Mechanics ( Physics ) B.SC First Sem KUK/CRSU
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Buy Latest ( Physics ) Mechanics ( यांत्रिकी ) Major/Minor Book in Bilingual Edition ( Both English and Hindi ) for B.Sc 1st Semester KUK/CRS University NEP-2020 By Thakur publication
AUTHORS : Dr. Ankur , Dr. Shruti Bhardwaj , Dr. Sandeep Kumar
ISBN : 9789357559676
Subject-Physics (Name of the Course-Mechanics)
Course Code-B23-PHY-101
Unit I: Fundamentals of Dynamics: Rigid body, Moment of Inertia, Radius of Gyration, Theorems of perpendicular and parallel axis (with proof), Moment of Inertia of ring, Disc, Angular Disc, Solid cylinder, Solid sphere, Hollow sphere, Rectangular plate, Square plate, Solid cone, Triangular plate, Torque, Rotational Kinetic Energy, Angular momentum, Law of conservation of angular momentum, Rolling motion, condition for pure rolling, acceleration of body rolling down an inclined plane, Fly wheel, Moment of Inertia of an irregular body.
Unit II: Elasticity: Deforming force, Elastic limit, stress, strain and their types, Hooke’s law, Modulus of rigidity, Relation between shear angle and angle of twist, elastic energy stored/volume in an elastic body, Elongation produced in heavy rod due to its own weight and Elastic potential energy stored in it, Tension in rotating rod, Poisson’s ratio and its limiting value, Elastic Constants and their relations. Torque required for twisting cylinder, Hollow shaft is stiffer than solid one. Bending of beam, Bending moment and its magnitude, Flexural rigidity, Geometrical moment of inertia for beam of rectangular cross-section and circular cross-section. Bending of cantilever (loaded by a weight W at its free end), weight of cantilever uniformly distributed over its entire length. Dispersion of a centrally loaded beam supported at its ends, determination of elastic constants for material of wire by Searle’s method.
Unit III: Special Theory of Relativity: Michelson’s Morley experiment and its outcomes, Postulates of special theory of relativity, Lorentz Transformations, Simultaneity and order of events, Lorentz contraction, Time dilation, Relativistic transformation of velocity, relativistic addition of velocities, variation of mass-energy equivalence, relativistic Doppler effect, relativistic kinematics, transformation of energy and momentum, transformation of force, Problems of relativistic dynamics.
Unit IV: Gravitation and Central Force Motion: Law of gravitation, Potential and field due to spherical shell and solid sphere. Motion of a particle under central force field, Two body problem and its reduction to one body problem and its solution, Compound pendulum or physical pendulum in form of elliptical lamina and expression of time period, determination of g by means of bar pendulum, Normal coordinates and normal modes, Normal modes of vibration for given spring mass system, possible angular frequencies of oscillation of two identical simple pendulums of length (l) and small bob of mass (m0 joined together with spring of spring constant (k).
fo"k;& HkkSfrdh ¼ikBîØe dk uke&;kaf=dh½
dkslZ dksM& B23-PHY-101
bdkbZ I& xfrdh ds ewy fl)kar& n`<+ fiaM] tM+Ro vk?kw.kZ] ifjHkze.k dh f=T;k] yEc vkSj lekukarj v{k ds çes; ¼miifŸk ds lkFk½] oy; dk tM+Ro vk?kw.kZ] fMLd]; fMLd] Bksl flysaMj] Bksl xksyk] [kks[kyk xksyk] vk;rkdkj IysV] oxkZdkj IysV] Bksl 'kadq]; IysV] V‚dZ] ?kw.khZ xfrt ÅtkZ]; xfr]; xfr ds laj{k.k dk fu;e] jksfyax xfr] 'kq) jksfyax dh fLFkfr] ,d >qds gq, ryij yq<+dus okys fi.M dk Roj.k] ¶ykbZ Oghy] ,d vfu;fer fi.M dk tM+Ro vk?kw.kZA
