
Tax excluded


Dr. James Thomas  ,  Chandana AS

ISBN : 978-93-5480-714-5



Course Code: BBA 3.3




Module 1: Introduction to Statistics                                          (12 Hours)

Introduction – Meaning, Functions and Uses of Statistics; Collection of Data - Techniques of Data Collection – Census Technique and Sampling Technique (Concepts). Classification: Meaning, and Methods of Classification of Data, Tabulation: Meaning, Parts of a Table – Simple Problems on Tabulation; Diagrammatic Presentation: Bar Diagrams – Simple Bars, Multiple Bars, Percentage Sub-divided Bar Diagram; Two Dimensional Diagrams – Pie Diagram.

Module 2: Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion     (14 Hours)

Measures of Central Tendency: Calculation of Arithmetic Mean, Median and Mode for Individual, Discrete and Continuous Series – Problems; Empirical Relation between Mean, Median and Mode.

Measures of Dispersion: Absolute and Relative Measures of Dispersion - Standard Deviation in Individual, Discrete and Continuous Series – Problems

Measures of Skewness: Calculation of Karl Pearson’s Co-Efficient of Skewness (Uni-Modal) – Problems.


Module 3: Correlation and Regression Analysis                      (10 Hours)

Correlation Analysis - Meaning, Types of Correlation, Calculation of Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation, Computation of Probable Error,

Regression Analysis – Concept of Regression, Regression Equations- Problems.


Module 4: Time Series Analysis                                                 (12 Hours)

Meaning, Components, Fitting a Straight-line Trend using Least Square Method (Problems where ΣX= 0 Only), Calculation and Estimation of Trend Values.

Module 5: Index Numbers                                                         (12 Hours)

Index Number, Construction of Index Number, Methods of Index Number - Simple Aggregate Method, Weighted Method - Fishers Ideal Index Number-Problems. Tests of Adequacy (Unit Test, TRT, FRT, Circular Test). Consumer Price Index Number-Problems.

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