( Mathematics ) Calculus कैलकुलस KUK/CRSU B.SC 1st Sem

Calculus ( Mathematics ) B.SC 1st Sem KUK/CRSU

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Buy Latest ( Mathematics ) Calculus ( कैलकुलस )  Major/Minor Book in Bilingual Edition ( Both English and Hindi ) for B.Sc 1st Semester KUK/CRS University NEP-2020 By Thakur publication

AUTHORS : Dr. Kuldeep , Manish Kumar 

ISBN : 9789357554763



Subject: Mathematics (Name of the Course: Calculus)

Course Code: B23-MAT-101


Unit I: ɛ-δ definition of limit and continuity of a real valued function, Basic properties of limits, Types of discontinuities, Differentiability of functions, Application of L’Hospital rule to indeterminate forms, Successive differentiation, Leibnitz theorem, Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series expansion with different forms of remainder.


Unit II: Asymptotes – Horizontal, vertical and oblique asymptotes for algebraic curves, Asymptotes for polar curves, Intersection of a curve and its asymptotes, Curvature and radius of curvature of curves (cartesian, parametric, polar and intrinsic forms), Newton’s method, Centre of curvature and circle of curvature.


Unit III: Multiple points, Node, Cusp, Conjugate point, Tests for concavity and convexity, Points of inflexion, Tracing of curves, Reduction formulae.


Unit IV: Rectification, intrinsic equation of a curve, Quadrature, Area bounded by closed curves, Volumes and surfaces of solids of revolution.



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bdkbZ II & vuarLi'khZ & chtxf.krh; oØksa ds fy, {kSfrt] Å/okZ/kj vkSj fr;Zd vuarLi'khZ] /kzqoh; oØksa ds fy, vuarLi'khZ] oØ vkSj mlds vuarLi'khZ dk çfrPNsnu] oØksa dh oØrk vkSj f=T;k ¼dkrhZ;] çkpfyd] /kzqoh; vkSj vkarfjd :i½] U;wVu dh fof/k] dsaæ oØrk dk vkSj oØrk o`Ùk dkA


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Name of the Course: Basic Calculus

Course Code: B23-MAT-103

Unit I: Limit and continuity of a real valued function, basic properties of limits, types of discontinuities, Differentiability of functions. Application of L’Hospital rule to Indeterminate forms.


Unit II: Successive differentiation, Leibnitz theorem (statement only), Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series expansions with different forms of remainder.


Unit III: Asymptotes – Horizontal, vertical and oblique asymptotes for algebraic curves, Asymptotes for polar curves, Intersection of a curve and its asymptotes.


Unit IV: Reduction formulae.


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dkslZ dksM& B23-MAT-103


bdkbZ I & okLrfod eku Qyu dh lhek vkSj lkaR;rk] lhekvksa ds ewy xq.k] vlkaR;rk ds çdkj] Qyuksa dh fHkUurkA vfuf'pr :iksa ds fy, L&g‚fLiVy fu;e dk vuqç;ksxA


bdkbZ II & mÙkjksÙkj vodyu] fyCuht çes; ¼dsoy dFku½] Vsyj vkSj eSdy‚fju dh Js.kh] 'ks"kQy ds fofHkUu :iksa ds vuqfn’k foLrkjA


bdkbZ III & vuarLi'khZ & chtxf.krh; oØksa ds fy, {kSfrt] Å/okZ/kj vkSj fr;Zd vuarLi'khZ] /kzqoh; oØksa ds fy, vuarLi'khZ] oØ dk çfrPNsnu vkSj mlds vuarLi'khZA


bdkbZ IV & leku;u lw=A

KUK/CRSU NEP2020/B.SC (Bilingual)/1/07
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