdkbZ 3
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bdkbZ 5
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Subject: Economics
Course Code: A080401T
Course Title: Money, Banking and Public Finance
Unit I
Money and Value of Money: Money - Meaning, Functions and Classification; Gresham’s Law; Role of Money in Capitalist, Socialist and Mixed Economies; Monetary Standards -Metallic and Paper Systems of Note Issue. Quantity Theory of Money - Cash Transaction and Cash Balance Approaches; The Keynesian Approach.
Unit II
Supply of Money: Definitions—Determinants of Money Supply—High Powered Money and Money Multiplier—Indian Currency system.
Unit III
Commercial Banking: Meaning and types; Functions of Commercial Banks; The process of Credit Creation - Purpose and Limitations; Liabilities and Assets of banks; Evolution of Commercial Banking in India after Independence; A Critical Appraisal of the Progress Of Commercial Banking after Nationalization; Recent Reforms in Banking Sector in India.
Unit IV
Functions of a Central Bank; Quantitative and Qualitative Methods of Credit Control - Bank Rate Policy, Open Market Operations, Variable Reserve Ratio and Selective Methods; Role and Functions of the Reserve Bank of India; Objectives and Limitations of Monetary Policy with Special Reference to India.
Unit V
Nature and Scope of Public Finance: Meaning and scope of Public Finance; Distinction between Private and Public Finance; Public Goods Vs. Private Goods; The Principle of Maximum Social Advantage; Market Failure; Role of the Government.
Unit VI
Public Expenditure: Meaning, Classification and Principle of Public Expenditure; Canons and Effects of Public Expenditure; Trends in Public Expenditure and Causes of Growth of Public Expenditure in India.
Unit VII
Taxation: Sources of Public Revenue; Taxation — Meaning, Canons and Classification of Taxes; Division of Tax Burden — The Benefit and Ability-To-Pay Approaches; Impact and Incidence of Taxes; Taxable Capacity; Effects of Taxation; Characteristics of A Good Tax System.
Fiscal policy: Components, Instruments, Objectives. Role of Fiscal Policy in Developed and Developing Countries, Budget Structure of the Government of India, State Budget- Sources of Revenues and Expenditures. Major Tax Reforms in India. Fiscal Federalism in India: Union-State Fiscal Relations, Federal Fiscal Imbalances and the Role of Finance Commission. Finances of Local Bodies.
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fo"k; 'kh"kZd& eqnzk] cSafdax ,oa lkoZtfud foÙk
fo"k; dksM& A080401T
bdkbZ 1& eqnzk rFkk eqnzk dk ewY;& eqnzk& vFkZ] dk;Z rFkk oxhZdj.k; xzs'ke dk fu;e; iw¡thoknh] lektoknh rFkk fefJr vFkZO;oLFkkvksa esa eqnzk dh Hkwfedk; ekSfæd ekud & uksV fuxZeu dh /kkfRod rFkk dkxth ç.kkyhA eqnzk ifjek.k fl)kar & udn ysunsu rFkk udn larqyu –f"Vdks.k; dsusfl;u –f"Vdks.kA
bdkbZ 2& Ekqnzk dh vkiwfrZ& ifjHkk"kk& eqæk vkiwfrZ ds fu/kkZjd& mPp 'kfDr okyh eqnzk rFkk eqnzk xq.kd& Hkkjrh; eqæk ç.kkyhA
bdkbZ 3& okf.kfT;d cSafdax& vFkZ ,oa ifjHkk"kk; okf.kfT;d cSadksa ds dk;Z; lk[k fuekZ.k dh çfØ;k & mn~ns'; ,oa lhek,¡; cSadksa dh nkf;Ro ,oa laifRr; Lora=rk ds i’pkr~ Hkkjr esa okf.kfT;d cSafdax dk fodkl; jk"Vªh;dj.k ds i’pkr~ okf.kfT;d cSafdax dh çxfr dk ,d egÙoiw.kZ ewY;kadu; Hkkjr esa cSafdax {ks= esa vk/kqfud lq/kkjA
bdkbZ 4&,d dsaæh; cSad ds dk;Z; _.k fu;a=.k ds ek=kRed rFkk xq.kkRed fof/k;k¡ & cSad nj uhfr] [kqyk cktkj lapkyu] ifjorZuh; dks"k vuqikr rFkk p;ukRed fof/k;k¡; Hkkjrh; fjtoZ cSad dh Hkwfedk rFkk dk;Z; Hkkjr ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ esa ekSfæd uhfr ds mn~ns'; ,oa lhek,¡A
