Optics ( प्रकाशिकी )


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Authors : Dr. A.P. Singh,Dr Ashish Kumar Jaiswal 

  ISBN   :   978-93-5480-786-2





Course Code: PHY102


Unit I

Electromagnetic nature of light; Superposition of light waves; Coherence, Spatial and temporal coherence; Interference, Division of Wave front Young’s double slit experiment, Fresnel’s Biprism, Lloyd’s Mirror; Division of amplitude Thin films (parallel and wedge shaped films), Newton’s rings.


Interferometers: Michelson’s Interferometer, (i) Idea about form of fringes, (ii) Determination of wavelength, (iii) wavelength difference, (iv) refractive index and visibility of fringes;  Fabry-Perot interferometer; Etalon.


Unit II

Diffraction; Fresnel Diffraction - Half period zones, Zone plate, diffraction at a straight edge and narrow wire; Fraunhoffer Diffraction Diffraction at circular aperture, diffraction at single and double slits with derivation of equation for intensity and visibility; Diffraction grating, principal maxima and missing orders.


Unit III

Resolving power; Rayleighs criterion of resolution, Resolving power of grating and telescope.


Polarization: polarization by reflection, polarizing angle, Brewster’s law, Law of Malus; Polarization by dichroic crystals, birefringence, anisotropic crystals; Nicol prism, Retardation plates, Babinet compensator; Analysis of polarized light.


Unit IV

Optical activity and Fresnel’s explanation; Specific rotation, Half shade and Biquartz polarimeters. Jones matrix, matrix representation of plane polarized waves, matrices for polarizers, retardation plates and rotators.   




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