bdkbZ II& izR;kLFkrk& fo—r cy] izR;kLFk lhek] ruko] ruko vkSj muds çdkj] gqd dk fu;e] n`<+rk dk ekikad] vi:i.k dks.k vkSj eksM+ ds dks.k ds chp laca/k] ,d izR;kLFk fi.M esa laxzghr izR;kLFk ÅtkZ@vk;ru] Hkkjh NM+ ds dkj.k mRiUu c<+ko vius Lo;a ds otu vkSj mlesa laxzghr izR;kLFk fLFkfrt ÅtkZ] ?kw.kZu j‚M esa ruko] i‚btu dk vuqikr vkSj bldk lhfer eku] izR;kLFkrk fLFkjkad vkSj muds laca/kA flysaMj dks eksM+us ds fy, V‚dZ dh vko';drk] [kks[kyk 'kk¶V Bksl 'kk¶V dh rqyuk esa vR;f/kd n`<+A che dk cadu] cadu dk vk?kw.kZ vkSj mldk ifjek.k] voueu n`<+rk] vk;rkdkj Ø‚l&lsD'ku vkSj o`Ÿkkdkj Ø‚l&lsD'ku ds che ds fy, tM+Ro dk T;kferh; vk?kw.kZA dSafVyhoj dk cadu ¼blds eqDr fljs ij Hkkj W }kjk yksM fd;k x;k½] dSafVyhoj dk Hkkj bldh iwjh yackbZ ij leku :i ls forfjr gksrk gSA blds fljksa ij lefFkZr dsaæh; :i ls yksM fd, x, che dk foLRkkj] fl;jy dh fof/k }kjk rkj dh lkexzh ds fy, izR;kLFk fLFkjkad dh x.kukA
bdkbZ III& vkisf{kdrk dk fof'k"V fl)kar& ekbdylu&e‚ysZ ç;ksx vkSj mlds ifj.kke] vkisf{kdrk dk fof’k"V fl)kar ds vfHk/kkj.kk] ykWjsat :ikarj.k] ?kVukvksa dk ,d lkFk gksuk vkSj Øe] ykWjsat ladqpu] le; foLrkj] osx dk vkisf{kd :ikarj.k] osxksa dk lkis{k ;ksx] æO;eku dh fHkUurk &ÅtkZ lerqY;rk] vkisf{kdh; M‚iyj çHkko] vkisf{kdh; xfrdh] ÅtkZ vkSj laosx dk :ikarj.k] cy dk :ikarj.k] vkisf{kdh; xfrdh dh leL;k,aA
bdkbZ IV& xq#Rokd"kZ.k vkSj dsaæh; cy xfr& xq#Rokd"kZ.k dk fu;e] xksykdkj 'kSy vkSj Bksl xksys ds dkj.k foHko vkSj {ks=A dsaæh; cy {ks= ds varxZr ,d d.k dh xfr] nks fiaMksa dh leL;k vkSj mlds ,d fiaM esa deh dh leL;k vkSj mldk gy] nh?kZoqŸkh; ySfeuk ds :i esa ;kSfxd isaMqye ;k HkkSfrd isaMqye vkSj le; vof/k ds O;atd] ckj isaMqye ds ek/;e ls g dh x.kuk] lkekU; funsZ'kkad vkSj lkekU; eksM] fn, x, fLçax æO;eku fudk; ds fy, daiu ds lkekU; eksM] yackbZ (l) ds nks leku ljy isaMqye vkSj æO;eku ds NksVs c‚c ¼m0½ ds nksyu dh fLFkfrt; vko`fÙk;ka fLçax fLFkjkad (k) ds fLçax ds lkFk tqM+h gqbZ gSaA
Subject-Physics (Name of the Course- Elementary Mechanics)
Course Code-B23-PHY-103
Unit I: Fundamentals of Dynamics: Rigid body, Moment of Inertia, Radius of Gyration, Theorems of perpendicular and parallel axis (with proof), Moment of Inertia of ring, Disc, Angular Disc, Solid cylinder.
Unit II: Elasticity: Deforming force, Elastic limit, stress, strain and their types, Hooks law, Module of elasticity Relation between shear angle and angle of twist, Poisson’s ratio and its limiting value. Torque required for twisting cylinder.
Unit III: Special Theory of Relativity: Michelson’s Morley experiment and its outcomes, Postulates of special theory of relativity, Lorentz Transformations, Lorentz contraction, Time dilation, Relativistic transformation of velocity, relativistic addition of velocities, variation of mass-energy equivalence.
Unit IV: Gravitation and Central Force Motion: Law of gravitation, Potential and field due to spherical shell and solid sphere. Motion of a particle under central force field, Normal coordinates and normal modes, Normal modes of vibration for given spring mass system, possible angular frequencies of oscillation of two identical simple pendulums of length (l) and small bob of mass (m0 joined together with spring of spring constant (k).
fo"k;& HkkSfrdh ¼ikBîØe dk uke& çkjafHkd ;kaf=dh½
dkslZ dksM& B23-PHY-103
bdkbZ I& xfrdh ds ewy fl)kar& n`<+ fi.M] tM+Ro vk?kw.kZ] ifjHkze.k dh f=T;k] yacor vkSj lekukarj v{k ds çes; ¼miifŸk ds lkFk½] oy; dk tM+Ro vk?kw.k] fMLd]; fMLd] Bksl flysaMjA
bdkbZ II& IzkR;kLFkrk fo—r cy] IzkR;kLFk lhek] ruko] ruko vkSj muds çdkj] gqd fu;e] IzkR;kLFk dk e‚Mîwy] vi:i.k dks.k vkSj eksM+ ds dks.k ds chp laca/k] i‚btu* dk vuqikr vkSj bldk lhfer eku& flysaMj dks ?kqekus ds fy, vko';d cy vk?kw.kZA
bdkbZ III& vkisf{kdrk dk fof'k"V fl)kar& ekbdylu&e‚ysZ ç;ksx vkSj mlds ifj.kke] ekbdylu&e‚ysZ ç;ksx vkSj mlds ifj.kke dh vfHk/kkj.kk] ykWjsat ifjorZu] ykWjsat ladqpu] le; izlkj] osx dk vkisf{kdh; :ikarj.k] osxksa dk lkis{k ;ksx] æO;eku vkSj ÅtkZ rqY;rk dh fHkUurkA
bdkbZ IV& xq#Rokd"kZ.k vkSj dsaæh; cy xfr& xq#Rokd"kZ.k dk fu;e] xksykdkj [kksy vkSj Bksl xksys ds dkj.k fLFkfrt vkSj {ks=& dsaæh; cy {ks= ds varxZr ,d d.k dh xfr] vfHkyEc funsZ'kkad vkSj vfHkyEc eksM] fn, x, fLçax æO;eku fudk; ds fy, daiu ds lkekU; izdkj] laHko yackbZ (l) vkSj æO;eku ¼m0½ ds NksVs c‚c ds fLçax fLFkjkad (k) & ds fLçax ds lkFk tqM+s gq, nks leku ljy isaMqye ds nksyu dh; vko`fÙk;k¡A