bdkbZ 5&lkoZtfud foRr dh ç—fr ,oa {ks=& lkotZfud foRr dk vFkZ ,oa ifjHkk"kk rFkk {ks=; futh rFkk lkoZtfud foRr ds e/; varj; lkoZtfud oLrq cuke futh oLrq; vf/kdre lkekftd ykHk dk fl)kar; cktkj foQyrk( ljdkj dh HkwfedkA
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bdkbZ 7&djk/kku& lkoZtfud jktLo ds lzksr; djk/kku& vFkZ] fl)kar rFkk djksa dk oxhZdj.k; dj Hkkj dk foHkktu& ykHk ,oa Hkqxrku djus dh {kerk –f"Vdks.k; djk/kku ,oa djkikr; dj nku {kerk; djk/kku ds çHkko; ,d vPNh dj ç.kkyh dh fo’ks"krk,¡A
bdkbZ 8& jktdks"kh; uhfr& ?kVd] lk/ku] mn~ns';A fodflr rFkk fodkl'khy ns'kksa esa jktdks"kh; uhfr dh Hkwfedk] Hkkjr ljdkj dh ctV lajpuk] jkT; ctV& jktLo rFkk O;; ds lzksrA Hkkjr esa çeq[k dj lq/kkjA oLrq ,oa lsok djA Hkkjr esa jktdks"kh; la?kokn% jktdks"kh; lEcU/k dsan&jkT;] la?kh; jktdks"kh; vlarqyu rFkk foRr vk;ksx dh HkwfedkA LFkkuh; fudk;ksa dk foRrA
Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut and
Maa Shakumbhari University, Saharanpur
Subject: Economics
Course Title: Money, Banking and Public Finance
Course Code: A080401T
Unit I: Money and Value of Money: Money - Meaning, Functions and Classification; Gresham’s Law; Role of Money in Capitalist, Socialist and Mixed Economies; Monetary Standards -Metallic and Paper Systems of Note Issue. Quantity Theory of Money - Cash Transaction and Cash Balance Approaches; The Keynesian Approach.
Unit II: Supply of Money: Definitions—Determinants of Money Supply—High Powered Money and Money Multiplier—Indian Currency system.
Unit III: Commercial Banking: Meaning and types; Functions of Commercial Banks; The process of Credit Creation - Purpose and Limitations; Liabilities and Assets of banks; Evolution of Commercial Banking in India after Independence; A Critical Appraisal of the Progress Of Commercial Banking after Nationalization; Recent Reforms in Banking Sector in India.
Unit IV: Functions of a Central Bank; Quantitative and Qualitative Methods of Credit Control - Bank Rate Policy, Open Market Operations, Variable Reserve Ratio and Selective Methods; Role and Functions of the Reserve Bank of India; Objectives and Limitations of Monetary Policy with Special Reference to India.
Unit V: Nature and Scope of Public Finance: Meaning and scope of Public Finance; Distinction between Private and Public Finance; Public Goods Vs. Private Goods; The Principle of Maximum Social Advantage; Market Failure; Role of the Government.
Unit VI: Public Expenditure: Meaning, Classification and Principle of Public Expenditure; Canons and Effects of Public Expenditure; Trends in Public Expenditure and Causes of Growth of Public Expenditure in India.
Unit VII: Taxation: Sources of Public Revenue; Taxation — Meaning, Canons and Classification of Taxes; Division of Tax Burden — The Benefit and Ability-To-Pay Approaches; Impact and Incidence of Taxes; Taxable Capacity; Effects of Taxation; Characteristics of A Good Tax System.
Unit VIII: Fiscal policy: Components, Instruments, Objectives. Role of Fiscal Policy in Developed and Developing Countries, Budget Structure of the Government of India, State Budget- Sources of Revenues and Expenditures. Major Tax Reforms in India. Goods and Services Tax. Fiscal Federalism in India: Union-State Fiscal Relations, Federal Fiscal Imbalances and the Role of Finance Commission. Finances of Local Bodies.
U.P State NEP2023/B.A (Hindi) /4/09
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