Management and Organisational Behaviour | MBA 1st Sem | JNTUK


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Buy Latest Management and Organisational Behaviour Book for Mba 1st Semester in English language specially designed for jntuk (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh) By Thakur publication.

ISBN: 978-93-6180-595-0

Authors- Dr. Saroj Kumar ,Mr. Vikrant Verma 



Course Code: C-101


Management and Organizational Behavior



Definition, Nature, Functions and Importance of Management Evolution of Management thought Scientific Management, Administrative Management, Haw Throne Experiments Systems Approach - Levels of Management Managerial Skills Planning Steps in Planning Process Importance and Limitations Types of Plans - Characteristics of a Sound Plan - Management by Objectives (MBO) - Techniques and Processes of Decision Making Social Responsibilities of Business



Organizing - Principles of Organizing - Organization Structure and Design - Types of Power Delegation of Authority and Factors Affecting Delegation Span of Control Decentralization - Line and Staff Structure Conflicts - Coordination Definition and Principles Emerging Trends in Corporate Structure Formal and Informal Organization- Nature and Importance of Controlling, Process of Controlling, Requirements of Effective Control and Controlling Techniques.



Organizational Behavior: Nature and Scope - Linkages with Other Social Sciences - Individual Roles and Organizational Goals Perspectives of Human Behavior Perception - Perceptual Process - Learning - Learning Process - Theories Personality and Individual Differences Determinants of Personality Values, Attitudes and Beliefs Thinking. Creativity and Creative



Motivation and Job Performance - Content and Process Theories of Motivation Leadership Styles - Approaches Challenges of Leaders in Globalized Era Groups - Stages Formation of Groups - Group Dynamics Collaborative Processes in Work Groups Johari Window- Transactional Analysis.



Organizational Conflict - Causes and Consequences- Conflict and Negotiation Team Building, Conflict Resolution in Groups and Problem Solving Techniques - Organizational Change Change Process - Resistance to Change - Creating an Ethical Organization.

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