Communication Skills and Personality Development Undergraduate Course (Bilingual) 6th Sem

Communication Skills and Personality Development (Bilingual) Book 6th Sem

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Buy Latest Communication Skills and Personality Development (Undergraduate Course) Book in Bilingual Edition ( Both English and Hindi ) for 6th Semester Common Minimum Syllabus As Per NEP for All Uttar Pradesh State Universities By Thakur publication.

AUTHORS: Dr. Seema Pandey , Dr. Priyanka Singh, Prof, (Dr.) Pawan Kumar Pachauri , Dr. Sanjiv Kumar 

ISBN : 978-93-5755-613-2



Course Code: Z060601


Communication Skills and Personality Development






Personality and Personal Grooming

Understanding Personality

Definition and Meaning of Personality

·         Types of Personality

·         Components of Personality

·         Determinants of Personality

·         Assessment of Personality

Grooming Self

·          Dress for Success

·          Make up & Skin Care

·          Hair care & Styles for Formal Look

·          Art of Accessorizing

·          Oral Hygiene



Interview Preparation And Group Discussion

·          Meaning and Types of Interview [Face to Face, Telephonic, Video]

·          Interview Procedure [ Opening, Listening, Closure]

·          Preparation for Interview

·          Resume Writing

·          LinkedIn Etiquette

·          Meaning and methods of Group Discussion

·          Procedure of Group Discussion.

·          Group Discussion Simulation

·          Group discussion Common Error


Body Language and Behaviour

·          Concept of Human Behavior

·          Individual and Group Behavior

·          Developing Self-Awareness

·          Behaviour and Body Language

·          Dimensions of Body Language:

·         Proxemics

·         Haptics

·         Oculesics

·         Paralanguage

·         Kinesics

·         Sign Language

·         Chromatics

·         Chronemics

·         Olfactics

·          Cultural differences in Body Language

·          Business Etiquette & Body language

·          Body Language in the Post Corona Era

·          Virtual Meeting Etiquette

·          Social Media Etiquette


Art of Good Communication

·          Communication Process

·          Verbal and Non-verbal Communication

·          7 C’s of effective Communication

·          Barriers to Communication

·          Paralinguistics

·          Pitch

·          Tone

·          Volume

·          Vocabulary

·          Word stress

·          Pause

·          Types of Communication

·          Assertive

·          Aggressive

·          Passive Aggressive

·          Listening Skills

·          Questioning Skills

·          Art of Small Talk

·          Email Writing




Course Code: Z060601


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·          lgk;d midj.k dh dyk

·          vksjy gkbthu



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·          ekuo O;ogkj dh vo/kkj.kk

·          O;fDrxr ,oa lewg O;ogkj

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·          vkHkklh cSBd f'k"Vkpkj

·          lks'ky ehfM;k f'k"Vkpkj


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·          'kkfCnd ,oa v’kkfCnd lapkj

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·          fuf"Ø;&vkØked

·          Jo.k dkS'ky

·          ç'u iwNus dk dkS'ky

·          NksVh&NksVh ckrsa djus dh dyk

·          bZesy ys[ku


All U.P State Nep2020/B.A,B.COM.B.SC (Bilingual)/6th Sem
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