International Business


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ISBN- 978-93-86488-27-5

AUTHORS- Dr. Sheela Srivastava, Prashanth P John




Module 1: International Business - Nature, Importance and Scope of International Business - Types of International Business; Reasons for companies going International; Major Decisions in International Business; Factors Influencing International Business Decisions; Indicators of Growth of International Business - Trade/GDP ratio; FDI/GDP Ratio, FDI/Capital Formation Ratio, Growth of International production, Growth of Global Supply Chains and Global Sourcing.

Module 2:  International Business Environment - Importance of Socio-Cultural Environments in International Business; Regulatory Bodies and Legal Environment of International Business - Kinds of Legal Systems, Categories of Laws, Indian laws Affecting International Business; Double Taxation Avoidance Treaties; Trade barriers – Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers.

Regional Economic Integration Schemes - Objectives, Types, EU, Euro; NAFTA, SAARC/SAFTA, ASEAN and AIFTA, India–Sri Lanka FTA, Comprehensive Economic Partnership, Cooperation Agreements Involving India. Types of International Firms and their Strategies – International Corporation, Multinational Corporation, Global Corporation, Transnational Corporation; International Orientations – Ethnocentric, Polycentric, Regio Centric and Geocentric Orientations.

Module 3: Market Selection Process and Market Entry Strategies - International Market Selection Process; Market Entry Strategies- Exporting, Licensing, Franchising, Strategic Alliance, Contract Manufacturing, Management Contracting, Assembly Operations, Joint Ownership Ventures, Wholly Owned Subsidiaries, Mergers and Acquisitions; Market entry Strategies of Indian Companies.

Module 4: Global Trade - Trends in Growth of Merchandise Trade; Composition of Merchandise Trade; Regional Pattern and Distribution of Merchandise Trade.

Trends in Growth of Services Trade; Composition of Services Trade; Regional Pattern and Distribution of Services Trade. Trade of Developing Countries; South – South Trade. Analysis of Foreign Trade of India; Trade Policy and Promotion.

Module 5: Foreign Capital and Technology - Theories of Foreign Investment; Factors Affecting International Investment; Advantages and Disadvantages of Foreign Investment; Trends in Foreign Investment, FDI and Production Linkages; Portfolio Investments; Foreign Investment by Indian Companies. Technological Environment of International Business; Transfer of Technology.

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